Global classical solutions of the Boltzmann equation with long-range interactions
- PMID: 20231489
- PMCID: PMC2851887
- DOI: 10.1073/pnas.1001185107
Global classical solutions of the Boltzmann equation with long-range interactions
This is a brief announcement of our recent proof of global existence and rapid decay to equilibrium of classical solutions to the Boltzmann equation without any angular cutoff, that is, for long-range interactions. We consider perturbations of the Maxwellian equilibrium states and include the physical cross-sections arising from an inverse-power intermolecular potential r(-(p-1)) with p > 2, and more generally. We present here a mathematical framework for unique global in time solutions for all of these potentials. We consider it remarkable that this equation, derived by Boltzmann (1) in 1872 and Maxwell (2) in 1867, grants a basic example where a range of geometric fractional derivatives occur in a physical model of the natural world. Our methods provide a new understanding of the effects due to grazing collisions.
Conflict of interest statement
The authors declare no conflict of interest.
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