Übersetzung für '
hereditary' von Englisch nach Deutsch
| ADJ | hereditary | more hereditary | most hereditary |
| SYNO | ancestral | familial | genetic | ... |
ADJ positive | comparative | superlative
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Anwendungsbeispiele Englisch
- René Didisheim, was conferred hereditary nobility and created 1st Baron Didisheim (hereditary by male primogeniture) on 11 December 1984, for his services rendered to Belgium.
- For example, second countability and metrisability are hereditary properties. Sequentiality and Hausdorff compactness are weakly hereditary, but not hereditary. Connectivity is not weakly hereditary.
- The southern and northern zones differ in their political organization, with the south led by hereditary chieftains, while the north follows the self-made big man structure common in Melanesia.
- Some diseases are inherent abnormalities of skin structure or function. These include skin fragility syndrome (Ehlers-Danlos), hereditary hypotrichosis and congenital or hereditary alopecia.
- The leading line of the family were hereditary "coarbs "of Kilmacrennan, County Donegal.
- In 1914, Bonnevie began researching genetics and hereditary abnormalities.
- More importantly erythroid AE1 mutations cause 15–25% of cases of hereditary spherocytosis (a disorder associated with progressive red cell membrane loss), and also cause the hereditary conditions of hereditary stomatocytosis and Southeast Asian ovalocytosis.
- The erythrocyte model demonstrates the importance of the spectrin cytoskeleton in that mutations in spectrin commonly cause hereditary defects of the erythrocyte, including hereditary elliptocytosis and rarely hereditary spherocytosis.
- Nobility and hereditary titles were distinct: while all hereditary titleholders were noble, most nobles were untitled, although many assumed "titres de courtoisie".
- 75 excepted hereditary peers were elected by hereditary peers of three parties and crossbenchers in elections held from 3 to 4 November 1999.
- Non-hereditary retinoblastoma involves two mutations, one on each allele.
- Hereditary cancer syndromes underlie 5 to 10% of all cancers and there are over 50 identifiable hereditary forms of cancer.
- After Codrus's death, his sons Medon and Acastus either reigned as kings, or became hereditary archons.
- The European Registry of Hereditary Pancreatitis and Pancreatic Cancer (EUROPAC) was started by John Neoptolemos and colleagues in 1997 and has become the world’s most extensive study on hereditary pancreatic diseases.
- Hereditary pincer nails have been described although the genes or mutations causing the hereditary form seem to be unknown.
- A graph property is "hereditary" if it is preserved under deletion of vertices, or equivalently, if it is preserved under taking induced subgraphs, hence the name hereditary.
- William Osler remarked in 1888 that some cases may have a hereditary basis; he coined the term "hereditary angio-neurotic edema".
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