| ADJ | cracked | more cracked | most cracked |
| VERB | to crack | cracked | cracked cracking | cracks |
| SYNO | alligatored | balmy | barmy | ... |
ADJ positive | comparative | superlative
VERB to infinitive | simple past | past participle
present participle | 3rd person
| cracked {adj} {past-p} | gesprungen [Glas etc.] 1260 | |
| cracked {adj} [walls etc.] | rissig [Boden, Wand, Leder etc.] 473 | |
| cracked {adj} {past-p} | geknackt 118 | |
| cracked {past-p} | gekracht 74 | |
| cracked {adj} [coll.] [crazy] | verrückt [ugs.] [oft pej.] [geistig wirr] 71 | |
| cracked {adj} {past-p} | ausgebrochen [teilweise abgebrochen, gesprungen] 45 | |
| cracked {adj} [coll.] | aberwitzig 20 | |
| cracked {adj} {past-p} | gerissen [Holz etc.] 12 | |
| cracked {adj} [lips] | schartig [Lippen] 10 | |
| med. cracked {adj} [skin] | rhagadiform 8 | |
| sth. cracked [voice] | etw. überschlug sich | |
2 Wörter: Andere |
| cracked (up) {adj} {past-p} | geborsten | |
| more cracked {adj} | rissiger | |
| most cracked {adj} | rissigste | |
2 Wörter: Verben |
| to be cracked [coll.] | verrückt sein | |
| idiom to be cracked [coll.] [be crazy] | einen Sprung (in der Schüssel) haben [ugs.] [verrückt sein] | |
2 Wörter: Substantive |
| cracked concrete | Beton {m} mit gerissener Zugzone | |
| med. cracked heels | Schrunden {pl} [rissige Fersen] | |
| cosmet. cracked heels | rissige Fersen {pl} | |
| med. cracked rib | gebrochene Rippe {f} | |
| cracked soil | Knickboden {m} | |
| gastr. cracked wheat | Weizenschrot {m} | |
3 Wörter: Andere |
| idiom You've cracked it! | Du hast's erfasst! | |
3 Wörter: Substantive |
| pharm. cracked heel ointment | Schrundensalbe {f} | |
| dent. cracked tooth syndrome | Cracked-Tooth-Syndrom {n} | |
4 Wörter: Andere |
| idiom He cracked me up. | Der war zum Schreien. | |
5+ Wörter: Andere |
| XYZ isn't all it's cracked up to be. [idiom] | Mit XYZ ist es auch nicht sehr weit her. [Redewendung] | |
Taxa/Spezies (Tiere, Pflanzen, Pilze) |
| mycol.T cracked earthscale [Agrocybe dura, syn.: A. molesta] | Weißer Ackerling {m} | |
| mycol.T cracked earthscale [Agrocybe dura, syn.: A. molesta] | Rissiger Ackerling {m} | |
| mycol.T cracked-top agrocybe [Agrocybe dura, syn.: A. molesta, Pholiota dura] | Weißer Ackerling {m} | |
| mycol.T cracked-top agrocybe [Agrocybe dura, syn.: A. molesta, Pholiota dura] | Rissiger Ackerling {m} | |
| mycol.T red-cracked bolete [Xerocomellus chrysenteron, syn.: Boletus chrysenteron, Xerocomus chrysenteron] | Echter Rotfußröhrling {m} | |
| mycol.T red-cracked bolete [Xerocomellus chrysenteron, syn.: Boletus chrysenteron, Xerocomus chrysenteron] | Gemeiner Rotfußröhrling {m} | |
| mycol.T red-cracked bolete [Xerocomellus chrysenteron, syn.: Boletus chrysenteron, Xerocomus chrysenteron] | Rotfüßchen {n} [Echter Rotfußröhrling] | |
| mycol.T yellow-cracked bolete [Boletus subtomentosus, syn.: Xerocomus subtomentosus] | Ziegenlippe {f} | |
| mycol.T yellow-cracked bolete [Boletus subtomentosus, syn.: Xerocomus subtomentosus] | Filziger Röhrling {m} | |
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Anwendungsbeispiele Englisch
- A cracked pipe can lead to a broken string. Extra care is taken when tripping for one so that too much pull does not cause the cracked pipe to snap.
- López Jaén cracked the top-300 as a 20-year-old in 2003, but was sidelined by injury early in 2004. He regained his form in 2007, when he again cracked the top-300 late in the year.
- If an egg is cracked, then it belongs to the child whose egg cracked it.
- In other cases, fire-cracked rock results from stone being used to heat or boil water.
- 11 encryption algorithm called WEP (short for Wired Equivalent Privacy) used a short, 24-bit IV, leading to reused IVs with the same key, which led to it being easily cracked.
- Damage from shock cooling is most commonly believed to manifest itself as stuck valves, cracked pistons and cracked cylinders.
- , including shattered windows, doors blown off their hinges, cracked windows and injuries from flying glass and debris.
- Windows Media DRM is designed to be renewable, that is, it is designed on the assumption that it will be cracked and must be constantly updated by Microsoft.
- Anchors, experimentally show a lower load-bearing capacity when installed in a cracked concrete member.
- Bacteria can enter the breast through cracked nipples, which increase the risk of mastitis. Candida infection (thrush) of the nipple can also occur, resulting in deep-pink, cracked, and sore nipples.
- Software cracking (known as "breaking" mostly in the 1980s The distribution of cracked copies is illegal in most countries. ...
- The red-cracked bolete ("Xerocomellus chrysenteron") has an olive-brown cap that cracks, exposing flesh that ages to pinkish red.
- This layer was then uplifted and cracked over thousands of years.
- Typically employed at large railway stations and in goods yards, they tap wheels with a long-handled hammer and listen to the sound made to determine the integrity of the wheel; cracked wheels, like cracked bells, do not sound the same as their intact counterparts (they do not "ring true").
- The AGA version of "Naughty Ones" was cracked by Crystal (though released under the Paradox label; the OCS version was cracked by a group called Kingdom).
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