| NOUN | a miller | millers |
| SYNO | Alton Glenn Miller | Arthur Miller | Glenn Miller | ... |
NOUN article.ind sg | pl
| jobs miller | Müller {m} 82 | |
| entom.T miller [Acronicta leporina] [moth] | Pudel {m} [Nachtfalterspezies] | |
| entom.T miller [Acronicta leporina] [moth] | Wolleule {f} [Nachtfalterspezies] | |
| entom.T miller [Acronicta leporina] [moth] | Pudel-Wolleule {f} [Nachtfalterspezies] | |
| entom.T miller [Acronicta leporina] [moth] | Woll-Rindeneule {f} [Nachtfalterspezies] | |
| jobs miller [female] | Müllerin {f} | |
| miller [owner of a windmill] | Windmüller {m} | |
2 Wörter: Substantive |
| jobs feed miller | Futtermüller {m} | |
| filmlaw Miller decision | Miller-Urteil {n} | |
| geogr. Miller Glacier | Miller-Gletscher {m} | |
| material Miller indices | Miller'sche Indizes {pl} | |
| geogr. Miller Peak | Miller Peak {m} | |
| med. miller's asthma | Bäckerasthma {n} | |
| med. miller's asthma | Bäckerkrankheit {f} [allergisches Asthma] | |
| jobs miller's boy [dated] | Mühlbursch {m} [veraltet] | |
| med. miller's lung [of wheat flour mill workers] | Mehlstaublunge {f} [Mehllunge der Müller] | |
| miller's wife | Müllerin {f} [Müllersfrau] [veraltet] | |
| geogr. Mount Miller | Mount Miller {m} | |
| jobs paper miller [producer of paper] | Papiermüller {m} [veraltet] [Papierhersteller] | |
| road miller | Straßenfräse {f} | |
| jobs saw miller | Sägemüller {m} [veraltet] | |
| jobs saw miller [female] | Sägemüllerin {f} [veraltet] | |
3 Wörter: Andere |
| film Editor - John Miller [film editing by John Miller] | Schnitt: John Miller [z. B. im Abspann eines Films] | |
3 Wörter: Substantive |
| chem. Doebner-Miller reaction | Doebner-Miller-Reaktion {f} | |
| econ. Modigliani-Miller theorem | Modigliani-Miller-Theorem {n} | |
4 Wörter: Substantive |
| dent. Miller's theory of caries | Miller-Kariestheorie {f} | |
5+ Wörter: Andere |
| I consider Mr Miller to be honest. | Ich halte Herrn Miller für ehrlich. | |
| Mr. Miller lives on a private income. | Herr Miller lebt als Privatier. | |
5+ Wörter: Substantive |
| med.MedTech. Miller-Abbott's / Miller-Abbott tube | Miller-Abbott-Sonde {f} | |
Fiktion (Literatur und Film) |
| filmF McCabe & Mrs. Miller [Robert Altman] | McCabe & Mrs. Miller | |
| filmF The Glenn Miller Story [Anthony Mann] | Die Glenn Miller Story | |
| lit.F The Poor Miller's Boy and the Cat [Grimm Brothers] | Der arme Müllersbursch und das Kätzchen [Brüder Grimm] | |
Taxa/Spezies (Tiere, Pflanzen, Pilze) |
| bot.T (silverlace) dusty miller [Tanacetum ptarmiciflorum, syn.: Chrysanthemum ptarmiciflorum] | Silber-Wucherblume / Silberwucherblume {f} | |
| bot.T dusty miller [Jacobaea maritima, syn.: Senecio cineraria] [silver ragwort] | Aschenpflanze {f} | |
| bot.T dusty miller [Jacobaea maritima, syn.: Senecio cineraria] [silver ragwort] | Zweifarbiges Greiskraut {n} | |
| bot.T dusty miller [Jacobaea maritima, syn.: Senecio cineraria] [silver ragwort] | Weißfilziges Greiskraut {n} | |
| bot.T dusty miller [Jacobaea maritima, syn.: Senecio cineraria] [silver ragwort] | Silberfarbiges Greiskraut {n} | |
| bot.T dusty miller [Jacobaea maritima, syn.: Senecio cineraria] [silver ragwort] | Silberblatt {n} [Weißfilziges Greiskraut] | |
| bot.T dusty miller [Lychnis coronaria] | Vexiernelke {f} | |
| bot.T dusty miller / dusty-miller [Cerastium tomentosum] | Filziges Hornkraut {n} | |
| bot.T dusty miller / dusty-miller [Lychnis coronaria, syn.: Agrostemma coronaria, Coronaria coriacea, Silene coronaria] | Vexiernelke {f} | |
| bot.T dusty miller / dusty-miller [Lychnis coronaria, syn.: Agrostemma coronaria, Coronaria coriacea, Silene coronaria] | Kronen-Lichtnelke {f} | |
| bot.T dusty miller sagewort [Artemisia stellerina] | Chrysanthemum-Wermut {m} | |
| zool.T Miller's (monk) saki [Pithecia milleri] | Millers Mönchsaffe {m} | |
| zool.T Miller's langur [Presbytis canicrus] | Kalimantan-Langur {m} | |
| zool.T Miller's long-tongued bat [Glossophaga longirostris] | Miller-Blütenfledermaus {f} | |
| entom.T Miller's nettle-tap [Prochoreutis myllerana] [moth] | Myllers Helmkraut-Spreizflügelfalter {m} [Nachtfalterspezies] | |
| orn.T Miller's rail [Porzana nigra] [extinct] | Miller-Sumpfhuhn {n} [ausgestorben] | |
| fishT miller's thumb [Br.] [Cottus gobio, syn.: Cottus ferrugineus] [European bullhead] | Groppe {f} | |
| fishT miller's thumb [Br.] [Cottus gobio, syn.: Cottus ferrugineus] [European bullhead] | Westgroppe {f} | |
| fishT miller's thumb [Br.] [Cottus gobio, syn.: Cottus ferrugineus] [European bullhead] | Dolm {m} [Groppe] | |
| fishT miller's thumb [Br.] [Cottus gobio, syn.: Cottus ferrugineus] [European bullhead] | Koppe {f} [Groppe] | |
| fishT miller's thumb [Br.] [Cottus gobio, syn.: Cottus ferrugineus] [European bullhead] | Kaulkopf {m} [Groppe] | |
| fishT miller's thumb [Br.] [Cottus gobio, syn.: Cottus ferrugineus] [European bullhead] | Rotzkopf {m} [Groppe] | |
| fishT miller's thumb [Br.] [Cottus gobio, syn.: Cottus ferrugineus] [European bullhead] | Dickkopf {m} [Groppe] | |
| fishT miller's thumb [Br.] [Cottus gobio, syn.: Cottus ferrugineus] [European bullhead] | Mühlkoppe {f} [Groppe] | |
| fishT miller's thumb [Br.] [Cottus gobio, syn.: Cottus ferrugineus] [European bullhead] | Müllerkopf {m} [Groppe] | |
| fishT miller's thumb [Br.] [Cottus gobio, syn.: Cottus ferrugineus] [European bullhead] | Müllerkoppe {f} [Groppe] | |
| zool.T Miller's water shrew [Neomys anomalus] | Sumpfspitzmaus {f} | |
| bot.T trailing dusty-miller [Helichrysum petiolare] | Lakritz-Strohblume {f} | |
Neue Wörterbuch-Abfrage: Einfach jetzt tippen!
- Miller Peak {m} = Miller Peak
- Miller-Gletscher {m} = Miller Glacier
- Miller-Kariestheorie {f} = Miller's theory of caries
alle anzeigen ...Anwendungsbeispiele Englisch
- The miller has pink spores whereas those of the fools funnel are white, the gills of the miller are more easily pulled away, and the miller smells of raw pastry.
- William Hudson was the miller from 1847 - 1855. Thomas Clark (1838–1929) was the miller through the second half of the nineteenth century, taking the mill c1861.
- That night, guests are at the miller's house. The miller dances to entertain them.
- As an important part of his job, the miller repeatedly takes into his hand samples of the ground meal coming out of the spout in order to feel the quality and character of the product.
- Trained in agricultural pursuits as a youth, Christian Ley subsequently became a miller during his early adult years.
- Laws in the 18th century accommodated the miller. One story of Miller was that as the minister was doing a sermon he heard the whispering wind outside.
- On average half a day per week prospective millers are taught the theory and practice of operating a windmill by a miller at an appointed training mill.
- From the years of 1917 to 1926 Miller's business required him to live in Cedar Rapids, Iowa.
- The miller's house and the mill have remained relatively original since their construction in the 1820s.
- People used to believe that actual goblins lived in the small caves and helped a miller close to the caves.
- "The Miller's Tale" is told by a drunken miller to [...] (requite) "The Knight's Tale". The word [...] here means to make repayment for a service – in this case, telling stories.
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