Übersetzung für '
[wean]' von Englisch nach Deutsch
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- Many South Africans believe the roots can cure insanity. Some Mozambicans feed them to infants to wean them from their mother's breast.
- For these reasons, the government sought to wean the Catholic masses away from the hierarchy and the Centre Party and the liberal's demands to curb the power of the churches meshed well with Bismarck's main political objective to crush the Centre Party.
- On the advice of his lawyer, Haim went to a physician in California with the goal of sticking to a program to wean off pills without multiple doctors in order to demonstrate that he was working toward getting clean.
- In "Winning Our Energy Independence", he wrote that there is the renewable energy needed to wean society from the Three Poisons: foreign oil, dirty coal, and dangerous nuclear power.
- In addition, once the mother begins to wean her child, the first food is very important.
- Singh, however, said that a "peaceful campaign" to wean locals away from supporting Maoists would continue.
- Bill tries to purchase a doughnut franchise through the Whitmans, to wean himself and his wife off Jacoby's finances.
- Bride and her "wean", for the newly renovated Partick Station.
- If left together, the mother will often wait months to wean her kittens, even though their development is fairly rapid once they leave the nest box.
- In 2017, Maili participated in the "Restart" program on channel 10 that seeks to assist people to wean themselves off an unhealthy lifestyle and return them to a normative and sound life path.
- His new cookbook, "Wean in 15" was released on 14 May and focuses on 'weaning babies onto solid food and recipes for time-pressed parents'.
- She resolves to help Angelo and ‘wean’ him off his mistress.
- In Mauritius it was traditionally used as a medicine for muscle-pain and its sap was applied to mothers' nipples to wean infants.
- Instead, he supports increased federal investment in hybrid and alternative fuel technology to help wean the United States off of foreign oil.
- In 2011, she oversaw the Danish government's plan to wean itself off coal, oil and natural gas by 2050 by boosting energy efficiency and the use of renewable energy sources.
- The intensive care Respiratory Rehabilitation Unit treats patients so as to wean them off artificial ventilation, achieve the best possible regulation of ventilation for patients who need continued ventilation and determine correct ventilation treatment for patients with respiratory failure.
- to wean itself from foreign oil rather than any concern about climate change.
- The infants are weaned at a higher age than most Asian colobines.
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