| [you] are [said to two or more people] | [ihr] seid 1197 | |
| [you] have [said to two or more people] | [ihr] habt 918 | |
| [you] do [said to two or more people] | [ihr] tut 674 | |
| Hark! [literary] [to several people] | Hört! 515 | |
| sluggish {adj} [of people, rivers] [also med.] | faul [träge] 439 | |
| [you] might [said to two or more people] | [ihr] könntet 403 | |
| relig. divine {adj} [services, objects, etc., but not people] | religiös 350 | |
| [you] did [said to two or more people] | [ihr] tatet 163 | |
| sprightly {adj} [old people] | rüstig 161 | |
| common {adj} [people, soldier etc.] | einfach [Leute, Soldaten etc.] 160 | |
| mutinous {adj} [esp. of young people] | aufmüpfig [österr.] [sonst regional] 113 | |
| accessible {adj} [for people with impairments / disabilities] | barrierefrei [behindertengerecht] 109 | |
| indigenous {adj} [people] | eingesessen [einheimisch] 105 | |
| [you] may [are permitted] [said to two or more people] | [ihr] dürft 79 | |
| stiff {adj} [of people] | hölzern [fig.] [steif] 71 | |
| [you] were [informally addressing two or more people] | [ihr] wart 70 | |
| popular {adj} [of the people] | volkstümlich 67 | |
| some {pron} [some people] | manche [manche Menschen, einige Leute] 64 | |
| spritely {adj} [of old people] [spv.] | rüstig 64 | |
| [you] should [said to two or more people] | [ihr] solltet 49 | |
| inclusive {adj} [not excluding any particular groups of people] | offen [für jedermann frei zugänglich] 46 | |
| [you] will [said to two or more people] | [ihr] werdet 44 | |
| sharp {adj} [smart, esp. of children, young people] | aufgeweckt 41 | |
| caring {adj} [for other people. esp. those ill or in need] | zugewandt [für andere Menschen offen] 38 | |
| [you] can [said to two or more people] | [ihr] könnt 37 | |
| impertinent {adj} [of children, young people] | ungezogen [frech] 36 | |
| [you] could [were able] [said to two or more people] | [ihr] konntet 35 | |
| lined {adj} [old people] | faltig 34 | |
| accessible {adj} [for people with impairments / disabilities] | behindertengerecht 27 | |
| displaced {adj} {past-p} [people] | vertrieben [Menschen] 27 | |
| archi. accessibly {adv} [for people with impairments / disabilities] | barrierefrei [behindertengerecht] 21 | |
| among {prep} [e.g. other people] | bei [+Dat.] [(mitten) unter, in der Menge] 20 | |
| [you] had [said to two or more people] | [ihr] hattet 16 | |
| sociol. [having a disproportionate number of old people] {adj} | überaltert 14 | |
| sociol. black {adj} [often cap.] [people, community, literature, etc.] | 10 farbig [„schwarz“ (in Bezug auf die Hautfarbe)] [pej.] [veraltend] | |
| common {adj} [of people, language] | gschert [österr.] [südd.] [ugs.] [ordinär] 8 | |
| handtame {adj} [spv.] [fig.] [of people: mild, meek] | 8 handzahm [fig.] [von Personen: leicht zu beeinflussen, zu behandeln] | |
| Romance {adj} [people, culture] | welsch [veraltet] [pej.] [romanisch] 8 | |
| nuts {adj} [coll.] [pred.] [esp. people] | durchgedreht [ugs.] [insb. Menschen] 7 | |
| [you] can't [cannot] [said to two or more people] | [ihr] könnt nicht | |
| [you] cannot [said to two or more people] | [ihr] könnt nicht | |
| [you] mustn't [said to two or more people] | [ihr] dürft nicht | |
| accessibly {adv} [for people with impairments / disabilities] | behindertengerecht | |
| approachable {adj} [accessible to most people] | zum Anfassen [nachgestellt] [ugs.] | |
| aswarm {adj} [postpos.] [e.g. with people] | wimmelnd [z. B. von Menschen] | |
| circa {prep} <ca.> [a hundred people] | an die [hundert Leute] | |
| damaged {adj} [by social factors] [people] | milieugeschädigt | |
| Don't! [said to two or more people] | Tut es nicht! | |
| germane {adj} [obs.] [of people, closely related] | nah verwandt | |
| idle {adj} [of people: unemployed] | ohne Beschäftigung [arbeitslos] | |
| ungeprüft Jinx! [Exclamation, used when two people say the same thing at the same time] | Verhext! [Ausruf, nachdem zwei Personen gleichzeitig dasselbe gesagt haben] | |
| Latin {adj} [people, culture] | welsch [veraltet] [pej.] [romanisch] | |
| mil. military {adj} [people, life, etc.] | soldatisch | |
| See? [said to two or more other people] | Seht ihr? | |
| ethn.ling. Shastan {adj} [of or relating to the Shasta people or their language] | Shasta- [bezogen auf den Stamm der Shasta bzw. deren Sprache] | |
| strict {adj} [of people; severe] | gestreng [veraltend] [auch hum. oder ironisch] | |
| unpopulated {adj} [without people] | unbelebt [ohne Leute] | |
| you're [you are] [said to two or more people] | ihr seid | |
Verben |
| to gather [esp. of people] | versammeln 1205 | |
| to surge [of a crowd, people] | fluten 1145 | |
| to settle sb./sth. [people, animals] | jdn./etw. ansiedeln [Menschen, Tiere] 825 | |
| to drive [animals, people, leaves] | treiben 801 | |
| to assemble sb. [people] | jdn. versammeln 685 | |
| to approach [troops, groups of people] | anrücken 565 | |
| to grind [people] | schinden [Menschen, bes. Arbeitskräfte] 467 | |
| to grunt [of people] | knurren 435 | |
| to unite sb./sth. [people / groups of people] | 422 jdn./etw. einigen [Personen / Personengruppen einig machen, zu einer Einheit verbinden] | |
| to scatter [disperse] [people] | versprengen [Menschen] 384 | |
| to fly [of people] | sausen 379 | |
| to funnel [of people] | drängen [in Bewegung Richtung Ziel] 232 | |
| to muster sb. [people] | jdn. versammeln [Personen] 198 | |
| to converge [of people, rivers] | zusammenströmen 182 | |
| to scatter sb./sth. [people, animals by force] | jdn./etw. auseinanderjagen 90 | |
| to muster [people, forces] | zusammentrommeln 82 | |
| to jam [people, animals] | pferchen 75 | |
| to oppress [nation, people] | vergewaltigen [fig.] 63 | |
| to needle sb./sth. [coll.] [fig.] [hassle, annoy: people as well as institutions] | 62 jdn./etw. piesacken [ugs.] [sticheln, reizen, provozieren] | |
| to unify sb./sth. [people / groups of people] | 50 jdn./etw. einigen [Personen / Personengruppen einig machen, zu einer Einheit verbinden] | |
| to lack [Ex.: Some people lack humour.] | 45 jdm. abgehen [fehlen, mangeln] [Bsp.: Einigen Leuten geht der Humor ab.] | |
| to smuggle [people] | schleppen [Menschen schmuggeln] 24 | |
| to circulate sth. [a story, etc. by telling other people] | 18 etw.Akk. weitererzählen [verbreiten, ausplaudern] | |
| to broadcast sth. [tell to many people] | etw.Akk. rumposaunen [ugs.] [herumposaunen] 12 | |
| gastr. [to feed masses of people in a rough-and-ready way] | jdn. abfüttern [ugs.] [(Menschen in der Gruppe) zu essen geben] | |
| to collect [gather] [of people] | sich versammeln | |
| to converge [people, vehicles] | sich zusammenfinden | |
| to dehumanise sb./sth. [Br.] [people, politics, etc.] | jdn./etw. enthumanisieren [Menschen, Politik etc.] | |
| to embrace [two or more people] | sichAkk. umarmen | |
| to front sth. [be the most prominent member in a group of people] | Frontmann von etw.Dat. sein | |
| to gather [esp. people] | sich versammeln | |
| to intercommunicate [people etc.] | miteinander kommunizieren | |
| to intercommunicate [people; rooms] | (miteinander) in Verbindung stehen [Menschen: kommunizieren; Zimmer: zusammenhängen] | |
| to join (sth.) [an event, a group of people] | (bei / zu etw.Dat.) dazukommen [zu einem Geschehen, einem Personenkreis] | |
| to network [interact socially (people, organizations)] | sich (untereinander / miteinander) vernetzen [Personen, Organisationen] | |
| to pack sth. [crowd a room with people] | etw.Akk. füllen [einen Raum dicht besetzen] | |
| to scatter [of people, animals] | sich zerstreuen [auseinanderlaufen, auseinandergehen] | |
| to sit sb. [be large enough for a specified number of seated people] | jdm. Platz bieten [(einer bestimmten Anzahl von Menschen) Platz zum Sitzen bieten] | |
| to snare sth. [get sth. in a clever way or by deceiving people] | sichDat. etw.Akk. unter den Nagel reißen [ugs.] [Redewendung] | |
| to socialise [Br.] [meet people] | unter (die) Leute kommen | |
Substantive |
| bunch [of people] [coll.] | Haufen {m} [ugs.] [Menschen] 2533 | |
| order [the way in which people or things are placed or arranged in relation to each other] | Reihenfolge {f} 1958 | |
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Übersetzung für '[people]' von Englisch nach Deutsch
- [you] are [said to two or more people]
- [ihr] seid
- [you] have [said to two or more people]
- [ihr] habt
- [you] do [said to two or more people]
- [ihr] tut
- Hark! [literary] [to several people]
- Hört!
- sluggish {adj} [of people, rivers] [also med.]
- faul [träge]
- [you] might [said to two or more people]
- [ihr] könntet
- divine {adj} [services, objects, etc., but not people]
- religiösrelig.
- [you] did [said to two or more people]
- [ihr] tatet
- sprightly {adj} [old people]
- rüstig
- common {adj} [people, soldier etc.]
- einfach [Leute, Soldaten etc.]
- mutinous {adj} [esp. of young people]
- aufmüpfig [österr.] [sonst regional]
- accessible {adj} [for people with impairments / disabilities]
- barrierefrei [behindertengerecht]
- indigenous {adj} [people]
- eingesessen [einheimisch]
- [you] may [are permitted] [said to two or more people]
- [ihr] dürft
- stiff {adj} [of people]
- hölzern [fig.] [steif]
- [you] were [informally addressing two or more people]
- [ihr] wart
- popular {adj} [of the people]
- volkstümlich
- some {pron} [some people]
- manche [manche Menschen, einige Leute]
- spritely {adj} [of old people] [spv.]
- rüstig
- [you] should [said to two or more people]
- [ihr] solltet
- inclusive {adj} [not excluding any particular groups of people]
- offen [für jedermann frei zugänglich]
- [you] will [said to two or more people]
- [ihr] werdet
- sharp {adj} [smart, esp. of children, young people]
- aufgeweckt
- caring {adj} [for other people. esp. those ill or in need]
- zugewandt [für andere Menschen offen]
- [you] can [said to two or more people]
- [ihr] könnt
- impertinent {adj} [of children, young people]
- ungezogen [frech]
- [you] could [were able] [said to two or more people]
- [ihr] konntet
- lined {adj} [old people]
- faltig
- displaced {adj} {past-p} [people]
- vertrieben [Menschen]
- accessibly {adv} [for people with impairments / disabilities]
- barrierefrei [behindertengerecht]archi.
- among {prep} [e.g. other people]
- bei [+Dat.] [(mitten) unter, in der Menge]
- [you] had [said to two or more people]
- [ihr] hattet
- [having a disproportionate number of old people] {adj}
- überaltertsociol.
- black {adj} [often cap.] [people, community, literature, etc.]
- farbig [„schwarz“ (in Bezug auf die Hautfarbe)] [pej.] [veraltend]sociol.
- common {adj} [of people, language]
- gschert [österr.] [südd.] [ugs.] [ordinär]
- handtame {adj} [spv.] [fig.] [of people: mild, meek]
- handzahm [fig.] [von Personen: leicht zu beeinflussen, zu behandeln]
- Romance {adj} [people, culture]
- welsch [veraltet] [pej.] [romanisch]
- nuts {adj} [coll.] [pred.] [esp. people]
- durchgedreht [ugs.] [insb. Menschen]
- [you] can't [cannot] [said to two or more people]
- [ihr] könnt nicht
- [you] cannot [said to two or more people]
- [ihr] könnt nicht
- [you] mustn't [said to two or more people]
- [ihr] dürft nicht
- approachable {adj} [accessible to most people]
- zum Anfassen [nachgestellt] [ugs.]
- aswarm {adj} [postpos.] [e.g. with people]
- wimmelnd [z. B. von Menschen]
- circa {prep} <ca.> [a hundred people]
- an die [hundert Leute]
- damaged {adj} [by social factors] [people]
- milieugeschädigt
- Don't! [said to two or more people]
- Tut es nicht!
- germane {adj} [obs.] [of people, closely related]
- nah verwandt
- idle {adj} [of people: unemployed]
- ohne Beschäftigung [arbeitslos]
- Jinx! [Exclamation, used when two people say the same thing at the same time]
- ungeprüft Verhext! [Ausruf, nachdem zwei Personen gleichzeitig dasselbe gesagt haben]
- Latin {adj} [people, culture]
- welsch [veraltet] [pej.] [romanisch]
- military {adj} [people, life, etc.]
- soldatischmil.
- See? [said to two or more other people]
- Seht ihr?
- Shastan {adj} [of or relating to the Shasta people or their language]
- Shasta- [bezogen auf den Stamm der Shasta bzw. deren Sprache]ethn.ling.
- strict {adj} [of people; severe]
- gestreng [veraltend] [auch hum. oder ironisch]
- unpopulated {adj} [without people]
- unbelebt [ohne Leute]
- you're [you are] [said to two or more people]
- ihr seid
- to gather [esp. of people]
- versammeln
- to surge [of a crowd, people]
- fluten
- to settle sb./sth. [people, animals]
- jdn./etw. ansiedeln [Menschen, Tiere]
- to drive [animals, people, leaves]
- treiben
- to assemble sb. [people]
- jdn. versammeln
- to approach [troops, groups of people]
- anrücken
- to grind [people]
- schinden [Menschen, bes. Arbeitskräfte]
- to grunt [of people]
- knurren
- to unite sb./sth. [people / groups of people]
- jdn./etw. einigen [Personen / Personengruppen einig machen, zu einer Einheit verbinden]
- to scatter [disperse] [people]
- versprengen [Menschen]
- to fly [of people]
- sausen
- to funnel [of people]
- drängen [in Bewegung Richtung Ziel]
- to muster sb. [people]
- jdn. versammeln [Personen]
- to converge [of people, rivers]
- zusammenströmen
- to scatter sb./sth. [people, animals by force]
- jdn./etw. auseinanderjagen
- to muster [people, forces]
- zusammentrommeln
- to jam [people, animals]
- pferchen
- to oppress [nation, people]
- vergewaltigen [fig.]
- to needle sb./sth. [coll.] [fig.] [hassle, annoy: people as well as institutions]
- jdn./etw. piesacken [ugs.] [sticheln, reizen, provozieren]
- to unify sb./sth. [people / groups of people]
- jdn./etw. einigen [Personen / Personengruppen einig machen, zu einer Einheit verbinden]
- to lack [Ex.: Some people lack humour.]
- jdm. abgehen [fehlen, mangeln] [Bsp.: Einigen Leuten geht der Humor ab.]
- to smuggle [people]
- schleppen [Menschen schmuggeln]
- to circulate sth. [a story, etc. by telling other people]
- etw.Akk. weitererzählen [verbreiten, ausplaudern]
- to broadcast sth. [tell to many people]
- etw.Akk. rumposaunen [ugs.] [herumposaunen]
- [to feed masses of people in a rough-and-ready way]
- jdn. abfüttern [ugs.] [(Menschen in der Gruppe) zu essen geben]gastr.
- to collect [gather] [of people]
- sich versammeln
- to converge [people, vehicles]
- sich zusammenfinden
- to dehumanise sb./sth. [Br.] [people, politics, etc.]
- jdn./etw. enthumanisieren [Menschen, Politik etc.]
- to embrace [two or more people]
- sichAkk. umarmen
- to front sth. [be the most prominent member in a group of people]
- Frontmann von etw.Dat. sein
- to gather [esp. people]
- sich versammeln
- to intercommunicate [people etc.]
- miteinander kommunizieren
- to intercommunicate [people; rooms]
- (miteinander) in Verbindung stehen [Menschen: kommunizieren; Zimmer: zusammenhängen]
- to join (sth.) [an event, a group of people]
- (bei / zu etw.Dat.) dazukommen [zu einem Geschehen, einem Personenkreis]
- to network [interact socially (people, organizations)]
- sich (untereinander / miteinander) vernetzen [Personen, Organisationen]
- to pack sth. [crowd a room with people]
- etw.Akk. füllen [einen Raum dicht besetzen]
- to scatter [of people, animals]
- sich zerstreuen [auseinanderlaufen, auseinandergehen]
- to sit sb. [be large enough for a specified number of seated people]
- jdm. Platz bieten [(einer bestimmten Anzahl von Menschen) Platz zum Sitzen bieten]
- to snare sth. [get sth. in a clever way or by deceiving people]
- sichDat. etw.Akk. unter den Nagel reißen [ugs.] [Redewendung]
- to socialise [Br.] [meet people]
- unter (die) Leute kommen
- bunch [of people] [coll.]
- Haufen {m} [ugs.] [Menschen]
- order [the way in which people or things are placed or arranged in relation to each other]
- Reihenfolge {f}
- Ruhe im Karton! [ugs.] [Redewendung] [used in the classroom or with a larger group of people] = Shut up (all of you)! [coll.]
- Grüß sie von mir! [several people] = Tell them I asked for them.
alle anzeigen ...Anwendungsbeispiele Englisch
- 3. Age Range: (Children under 18 - 1938 people),(18-35 g. - 1532 people), (36-59 g. - 2469 people), (60 and older - 2395 people).
- By the end German bombs had killed 2,716 people in Liverpool, 442 people in Birkenhead, 409 people in Bootle and 332 people in Wallasey.
- Teochew people and Hainanese people may occasionally be included as Minnan people.
- Qualifying 3 Zhuo 12 people (6 people advance, ten seed), the quarter-finals involve 4 Zhuo 16 people (eight people advance), the semi-finals involve 2 Zhuo 8 people (4 people advance), and the finals are done in groups of 4 people.
- According to the census held in 1660 the population of Sumy was 2740 people. In 1732 it was 7700 people, in 1773 — 9380 people, in 1850 — 10,256 people, in 1898 — 26,355 people.
- Large number of Jains live in Morang (970 people), Kathmandu (829 people), Sunsari District (388 people), Jhapa (248 people) and Saptari (188 people).
- Transitional people between Celts and Italics? Celticized Italic people? Para-Celtic people?
- The census found 3,017 Pardo (multiracial) people (53.8%), 2,247 White people (40.0%), 313 Black people (5.6%) and 32 Asian people (0.6%).
- Ibeno people are ancestrally related to the Andoni people and Oron people in origin.
- The Wa people live alongside Bulang people and Dai people in Mangba 芒坝 and Tuanliangzi 团梁子 ("Simao Prefecture Almanac" 1993:482). They numbered 1,627 people as of 1990.
- The end user software, known as [...] manager, works to connect people in three ways. Either people-to-people, people-to-places, or people-to-services.
- These margas are also found among other Batak people such as Alas people, Karo people and Pakpak people; except for Caniago which are believed to be the descendants of Minangkabau people that have assimilated with the Kluet people centuries ago.
- Sanapaná people call themselves "nenlhet"; Enxet people call Sanapaná people "saapa'ang"; Guaná people call them "kasnapan"; and Enlhet people, "kelya'mok".
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