Roman Soup
元の歌詞を見るにはここをクリック (イタリア語)
Fried scampi and chianti, squids
here is the Roman Soup for me.
Macaroni, canneloni, peppers
here is the Roman Soup for me.
Beautiful woman mamma mia, foods, hello.
Rome, Rome, Naples, my love.
Mozzarella, mortadella, tarantella
here is the Roman Soup for me.
Please: Mineral water
special grappa, mussels and clams.
Please: Spinach pie
blue cheese, Coca-Cola.
Zabajone, minestrone, topless
here is the Roman Soup for me.
Fettucine, scaloppine, fried zucchini
but for me Roman Soup.
Beautiful woman, mamma mia, foods, hello.
Rome, Rome, Naples, my love.
Dry wine, Amaretto, Rigoletto
here is the Roman Soup for me.
Please: Mixed salad
Bella Vista pizza
Girl how are yoou?
Please: Mixed cheeses
Beirut and Caracci
A carpaccio with cheese.
Capuccinos, langostini, tortellini
here is the Roman Soup for me.
Shrimps with spaghetti, cigarettes
here is the Roman Soup for me
Beautiful woman, mamma mia, foods, hello.
Rome Rome Naples my love.
Sea fights, try it, cook it
Here is the Roman Soup for me
Roman soup, Roman soup.
Russia is waging a disgraceful war on Ukraine. ウクライナとともに立ち上がれ!
ウクライナをどのように支援できるか 🇺🇦 ❤️
名前: Alessio Mistretta/Alesci Mistritta
役割: Master
投稿:545 回翻訳した, 33件の歌詞を音訳した, 41の曲, 306回 感謝された, 47件のリクエストを解決した 29人のメンバーの方を助けました, 1件の書き起こしリクエストを遂行した, added 132 idioms, 273件のイディオムを説明しました, 96件のコメントを残しました, added 6 annotations
言語: 母国語 イタリア語, シチリア語, 流暢 IPA, ナポリ語, サレント語, トランスリタレーション, advanced 英語, beginner アラビア語
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