さよならと きみがつぶやいた
なんて ありきたりで くだらないぼくら
なにが ぼくらを 暗くさせた
ただ 幼すぎたのか
それとも きみが
英雄のなりそこねが きみで
それを信じたばかが ぼく
ありきたりな ぼくらの
ありきたりな 最後のシーン
抱いても くれないなら
せめて 先に出ておくれよ
あれから 一度だけ見かけた
きみは まるでぼくになど目もくれずに
しあわせになんか ならないで
だれかのふしあわせに かなしむ
きみを あいしていた
英雄では なくても
ともだちとしてでは なくても
もう 朝がこなくても
すべて まぼろしでも
ありきたりな ぼくらの
ありきたりな 季節の中で
まだ いまも思い出す
幼すぎた ぼくらの
2023-11-24にUnaDripper さんによって投稿されました。
Love, Again
"Goodbye," you muttered
Look how ordinary and uninteresting we are
I was deceived
What clouded our vision?
Was is just that we were too young?
Or maybe,
Did you go and change?
The failure of a hero, was you
And the idiot who believed that, was me
Us, run of the mill
And our ordinary final scene
If you won't even embrace me,
The least you can do, is leave first
Since then, I spotted you just once
You, not even batting an eye at me,
Were laughing
Don't become happy
I loved you, who felt sadness
Towards another person's suffering
Even if you're not a hero,
Even if it isn't as friends,
Even if morning won't come
Even if it was all just an illusion
Us, run of the mill
And in the ordinary seasons,
Still, even now, I remember
The thing we had, that was too young
Our love, again
Russia is waging a disgraceful war on Ukraine. ウクライナとともに立ち上がれ!
ウクライナをどのように支援できるか 🇺🇦 ❤️
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The Industrial Revolution and its consequences have been a disaster for the human race