Melt Down
Clicca per vedere il testo originale (Inglese, Coreano)
A word that break things off,
laughter that chips away,
with everything depleted,
I was trembling.
The temperature of my heart is dropping.
As I was slowly freezing up,
you ran to me and embraced me with fervor.
You, who is looking at me
with caring eyes,
with you saying,
“You’ve done a lot today, too.”
I am melting down softly.
The moment that you’ve
revived my dying heart miraculously.
Warm tears
are streaming down.
That smile you have enables me
to hang in there again.
Don’t worry, it’s okay.
I’m next to you.
Those words you say
make me get up again.
As if it was an incredible coincidence,
you’ve appeared.
With both arms open,
hugging (welcome)
while smiling.
I’m melting down softly.
The moment that you’ve
revived my dying heart miraculously.
Warm tears
are streaming down.
That smile you have enables me
to hang in there again.
You’re my luck. Nothing but a surprise.
Now it’s my turn.
Love you, hold you, give you all I got.
I’m melting down slowly.
The moment that you’ve
revived my dying heart miraculously.
Warm tears
are streaming down.
That smile you have enables me
to hang in there again.
Grazie! ❤ ringraziato 1 volta |
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Thanks Details:
Utente | Tempo fa |
Virfcrify | 2 mesi 4 settimane |
Pubblicato da MattsunSanAddict 2024-09-03
Inglese, Coreano
Testi originali
녹아내려요 (Melt Down)
Clicca per vedere il testo originale (Inglese, Coreano)
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Chi è il traduttore
Ruolo: Maestro
Contributi: 1207 traduzioni, 39 traslitterazioni, 187 canzoni, ringraziato 2130 volte, ha soddisfatto 57 richieste per 34 membri, ha trascritto 1 testi, ha aggiunto 1 modo di dire, ha spiegato 9 modi di dire, ha lasciato 153 commenti, ha aggiunto 31 annotazioni
Lingue: madrelingua: Tailandese, fluente: Tailandese, intermedio: Inglese, principiante: Giapponese, Coreano
This is the official English translation provided in the closed captions of the official music video.