You Are Right
Click to see the original lyrics (Spanish)
I have to tell you, I know my heart is broken
Because I am the one who will hurt you in the worst way
It was my fault, my mistake, it was a night without love
Shame on me and it is not enough to ask to be forgiven
My reflection is killing me because I know I let you down
How will I do, what will I say, how should I talk to you today
The only thing I know is that I do not have enough boldness
Let me explain, I already can not deny it if you will leave, you are right
One tear will fall, another wound will be open
I know you will never believe me again
I will learn something, if I lied to you, I deserve this final
How will I do, what will I say, how should I talk to you today
The only thing I know is that I do not have enough boldness
Let me explain, I already can not deny it if you will leave, you are right
My foolishness betrayed me, I lost your heart
How will I do, what will I say, how should I talk to you today
The only thing I know is that I do not have enough boldness
Let me explain, I already can not deny it if you will leave, you are right
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Submitted by Stefania_hurrem on 2013-07-18
Added in reply to request by HannahJo20
Contributors: ArenaL5
There was an error in the first line in the original lyrics: "decirtelo se que me" should be "decírtelo, se me".
Other than that, your translation's good. Only I think that "I do not have enough boldness" should be better "I'm not bold enough"