The paper describes a deinothere palate preserving both deciduous tooth rows from the area of Veles, Republic of Macedonia. The specimen is referred to Deinotherium gigantissimum, the largest and latest European deinothere species. Similar finds from the late Miocene of Southeast Europe and Asia Minor are discussed.
Die Arbeit beschreibt ein Deinotherium-Palatum mit beiden Milchzahnreihen aus den Umgebungen von Veles in der Republik Mazedonien. Das Exemplar wird der größten und jüngsten Art Europas von Deinotherium, D. gigantissimum, zugeordnet. Ähnliche Funde aus dem Spätmiozän Südosteuropas und Kleinasiens werden diskutiert.
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We thank an anonymous reviewer for comments upon the text and the editors for improvements in the German summary. The second author is grateful to Drs. J. Hooker, A. Currant (NHM), M. Ivanov, V. Stoyanova and S. Darakchieva (SU) for access to collections, and to Martin Pickford and Nikolai Spassov for valuable discussions and shared information. G.N.M. gratefully acknowledges NHM and the financial support of the European Union for a visit to London (SYNTHESYS GB-TAF-1641).
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Garevski, R., Markov, G.N. A Deinotherium gigantissimum (Mammalia, Proboscidea) palate with deciduous dentition from the area of Veles, Republic of Macedonia. Paläontol Z 85, 33–36 (2011). https://doi.org/10.1007/s12542-010-0070-0
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s12542-010-0070-0