This paper surveys the research area of cooperative games associated with several types of operations research problems in which various decision makers (players) are involved. Cooperating players not only face a joint optimisation problem in trying, e.g., to minimise total joint costs, but also face an additional allocation problem in how to distribute these joint costs back to the individual players. This interplay between optimisation and allocation is the main subject of the area of operations research games. It is surveyed on the basis of a distinction between the nature of the underlying optimisation problem: connection, routing, scheduling, production and inventory.
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Borm, P., Hamers, H. & Hendrickx, R. Operations research games: A survey. Top 9, 139–199 (2001). https://doi.org/10.1007/BF02579075
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/BF02579075