Collusion in procurement auctions is illegal, but often observed. We compare experimentally three coordination mechanisms in how effectively they promote collusion in first-price procurement auctions. One mechanism aims at excluding competitive bids via bidding restrictions. The second one allows for promises on sharing the gains from collusion as in mutual shareholding. The third mechanism relies on unrestricted pre-play communication. Agreements made under the three mechanisms are non-binding. In the experiment, bidders interact with the same group of competitors only once as it is quite common in globalized (online) markets. We find that first-price procurement is quite collusion-proof regarding the first two mechanisms whereas pre-play communication, on average, increases profits. The communication protocols provide valuable insights about how to coordinate and implement non-binding collusion agreements in competitive one-shot interactions with private information.
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As such, our set-up is in line with the more general view in the economics of crime literature (e.g., Eide et al. 2006) that prevention, detection, and sanctioning should be based on understanding the motives, practices, and the success chances of those who possibly consider and attempt to gain from illegal behavior.
Unregistered and therefore illegal employment of labor is one such example where one tries to estimate the size of an iceberg when only observing its top (see, e.g., Schneider and Enste 2013).
See also the survey provided by Kwasnica and Sherstyuk (2013).
To our knowledge, only Hu et al. (2011) test the effectiveness of collusion in a single-unit design with repeated one-shot interactions. In their study, communication is restricted to voting on cooperation, however. If all six bidders voted to cooperate, cooperation was binding for all six bidders.
That future contact allows stabilizing cooperation without commitment power has been theoretically established by Folk Theorems (see, e.g., Aumann and Shapley 1994) and confirmed experimentally even when the requirements of Folk Theorems (infinitely many interaction periods or multiplicity of equilibria in the base game) are not met (see, e.g., Selten and Stoecker 1986; Axelrod 1984).
In view of Olson (1971) the case of only two bidders seems to provide the best case scenario to observe ring formation where, however, Olson has disregarded private information, which renders ring formation far more difficult. Our findings reveal that with private information even the smallest groups (of two competitors) often fail to collude.
The property ruling out any arbitrary (dis)favoring of bidders is envy freeness according to bids in the sense of p(b)-b ω ≥ 0 ≥ p(b) − b i for i ≠ ω, where p(b) denotes the price paid to the winner ω as determined by the bid vector b = (b 1, b 2). This implies b ω ≤ p(b) ≤ b i for i ≠ ω. Asking additionally for equal payoffs according to bids, i.e. p(b) − b ω = 0, further implies p(b) = b ω . Thus, envy freeness and equal payoffs according to bids together characterize the rules of lowest bid = price procurement auctions as analyzed here. To characterize axiomatically the second (-lowest bid) price rule one only has to substitute “equal payoffs according to bids” by “incentive compatibility” (Vickrey 1961).
The equality axiom used in the previous footnote only guarantees equal payoffs according to bids, but not according to true costs which are idiosyncratic and privately known and, thus, mostly not objectively, i.e., interpersonally, verifiable.
To equilibrate such collusive bidding, mutual trustworthiness must be sufficiently strong, e.g., in the sense of regret exceeding the gain of winning the auction at the highest possible price of 150.
Again, this requires sufficiently strong trustworthiness to be an equilibrium, specifically of keeping one's promise to share one's profit in case of winning.
Revealing individual cost values before bid submission is quite common in experimental research (see Kagel and Levin 2011, for a review of auction experiments). The idea is to learn more about bidding behavior by letting subjects repeatedly respond to realized cost values instead of by eliciting bid functions which assign a specific bid for any cost value that could be possibly realized (which is an alternative method to study bidding behavior).
Some additional sessions with varying time series of cost values were conducted in order to test the robustness of results against the specific cost series chosen. We observed no obvious bias.
This is why we refrained from the usual practice of trial rounds and/or control questionnaire before the experiment.
For further details, please contact the authors.
Note that, in contrast to the restricted bidding range treatment and the mutual shareholding treatment, no hint was given on how to collude when not being informed about the other bidder's cost value.
Actually, such variability seems attractive when being monitored by antitrust authorities. In case of complete information such variability would require coordinating on alternating in winnings.
Undergraduate students who registered in ORSEE to participate in laboratory experiments at the University of Jena were invited via automatically generated e‐mails and registered for a specific session. We can thus say that subjects were randomly allocated to the experimental treatments. Moreover, subjects were not informed about the content of the experimental conditions unless they participated in a session.
In none of the treatments subjects were informed about the size of the matching group to discourage even further their anyhow unlikely reputation concerns (in very stochastic environments like our setup, where cost levels change a lot, small matching groups usually suffice to discourage repeated interaction effects). Since in the treatment with communication it could have been less difficult for subjects to identify the matching protocol from the content of email messages, we have used matching groups consisting of eight subjects in this treatment and assured a perfect stranger re-matching.
This behaviour was also observed in the procurement auction experiment run by Brosig and Reiß (2007).
Unless indicated otherwise, the analyses are based on data obtained in the sessions with the same series of cost values. Regressions including sessions with other series of cost values (variable) yield similar results which is also reported in the paper.
Similar results apply when analyzing the efficiency loss (measured as the difference between the winner’s and the lowest cost bidder’s cost values). In none of the 22 auctions of the control treatment the efficiency loss is significantly higher than predicted (i.e., is significantly positive) and in only one auction of MS and CO, respectively, we observe a slightly higher efficiency loss than in CT (p < 0.050, exact one-tailed MWU test).
Calculating this percentage, we count the number of all winners whose realized profits deviate by no more than 1 from the proposed profit. The average percentage of winners choosing exactly the proposed profit is 4.7 and the average percentage of winners whose realized profit deviates by 5 or less is 62.1. Note that we excluded two subjects who received a negative profit and therefore could not share this profit.
Only 7 of the 142 deviators keep less than the amount suggested by the selected proposal. Four of them already proposed to keep a lower amount.
Calculating this percentage, we consider all bids deviating by no more than 1 from the selected proposed bids. The average percentage of subjects choosing exactly the bid suggested by ε is 2.0 and the average percentage of subjects whose submitted bid deviate by no more than 5 is 28.1.
About 52.6 % of “overbidders” chose a bid which was higher than the one suggested by the own ε i .
Another idea would have been to investigate mechanisms that combine restricted bidding or mutual shareholding with free-form pre-play communication like “restricted bidding range negotiation after communication” or “mutual shareholding negotiation after communication”. This combination might help to establish anticompetitive behavior since it provides a clear hint on what to communicate about when trying to restrict bidding competition. It, thus, focuses the cheap talk exchange on how far one wants to restrict competition. Furthermore, it seems natural that one can freely communicate when being able to “restrict bidding” or to arrange “mutual shareholding”. Since our focus is on isolating the effects of the three mechanisms, we implemented them in separate treatments, however.
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Appendix 1: Linear benchmark solution in case of mutual and symmetric shareholding
For i, j = 1, 2 with i ≠ j the payoff expectation for the risk neutral bidder i with cost value c i ∈ [0, 1] is
where f(.) is the linear symmetric and monotonic equilibrium bid function.
Let us rewrite E i (b i |c i ) as
where F’(.) = f(.). For an interior best reply b i to f(.) the first order condition is
which can be simplified as follows:
Now substituting b i = f(c i ) and c i = f −1(b i ) into the latter equation yields the ordinary differential equation
For the linear and monotonic solution f(c i ) = α + βc i with β > 0 we thus obtain
Since the left and the right hand-side above have to coincide for all c i ∈ [0,1] this requires
or, after substituting for β,
and, thus,
Appendix 2: Instructions (translated from German)
2.1 Welcome to this experiment!
2.1.1 Preliminary remarks
In the following, you will take part in an experimental study in the field of economics in which the decision behavior of individuals is investigated. During the experiment, you will participate in a series of auction games in which you can earn money. How much you eventually earn depends on your own and others’ decisions (possible losses will be deducted from the show-up bonus of 2.50 Euro which you receive for participating in this experiment). At the end of the experiment, your accrued earnings will be converted into Euro at the rate of 1 ECU: 0.07 EURO and disbursed to you in cash.
Please read the subsequent instructions carefully. About 5 min after you have received these instructions, we will come to your place to answer any remaining questions. Afterwards, you will receive a questionnaire which is used to ensure that you have fully understood the rules of this experiment. We will not start with the experiment until all participants have correctly answered all the listed questions.
In case that you have further questions in the course of the experiment, please indicate this by raising your hand. We will then come to your place and answer your questions.
2.1.2 Description of the auction
In every period of the experiment, a generic “project” is auctioned off. The project is awarded to the bidder who states the lowest bid.
Bidders In each auction there are exactly two bidders, i.e., you and another bidder. In each period, the other bidder with whom you will interact is randomly assigned to you from a group of participants. It is ensured that you will not interact with the same participant in two consecutive periods.
Costs For every auction period and for every bidder, a cost value is independently and randomly assigned from the interval from 50 LD to 150 LD whereby each value in this range is equally likely. Before the start of an auction, you will be informed about your own cost value. Apart from this, you will not receive any further information.
Decision In each auction period you have to decide on the bid that you want to submit for the project.
If your bid for the project is less than the bid of the other bidder, you are awarded the project and your auction profit is the difference between your bid and your cost. It is possible to realize a loss if your bid is less than your cost.
If your bid for the project is greater than the bid of the other bidder, you do not win the auction. In this case your profit equals zero, since you were not awarded the project and therefore did not incur any cost.
If your bid is equal to the bid of the other bidder, you are awarded the project with a probability of 50 %.
2.1.3 Proposal stage
In every auction and before determining his/her bid, each of the two bidders has the possibility to make the other bidder a suggestion concerning the distribution of the bids that are to be submitted. For this purpose, both bidders independently select an integer value from the range of 0 to 100. After each bidder has decided on a particular value, both bidders are informed about the larger of the two stated values. In the following, this value shall be denoted as N.
Given N, each bidder is free to set his/her own bid according to the following rule:
This means that if your cost amounts to 50, your bid would be 150 − N. If you were assigned the maximal cost of 150, you would always bid 150, irrespective of the value of N. This shows that it is possible to constrict the bidding interval by agreeing on a small value of N. The smaller is N, the larger is the least “accepted” bid and the larger is the potential profit of the bidders.
Please notice that every bidder is free to decide whether (s)he sets his/her bid according to the above-mentioned formula or not.
2.1.4 Proposal stage
In every auction and before determining his/her bid, each of the two bidders has the possibility to make the other bidder a suggestion concerning the distribution of the yet unrealized auction profit between the two. For this purpose, both bidders independently select an integer value from the range of 0 to 100. After each bidder has decided on a particular value, both bidders are informed about the smaller of the two stated values. In the following, this value shall be denoted as N.
Given N, the winning bidder is free to divide the realized auction profit according to the following rule:
This means that the larger is N, the smaller is the difference between the payoff of the winning and the losing bidder.
Please bear in mind that every bidder is free to decide whether to split the realized auction profit according to the above-mentioned rule or not, after (s)he is informed that (s)he has won the auction.
2.1.5 Communication stage
Before an auction is conducted the two bidders have the possibility to communicate with each other via electronic (chat) messages before they then independently decide on their bid.
Generally, the content of your communication is totally up to you. You are, however, not allowed to:
provide personal information about yourself such as your age, address, gender [please always use gender-neutral terms, e.g., “bidder A”, “bidder B”], field of studies [this also includes mentioning the names of professors, lectures or similar contents which allow to identify the other’s field of studies] and the like, or to
negotiate any form of side payments.
In case that you do not respect these rules we will unfortunately have to exclude you from the experiment which means that you will not receive any payment at all in this experiment. The duration of the communication stage is limited to 5 min. You may, however, finish your conversation earlier as well.
2.1.6 Practice periods
Before the actual experiment starts you will have the possibility to familiarize yourself with the decision problem and the use of the software in the course of two practice periods. Note that in both periods, the other bidders’ decisions are simulated by the computer and are identical for all participants. All decisions that are made during the two practice periods are for training purposes only and will not affect your eventual payoff in the experiment.
2.1.7 Payment
After you have finished the two practice periods, you will participate in a series of auctions of which five auctions will be randomly selected to determine your payoff in this experiment. Once all auctions have been finished, your earnings in the respective five periods will be summed up, converted according to the exchange rate of 1 ECU: 0.07 EURO, and disbursed to you in cash.
2.1.8 Please note
All participants in this experiment have received the identical set of instructions. None of the participants will receive any information concerning the identity of any other participant.
Appendix 3
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Cite this article
Brosig-Koch, J., Güth, W. & Weiland, T. Comparing the effectiveness of collusion devices in first-price procurement: an auction experiment. Evolut Inst Econ Rev 13, 269–295 (2016). https://doi.org/10.1007/s40844-016-0046-1
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s40844-016-0046-1