0000 0001 2121 4321
A. B
Auteur de l'écrit intitulé la Conduite des alliez
Auteur de la Conduite des alliez
Autheur de l'écrit intitulé la Conduite des alliez
Autheur de la Conduite des alliez
Author of Gulliver's travels
Author of The Conduct of the allies
Author of The short view of the state of Ireland
B, A
Baudrier (sieur du)
Bickerstaf, Isaac
Bickerstaf, Isaak (Pseudonym)
Bickerstaff, Isaac
Bickerstaff, Isaac (Pseudonym)
Bikerstaf, Isaac (Pseudonym)
Carolini di Marco
Conatan Svift
Conduct of the allies, Author of the
Corolini da Marco, .. (Pseudonym)
Corolini di Marco
Corolini di Marco, .. (Pseudonym)
D--n S----t
D--n S----t, Dean Swift
D. S
Dissenter, A
Drapier, M. B.
Drapier (Pseudonym)
Du Baudrier (sieur)
Džonatans Svifts
Fizle, Obadiah
Fribble, Timothy
Gulliver, Lemuel
Gulliver, Lemuel (Pseudonym)
Gulliver, Lilliputius (Pseudonym)
Gulliver's travels, Author of
Hope, Thomas
I, T.R.D.J.S.D.O.P.I.
Ionathan Swift
Jonathan Swift
Jonathan Swift (Anglo-Irish satirist, essayist, poet, etc)
Jonathan Swift (britisk poet og skribent)
Jonathan Swift (Brits schrijver)
Jonathan Swift (brittisk poet och författare)
Jonathan Swift (écrivain, satiriste, essayiste, pamphlétaire politique anglo-irlandais)
Jonathan Swift (englisch-irischer Schriftsteller und Satiriker)
Jonathan Swift (pisarz irlandzki)
Jonathan Swift (scrittore e poeta irlandese)
M, Stephen
Misosarum, Gregory
N, T.
Person of honour, A
Person of quality, A
Philomath, T. N.
Pun-Sibi, Tom (Pseudonym)
S----t (D--n)
Scherzerus (Pseudonym)
Scriblerus (M.; 1667-1745)
Short view of the state of Ireland, Author of the
Siweifute, Jie
Soyipht, Iōnathan
Soyipht, Tzonathan
Ssu-wei-fo-tʻe, Kʻuang-sheng
Suift, Xhonatan
Svift, Dž
Svift, Dzhonatan
Svift, Džonatan
Sṿifṭ, Yonatan
Svifts, Džonatans
Svifts, Džonetens
Sviphṭa, Jonāthana
Swifft, ..
Swifft, Jonathan
Swift, ..
Swift (Dean)
Swift, Ğānātān
Swift (J.)
Swift (J.; 1667-1745)
Swift, Jonatán
Swift (Jonathan)
Swift, Jonathan (Dean)
Swift, Jonathan (Écrivain, satiriste, essayiste, pamphlétaire politique anglo-irlandais, ecclésiastique)
Swift, Jonatthan
Swift, Jonhatan
T. N
Tom Pun-Sibi (Pseudonym)
Wagstaff, Simon
Τζόναθαν Σουίφτ
Джанатан Сўіфт
Джонатан Свифт (англо-ирландский писатель-сатирик, публицист, философ, поэт и общественный деятель)
Джонатан Свіфт
Джонатан Суифт
Жонатан Свифт
Свифт, Д
Свифт (Д; 1667-1745)
Свифт, Дж
Свифт, Джонат
Свифт, Джонатан
Свифт (И; 1667-1745)
Џонатан Свифт
ჯონათან სვიფთი
ჯონათან სვიფტი
Ջոնաթան Սվիֆթ
ג'ונתן סוויפט
סבפט, יונתן
סװיפט, י
סוויפט, יאנאטהאן
סוויפט, יונתן
סויפט, יונתן
רמות, רות
جاناتان سوییفت (نویسنده و شاعر بریتانیایی)
جوناثان سويفت،
جونثن سويفت،
سويفت، جانثن
سويفت، جوناثان،
سويفت، جوناثن،
سويفت، جونثن،
سويفت، يوناتان
जोनाथन स्विफ्ट
জোনাথন সুইফট
ਜੋਨਾਥਨ ਸਵਿਫਟ
ஜோனதன் ஸ்விப்ட்
ಜೊನಾಥನ್ ಸ್ವಿಫ಼್ಟ್
ജോനഥൻ സ്വിഫ്റ്റ്
โจนาธาน สวิฟท์
スウィフト, J
スウィフト, ジョナサン
斯威夫特, 杰
Creation class: 
Computer file
Language material
Manuscript language material
Musical sound recording
Nonmusical sound recording
Projected medium
Two-dimensional nonprojectable graphic
Creation role: 
bibliographic antecedent
Related names: 
Barros, João de (1881-1960)
Bickerstaff, Isaac (see also from)
Buzelin, Hélène (co-author)
Carré, Claude (co-author)
Coe, Jonathan (co-author)
Desfontaines, Pierre-François Guyot (1685-1745)
Dix, E. R. McC. (1857-1936)
Dix, Ernest Reginald McClintock (1857-1936)
Farrán y Mayoral, J. (1883-1955)
Farrán y Mayoral, José (1883-1955)
Galic, Bertrand (co-author)
Gausseron, Bernard-Henri (co-author)
Grandville (1803-1847)
Grandville, J. J. (1803-1847)
Guardia Massó, Pedro
Gulliver, Lemuel (see also from)
Gyllander, Hugo (1868-1955)
Hawkesworth, John (1715?-1773)
Hayton, David William (co-author)
Jobert, Marlène (co-performer)
Kerdraon, Thierry (co-author)
Kloot, Isaak van der ('s-Gravenhage)
Kottenkamp, Franz (1806-1858)
Lamoine, Georges (co-author)
Laurent, Frédéric (co-author)
Louarn, Madeleine (co-author)
Maffre, Valérie (co-author)
Niewiadomska, Cecylia (1855-1925))
Noël, Bernard (co-author)
Pons, Emile
Pons, Émile (co-author)
Pons, Jacques (co-author)
Scriblerus, Martin (see also from)
Skoumal, Aloys (1904-1988)
Sturridge, Charles
Swift, Jonathan
Swift, Jonathan (see also from)
Temple, William Sir, 1628-1699
Touchet, Jacques (co-author)
Van Gool
Van Looy, Rein
Velikanović, Iso
Vilks, Ģirts (1909-1983)
Villeneuve, Guillaume (co-author)
Wailly, Léon de (co-author)
Williams, Harold
Wotton, William (1666-1727)
Габбе Т. Г (1903-1960 Тамара Григорьевна)
Шипулин А. лингвист Алексей
סקולסקי, שלמה (1912-1982)
الشاروني، يعقوب، (1931-)
كيلاني، كامل، (1897-1959)
中野, 好夫 (1903-1985)
Abenteuer Hörbibliothek, Die
answer to a paper called, a Memorial of the poor inhabitants, tradesmen and labourers of the kingdom of Ireland, An
Appendix. I. Contemporary Satires, Eulogies, etc
Artemis & Winkler Literaturkalender 2004
Ausgewählte Prosa
Ausgewählte Werke
autre voyage de Gulliver, L'
Basic writings of Jonathan Swift.
battle of the books. 1978., The
benefit of farting explain'd, The
Betrachtungen über einen Besenstiel
Brotherly love
CD - Gullivers Reisen
Collections. Prose
Complete collection of genteel and ingenious conversation. Adaptations
conduct of the allies
Conte du tonneau
Correspondence of Jonathan Swift, D.D., The
Correspondence. Selections
Dean's Pamphlet, The
Des Herrn Dr. Jonathan Swifts wo nicht unverbesserliche so doch wohlgemeynte Anweisungen für alle Arten unerfahrner Dienstboten aus vieljähriger sorgfältiger Aufmerksamkeit und Erfahrung zusammengetragen
Directions to servants
discourse concerning the mechanical operation of the spirit
Discourse of the contests and dissensions between the nobles and the commons in Athens and Rome
Drapier's letters to the people of Ireland against receiving Wood's halfpence.
Gariba ryokoki
Gulliver bei den Houyhnhnms
Gulliver chez les géants
Gulliver's reizen naar verschillende verre landen
Gulliver's travel
Gulliver's Travels. Abridgments
Gulliver's travels into Lilliput and Brobdingnag
Gulliver's travels. Part 1-2.
Gulliver's travels Voyage to Brobdingnag
Gulliver ünnerwegens
Gulliver voyage à Liliput
Gulliver, voyage à Lilliput
Gulliverovy Cesty
Gullivers Abenteuer in Lilliput
Gullivers Reise ins Lilliputland
Gullivers Reisen - Die Reise nach Lilliput
Gullivers Reisen - Hörbuch (Nacherzählung von Dirk Walbrecker)
Gullivers Reisen in verschiedene Länder der Welt
Gullivers Reisen. Mit einem Vorwort von Alexa Hennig von Lange
Gulvier be-erets ha-gamadim
Instructions aux domestiques ; Pensées
Irish political writings after 1725 A modest proposal and other works
Jonathan Swifts Autonekrolog - Die Verse auf den Tod von Dr. Swift, D.S.P.D.
Journal to Stella
Kleine illustrierte Insel-Bibliothek
LESEZUG/Klassiker: Gullivers Reisen
Letter from a lay-patron to a gentleman, designing for holy orders
Libel on D---- D----
Life and genuine character of Doctor Swift
Märchen von einer Tonne, Ein
Miscellanies, consisting chiefly of original pieces in prose and verse
modest proposal and other satirical works, A
Modeste proposition et autres textes
Ode to the Athenian society
On poetry, a rhapsody
Part of the seventh epistle of the first book of Horace imitated
Podróże Guliwera
Poems (Collections)
Poems. Selected Poems
Poems. Selections
Poetical works
Polite conversation in three dialogues
Premier voyage de Gulliver
Proposal for correcting, improving and ascertaining the English tongue
Proposal for the universal use of Irish manufacture
Prose (Collections)
Prose works of Jonathan Swift
Prose works. Selections
Prose writings
Reisen in verschiedene ferngelegene Länder der Erde von Lemuel Gulliver
Résolutions pour quand je vieillirai et autres pensées sur divers sujets
Satiren und Streitschriften
Satires and personal writings
schönsten Hörspiele für Kinder, Die
Selected Works
Sermons. Selections
Short character of His Ex. T. E. of W. L. L. of I-
Short view of the state of Ireland
Soldier and a scholar
Some free thoughts upon the present state of affairs
story of Gulliver, The
Tale of a Tub, A
Tittle tattle
Tonnenmärchen, Ein
Translations into French.
Traulus. Part 1
Traulus. Part 2
Travels into several remote nations of the world by Lemuel Gulliver ... : In four parts
Verses on his own death
Verses on the Death of Dr. Swift, D.S.P.D.
Viajes de Gulliver, Los
voyage à Lilliput, Le
Voyage au pays des Houyhnhnms le dernier voyage de Gulliver
voyage to Lilliput Gulliver's travels, A
voyage to the country of the houyhnhnms, A
voyages de Gulliver 1726, Les
Voyages de Gulliver dans des contrées lointaines
voyages de Gulliver de Laputa au Japon, Les
Voyages du capitaine Lemuel Gulliver en divers pays éloignés
Works. Supplement
Путешествия Гулливера, 1985:
Associated Language:
BL database, 18 May 2007 (hdg.: Swift, Jonathan, Dean of St. Patrick's)
Cushing (Hope, Thomas, Esq., Jonathan Swift; author of The swearer's bank)
ESTC in RLIN, 10/4/88 (T.N. = Jonathan Swift)
Gulivara kī yātrāem̐, 2010 title page (Jonāthana Sviphṭa)
Gulliver en el país de los enanos, 1994 t.p. (Jonatán Swift)
Gulvier be-erets ha-gamadim, c1993 t.p. (Yonatan Sṿifṭ)
Halkett & Laing (Philomath, T.N.--Jonathan Swift; Author of The short view of the state of Ireland & signed A.B.; Author of Gulliver's Travels--Jonathan Swift)
His A famous prediction of Merlin, the British wizard [MI] 1709 t.p. (T.N., philomath)
His A letter to the whole people if Ireland [MI] 1724 t.p. (M.B. Drapier, author of The shopkeepers, &c.)
His A preface to the B----p of S-r-m's introduction to the third volume of the History of the reformation of the Church of England, 1713 t.p. (Gregory Misosarum)
His A proposal for correcting, improving, and ascertaining the English tongue [MI] 1712 signed p. 48 (J. Swift)
His An answer to a paper called, a Memorial of the poor inhabitants, tradesmen and labourers of the kingdom of Ireland, 1728 t.p. (author of The short view of the state of Ireland) p. 16 (signed, A.B.)
His Gulliver's travels, 1864
His Hai wai hsüan chʻü lu, 1990 colophon (Kʻuang-sheng Ssu-wei-fo-tʻe, author of Gulliver's travels)
His Miscellanies, consisting chiefly of original pieces in prose and verse, 1734 t.p. (D--n S----t)
His Some free thoughts upon the present state of affairs, 1741 t.p. (Author of Gulliver's travels)
His Some remarks on the Barrier treaty between Her Majesty and the States-General [MI] 1712 t.p. (Author of The conduct of the allies)
His The swearer's-bank ... 1721 t.p. (To which is prefix'd, an Essay upon English bubbles, by Thomas Hope Esq.)
His Tittle tattle, 1749 t.p. (Timothy Fribble)
NUC pre-56 (hdg.: Swift, Jonathan, 1667-1745; note: author of Miscellanies, consisting chiefly of original pieces in prose and verse)
Other designation: Irish. Source: lcdgt.
Oxford dictionary of national biography online, 10 July 2015 Search/Swift, Jonathan (Swift, Jonathan; wrote Predictions for the year 1708 under pseudonym Isaac Bickerstaff)
Reason against coition, 1732, viewed online at Wellcome Collection website March 12, 2020 (the Reverend Stephen M*****, D.D., chaplain to the Right Honourable the Earl of ******; attributed in metadata to Jonathan Swift)
Satire Fiction
Satirical literature Poetry Essays
Satirists Authors Poets Essayists
The benefit of farting explain'd, 1996 t.p. (Obadiah Fizle) cover (Jonathan Swift)
Tzonathan Souipht, 2010 (Tzonathan Souipht; Iōnathan Souipht [Jonathan Swift])
Wikipedia, 10 July 2015 Isaac Bickerstaff (Isaac Bickerstaff, Esq.; pseudonym for Jonathan Swift, under which Swift wrote Predictions for the year 1708 and A vindication of Isaac Bickerstaff)
Wikipedia, January 30, 2020 (Jonathan Swift (30 November 1667 - 19 October 1745) was an Anglo-Irish satirist, essayist, political pamphleteer (first for the Whigs, then for the Tories), poet and cleric who became Dean of St Patrick's Cathedral, Dublin; born Dublin, Ireland; died Dublin, Ireland)