0000 0001 1942 5891
Broadcasting Union
EBU (European Broadcasting Union)
Europaeische Rundfunkunion
Europäische Rundfunkunion
European Broadcasting Union
Rundfunkunion European Broadcasting Union
UER (Union européenne de radiodiffusion)
Union der Europaeischen Rundfunkorganisation
Union der Europäischen Rundfunkanstalten
Union der Europäischen Rundfunkorganisationen
Union Europäischer Rundfunkanstalten
Unión Europea de Radiodifusión
Union Européenne de Radio-Télévision
Union Européenne de Radiodiffusion
Location / Nationality: 
Creation class: 
Language material
Musical sound recording
Projected medium
Creation role: 
Related names: 
Havel, Václav
Kongress (1990 ; Oslo))
Radio Nacional de España
Salter, Lionel
Société Radio-Canada
Tappolet, Frank R.
Union européenne de radio-télévision (see also from)
Waters, George T.
Wilson, Suzanne
Workshop for Producers and Directors of Children's Programmes (12 ; 1990 ; Oslo))
Actors or spectators? the media look back on their role in the Gulf war : highlights of a professional discussion in the EBU Television Programme Committee, Berlin, 1991
Atlas radiophonique
Colour motion-picture film materials especially suited to presentation by colour television.
Cours et stages de radio-télévision éducative
DAB newsletter
Diffusion EBU
Diffusion (Geneva, Switzerland : 2005)
Diffusion (Geneva, Switzerland : Online)
Diffusion quarterly journal of the European Broadcasting Union.
Diffusion : the journal of the European Broadcasting Union.
Digital audio broadcasting newsletter.
Direct satellite broadcasting : proceedings of an ESA-EBU symposium held in Dublin, 23-25 May 1977 : compte rendu d'un symposium ASE-UER tenu à Dublin, 23-25 mai 1977.
Documentation and information bulletin
Dossiers the journal of the European Broadcasting Union.
E.B.U. bulletin
E.B.U. review
E.B.U. Symposium on Preparations for Colour Television. London, February 1968.
EBU bulletin
EBU diffusion
EBU dossiers
EBU glossary
EBU tech. rev.
EBU technical review (Online)
EBU yearbook
Education des adultes par la télévision
effets sonores et la musique dans les émissions pour enfants, Les
Espace EBU.
Espace UER
EuroDab newsletter : international news and strategic analysis on digital sound broadcasting
European Broadcasting Union bulletin
European Broadcasting Union review. Radio and television programmes, administration, law
European Broadcasting Union technical review
European radio week 1991
Fifth International Forum of Light Music in Radio : Munich, 11-15 November 1979
File interchange handbook for images, audio, and metadata
General and legal
Guidelines for the implementation of the RDS system [RDS, Radio Data System]
Information for Sports Federations
Informations à l'usage des Fédérations sportives
Internationale Konzertsaison ... der Union Europäischer Rundfunkanstalten, UER, EBU
Journal of the European Broadcasting Union.
Methods of measurement of the characteristics of CCD cameras
Methods of measurement of the colorimetric performance of studio monitors
Principes directeurs pour la mise en œuvre du système RDS
Programmes, administration, law
Quarterly journal of the European Broadcasting Union
Québec 1979 : rapport de la rencontre europe-amériques sur la télévision jeunesse dans les années 80, 5-11 mai 1979 : report on the Euro/Pan-American convention on television for the young in the 80's, May 5-11, 1979 : informe del encuentro europa-americas sobre la television para la juventud en los años 80, 5-11 mayo 1979
Radio 2000 les perspectives ouvertes en Europe aux radios publiques et privees
Radio 2000 : the opportunities for public and private radio services in Europe
Radio and television programmes, administration, law
radio dans les années 80, La
Radio in the 80's : the second symposium
Radiofrequency radiation hazards exposure limits and their implications for broadcasters
RDS-TMC what is it all about? ; traffic and travel information broadcasting
Rencontre de Torremolinos 1989
Results and consequences of WARC-92 on satellite broadcasting
Revue de l'U.E.R.
Revue de l'UER. publication bimestrielle
School television
Sound effects and music in children's programmes
Special 4 x 3 & 16 x 9 : [summary report]
Spécial 4x3 [et] 16x9
Special Euroradio
Spécification de l'interface audio numérique (l'interface AES/UER)
Spécification des moniteurs en couleur de classe 1
Spécification du système de messagerie de programme vidéo (PDC)
Specification for transmission of two-channel digital sound with terrestrial television systems B, G, H and I
Specification of grade-1 colour picture monitors
Specification of the domestic video Programme Delivery Control system (PDC)
Specification of the EBU subtitling data exchange format
Strategies for the introduction of DAB worldwide, experimental evidence and recent system developments, concepts for DAB into the 21st century.
Strategy on Digital audio broadcasting
Television for children and young people : A survey carried out for the European Broadcasting Union.
Télévision scolaire
Third E.B.U. International Conference on Educational Radio and Television, Paris, March 8th-22nd, 1967.
This is the European broadcasting Union
Towards development and harmonization of television audience measurement systems in Europe
Traffic and travel information broadcasting
Twenty-seventh International EBU Seminar on School Television, Basle, 11-15 December 1989.
UER revue technique
Union européenne de radiodiffusion, UER : ce qu'elle est
Vers le développement et l'harmonisation des systèmes de mesure d'audience TV en Europe
Vingt-septième Séminaire international de l'UER pour la télévision scolaire, Bâle, 11-15 décembre 1989.