0000 0001 1642 8237
Name: |
Egils Levits
Egils Levits (lettischer Jurist, Diplomat und Politiker)
Egils Levits (rechter uit Letland)
Levits, E.
Levits, Egil
Levits, Egils
Левит, Эгил
Левит, Эгилс
Левитс, Эгилс
Dates: |
1955- |
Creation class: |
Language material
Projected medium
Creation role: |
commentator for written text
Related names: |
Bot, Yves (1947-....))
Bot, Yves (1947-)
Court of Justice of the European Union
Court of Justice of the European Union (isAffiliatedWith)
Eiropas Cilvēktiesību tiesa
Freija-Pekati, Ieva (colleague / collaborator)
Latvijas Universitātes žurnāla "Latvijas Vēsture" fonds
Latvijas Zinātņu akadēmija. Baltijas stratēģisko pētījumu centrs
Loeber, Dietrich André
Meissner, Boris (1915-2004))
Rosas, Allan (1948-....))
Rosas, Allan (1948-)
Rosas, Allan (co-author)
Springer Science+Business Media
Zīle, Ļubova (1928-)
Titles: |
Baltische Briefe (Groûhansdorf), Nr. 3 (1990):
Court of Justice and the construction of Europe analyses and perspectives on sixty years of case-law, The : analyses et perspectives de soixante ans de jurisprudence
Court of Justice and the Construction of Europe, The : analyses and perspectives on sixty years of Case-law : Analyses et Perspectives de Soixante Ans de Jurisprudence
Eiropas Savienības tiesību principi un to ieviešana Latvijā, 2001:
Europäische Sozialrecht und die Rechtsprechung des EuGH, Das
Herausforderungen der digitalen Kommunikation für den Staat und seine demokratische Staatsform, Die
In Memoriam Prof. Dr. Dr. h. c. Dietrich A. Loeber (1923-2004)
Kas ir kas Latvijā, 2003/2004, 2003:
Konsolidēts Eiropas Kopienas dibināšanas līgums un Nicas Līgums
Latvian and European Union Association Agreement and the Transformation of the Latvian Legal System, The
Latvijas valsts atjaunošana : 1986.-1993. : [autoru veltījums Latvijas Republikas proklamēšanas 80. gadadienai]
Latvijas Vēstnesis, (1998, 13. marts):
Lisbon Treaty: a look forward
Luxembourg let's make it happen
neue Gesetz über ausländische Investitionen in Lettland, Das
politische Konflikt zwischen den Selbstbestimmungsbestrebungen und dem sowjetischen Herrschaftsanspruch in Lettland, Der : eine regionale Fallstudie zur sowjetischen Nationalitätenpolitik
Rakstu krājums : Cilvēktiesības. Administratīvais process. Valsts pārvaldes pamatjēdzieni. Tiesību sistēmas transformācija Latvijā
Spriedumi un lēmumi lietās pret Latviju ; ar Egila Levita komentāriem.
Treaty Establishing the European Economic Community
Verfassungsgerichtsbarkeit in Lettland
Wirtschaft der baltischen Staaten im Umbruch, Die
Notes: |
Associated Group: Court of Justice of the European Union naf
Associated Language:
His Der politische Konflikt zwischen den Selbstbestimmungsbestrebungen ... 1988 verso t.p. (Dipl. Pol. Egil Levits)
His Valstsgriba, 2019 title page (Egils Levits) page 4 of cover (Lawyer and political scientist born June 30, 1955 in Riga; Graduated from University of Hamburg)
Lawyers Political scientists
Wikipedia, June 19, 2019 (Egils Levits (born 30 June 1955) is a Latvian lawyer, political scientist and judge who is the president-elect of Latvia, due to take office in July 2019. He has been a Member of the European Court of Justice since 2004.)
Sources: |