0000 0000 9140 8431
Name: |
Tennessee Advisory Commission on Intergovernmental Relations
Location / Nationality: |
United States Tennessee Nashville
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originator |
Related names: |
Green, Harry A.
Holliday, M. Lynne
Long, Tonya J.
McClure, C. Bennett
Middle Tennessee State University. Business and Economic Research Center
Murray, Matthew N.
Murray, Matthew Neal
Norman, John F.
Sellers, Frith Karin
Smith, Connie J.
Tennessee. General Assembly
Titles: |
Accountability for funding education in Tennessee : a report to the ... General Assembly pursuant to HJR no. 191.
Annexation issues in Tennessee : a report to the 99th General Assembly
Biennial report of TACIR
Building Tennessee's tomorrow : a survey of infrastructure needs
Building Tennessee's tomorrow : anticipating the state's infrastructure needs
centrally assessed and locally assessed
Commission report to the 101st General Assembly
Commission report to the 102nd General Assembly
Competitive edge : the tax and business climate in Tennessee
Cost-of-living differentials in Tennessee : an analysis of COL surveys
Education brief (Tennessee Advisory Commission on Intergovernmental Relations)
Education finance reform in Tennessee.
evolution of Tennessee's economy and its relationship to the tax structure, The
Family tax burdens in Tennessee : a comparative analysis
Fiscal capacity of funding K-12 education.
Funding, creation and management of E-911 districts
Funding, creation & management of E-911 districts : report to the 99th General Assembly (HJR 499)
Funding Tennessee schools : from reform to restructuring
Growth and change in Maury County : the impact of Saturn
Implementation of Tennessee's Growth Policy Act : a staff information report on the history of Public Chapter 1101 and the early stages of its implementation
Local fiscal capacity for funding education in Tennessee
Measuring fiscal capacity : Tennessee compared to the southeastern states
Money matters in education.
Potential impacts of electric utility restructuring on local governments in Tennessee
Preparing for economic growth and change : Marshall County
Public infrastructure needs inventory assessment for FY 1998
RAND reports : money matters in education depending on how it's spent
Staff information report on the implementation of Public Chapter 1101
Tax and business climate in Tennessee
Tennessee and the knowledge economy
Tennessee public infrastructure needs inventory assessment for FY 1998
Tennessee's growth policy act : a vision for the future : a staff information report on the implementation of Public Chapter 1101
Tennessee's growth policy in 2001 : promises and progress
Understanding Tennessee's tax system : problems and issues
usefulness and efficacy of selected anti-poverty and community development programs and agencies in Tennessee, The
Utility personalty taxation : parity or privilege?
Vision for the future
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