0000 0000 3118 6566
Kos, Anica Mikuš-
Mikuš Kos, Anica
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Related names: 
Freidman, Matthew J.
Friedman, Matthew J.
Mikus-Kos, Anica
NATO advanced research workshop on the importance of psychosocial well being of children in the postwar period for social reconstruction and stability 2003
Senjak, Marijana
Stuvland, Rune
Svetina, Janez
Urbanc, Kristina
Voorst tot Voorst, Berend-Jan Marie van
Vrcan, Alemka
Worthington, Patrick
Žic Grgat, Blanka
Žižak, Antonija
Activating psychosocial local resources in territories affected by war and terrorism
Kako doživlja otrok bolezen.
Mental health for all children - all for children's mental health - including the school
Nasilje u školama - izazov lokalnoj zajednici : lokalno partnerstvo za prevenciju i borbu protiv nasilja u školama : konferencija održana 2. - 4. prosinca 2002.
Nemirni učenec. Otroci z blažjimi motnjami ali posebnostmi možganskega delovanja.
Od predšolskega otroka do šolarja : prispevki k razumevanju zgodnjega razvoja in problemov ter prikazi nakaterih možnosti pomoči
Otroci in vojna, 1992:
Promoting the psychosocial well being of children following war and terrorism, c2005:
Promoting the psychosocial well being of children following war and terrorism : [proceeding of the NATO advanced research workshop on the importance of psychosocial wellbeing of children in the postwar period for social reconstruction and stability of terrorist & War affected regions, Ljubljana, Slovenia, 7-9 June 2003]
Rat, škola i dijete
Šola in duševno zdravje
Trauma recovery training: lessons learned