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Handbook of Mineralogy

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Allow Us to Introduce You to Handbook of Mineralogy

The four decades following the appearance of the first two volumes of the seventh edition of Dana’s System of Mineralogy had seen the number of known mineral species more than double.

This proliferation stemmed from several fac­tors: the continuing development of a firm base of physical and chemical theory for the crys­talline state, the appearance of a panoply of remarkably sophisticated instrumental methods nicely suited to the study of minerals, and the timely blossoming of computer science, princi­pal progeny of the transistor.

The digital computer and its associated software have not only eased the burden of that computationally most arduous of crystallo­graphic tasks, the determination of atomic sites within the unit cell, they have markedly accel­erated the collection and interpretation of all manner of mineralogical data. Indeed, their presence is now central to the operation of es­sentially all analytical instrumentation having any degree of complexity.

Work on the Handbook of Mineralogy book series began in 1980 with the goal to gather in convenient form the data crucial to identification of all mineral species and to provide relatively up-to-date ref­erences containing information central to the definition of each species. The intent was to pro­vide data sufficient to distinguish a species from all others. If additional information seemed desir­able, primary or secondary references were given for that mineral.  The Handbook presents data, not the background necessary to understand it.

The change from printed volumes to the online compilation hosted by the Mineralogical Society of America since 2002 has allowed rapid distribution of one-page summaries of essential data for new minerals and updates of existing pages as new information appears in the peer-reviewed literature.

(John W. Anthony, Richard A. Bideaux, Kenneth W. Bladh, and Monte C. Nichols, Eds., Handbook of Mineralogy, Mineralogical Society of America, Chantilly, VA 20151-1110, USA. http://www.handbookofmineralogy.org/)

Our Organizing Schema

A cursory glance of the books will reveal what may ap­pear to be a somewhat unconventional organ­izational scheme. The well-known chemical-structural classification of the System has been adopted for the pattern of the overall work leading to the multi-volume version of the Handbook because, from a geological point of view, this clas­sification has the advantage of tending to cluster together minerals of similar provenance. How­ever, within each Handbook volume, the miner­als have been arranged alphabetically. We have selected this scheme to facilitate the location of individual minerals.  The alphabetical organization scheme was adopted for this online version of the Handbook instead of the chemical-structural format.

In the species descriptions, we distinguish between data extracted from the literature and information inferred from group or other related species knowledge. This later category is enclosed in [square brackets] with attribution to its source by analogy.

Group names of long standing are used under “Association” when individual species names within the group are not accurately known. Also in this category are some species names which are without suffixes, notably those containing rare earth elements when the predominant element is unknown.

We have distilled the pertinent facts defin­ing each mineral to one book page and continued a one-“page” summary in the online version hosted by the Mineralogical Society of America. Although this con­centration may result in seemingly callous win­nowing of sacred classical descriptive matter, such scholarly facts, peripheral to our present objectives, can always be consulted in the liter­ature referenced for each species. The hallowed angle table and crystal drawings were early vic­tims of this parsimony.

For species names and chemical formulae, principal guides are the American Mineralogist and  the recommendations of the International Min­eralogical Association’s Commission on New Minerals and Mineral Names. Where the philosophies of these are in conflict, we attempt to steer a prudent course.

We have tended to incorporate data from the naturally occurring mineral, preferably type material where available, rather than from its synthetic equivalent. Where data are missing and should be determined, the designation “n.d.” (not determined) appears, so highlight­ing species for which essential observations are lacking.

Our order of presentation of mineral prop­erties should prove an expeditious alternative to conventional formats. In our departure from those conventions, we have tried to establish logical groupings of related properties. While we believe these arrangements to be consistent and self-explanatory, we present an explanatory page guide for both the order and content presented in the Handbook.

When lacking from our referenced litera­ture sources, yet possible to define, we have cal­culated densities in many cases. These are from data given in the Handbook; the unit cell data and contents, and either the simplified chemical formula or an actual analysis. We report the results in [square brackets]. The reader may compare these to the measured densities as a check on internal consistency.

X-ray powder diffraction lines and their intensities are listed for all those minerals for which they were available, preference again be­ing given to patterns from natural material whenever possible. The origin of the X-ray pow­der data is included in the references, and the locality or source of the sample precedes each pattern listing.

Up to four chemical analyses have been se­lected from the literature to illustrate the range of substitution in a mineral’s structure, usually for major elements only. We often include an idealized analysis for comparison, calculated es­pecially for this work using the atomic weights from the Commission on Atomic Weights and Isotopic Abundances (1986) – Pure and Applied Chemistry, 58, 1677-1692.

Localities given under “Distribution” are limited to about a dozen worldwide. This seems not unduly restrictive since about half of the minerals are known from only a single locality, and a further quarter from no more than six. For the less common and rare species we have attempted to provide comprehensive locality in­formation.

For species having numerous localities, cri­teria for inclusion of a locality are the occur­rence of especially well crystallized, pure, or abundant material. We have tended to drop occurrences stated as “reported from” in the older literature; these often require authentica­tion by modern methods. We have also tried to avoid incompletely given locality data unless they are the only data available for a species. Locality information is not referenced unless only a few localities are known.

The whereabouts of type material is noted if mentioned in one of the references, if cited in one of the various compilations made by major museums, or in the IMA’s Reference Sample Catalog of type specimens. If unknown to us, this is noted as “n.d.” only if the mineral was described after 1900. We specify neither the na­ture of type material, whether holotype, cotype, etc.

In our reviews of the literature, we have tried to minimize distortions of the facts we have selected. Whenever possible, we have con­sulted the original literature, as well as sec­ondary sources. In general, we have not listed those references from which we have extracted no data, the principal exception being papers on crystal structures which we mention whether or not we actually quote from them. We always provide the full reference, even for those impor­tant references which occur repeatedly. Abbre­viations of mineralogical terms largely conform to the practice of the American Mineralogist. The explanatory page guide on the MSA Handbook homepage presents a number of these.

Layout and Content of Individual Species Summaries

Crystal Data: Crystal system and point group in Hermann-Mauguin symbols. Description of the visual appearance of single crystals and aggregates. Common crystal forms and twin laws are indicated.

Physical Properties: Megascopic and simple measurable properties of the pure mineral, especially those depending on cohesion. Density is in g/cm3. Reactions to excitation by X-rays, electrons, and ultraviolet (UV) light arc given: SW = short-wave; LW = long-wave. Radioactivity is noted.  Metamict state is noted.

Optical Properties: Characteristics depending on the interaction with white light, first with a hand sample (transparency, color, and streak); secondly in polished or thin section, viewed through a reflecting or polarizing light microscope (color, pleochroism, and anisotropism; optical class, sign, indices of refraction, etc.). Spectral reflectance data (R or R1-R2) are given as available, with each wavelength (in nanometers) listed in parentheses followed by the corresponding reflectance value in percent.

Cell Data: Space group symbol and unit cell parameters in Angstrom units.

X-ray Powder Pattern: Source of material, followed by up to seven most intense maxima, presented as d-spacing in Angstrom units followed by relative intensity in parentheses. Maxima known to be unresolved doublets have a “d” appended to their respective intensity values. A “b” is appended to the intensity of those broadened for other reasons.

Chemistry: Determinations of major and minor elements in the natural mineral, reported as weight percentages. Non-idealized empirical formulae are from the references; calculated analyses are based on idealized chemical formulae. Sources of the materials analyzed are given.  Abbreviations used for analytical instrumentation: AA = atomic absorption; DTA = differential thermal analysis; EGA = evolved gas analysis; FTIR = Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy; ICP = inductively-coupled plasma; IR = infrared; LA-ICP-MS = laser ablation-inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry; SIMS = secondary-ion mass spectrometry; TGA = thermogravimetric analysis; XRF = X-ray fluorescence; and XPS = X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy.

Polymorphism & Series: Polymorphs and polytypes are noted as appropriate. Series are isomorphous with complete substitution and continuous variation of properties with composition.

Mineral Group: Notes membership in a group and/or supergroup of structurally similar species.

Occurrence: A description of the geological processes and physicochemical environments inferred for the species’ origin.

Association: Minerals in close spatial and inferred genetic relationship with the species. In order of closest association (equilibrium) to farthest, or most abundant to least, where known. Multiple lists indicate species with multiple parageneses, and their sources.

Distribution: The most important geographic localities for occurrences of the species, for up to a dozen localities.

Name: Significance and origin of the name.

Type Material: Museum holdings of type material.

References: Citations used to define the data summary for the species. We are the source for [calc. dens.] or [Z] values in square brackets and for many idealized chemical analyses.

We Must Acknowledge Those Who Have Worked Hard to Bring the Handbook to You

Work on the Handbook volumes was assisted by many contributors. In alphabetical order, these include the mineralogists Petr Černý, Michel Deliens, Pete Dunn, Richard Erd, Howard T. Evans, Jr., Carl Francis, Edward Grew, Frank Hawthorne, Donald Hogarth, Dan Holtstam, Anthony Kampf, Vandall King, Cornelis Klein, Bernard Leake, Brian Mason, Paul Moore, Ole Peterson, Jeffrey Post, and William Wise. Locality information was reviewed by Vandall King, William Pinch, John White, Jr., and especially Hans-Jürgen Wilke who consulted his extensive records of world-wide locality data on our behalf.

Assistance in matters of language and grammar were provided by Jeanette Bideaux, Peter Embry, Bill Smith, and John Trelawney. Proofreading and other cross-checking of the manuscripts was accomplished by Linda Dufek and Barbara Nichols. Some literature research, some written summaries, and other technical support was provided by Edward Hasenor, Marcus Origlieri, Stephen Steinke, William Wilkerson, Linda Winograd, and Michael Wood. Data entry and maintenance of files was accomplished by Olga Graham, Karen Swartz, and Martha Scott. Curtis Schuh provided computer support and assisted with other inscrutable typographical matters. Monte Nichols and Curtis Schuh provided technical support for layout and final printed copy.  Remaining errors of omission or commission of course are ours.

The Mineral Powder Diffraction File Data Book of the International Centre for Diffrac­tion Data was consulted for comparison to our original literature sources and to insure the com­pleteness of our data. In those cases where a mineral’s pattern was available only from the ICDD, they have generously granted us permis­sion for reproduction.

The relative importance of localities for in­clusion in the “Distribution” section was judged in part through examination of the following ex­tensive collections, by courtesy of their curato­rial staffs: the National Museum of Natural His­tory, Washington, D.C., through Jeffery Post; Harvard University, Cambridge, Massachusetts, through Carl Francis; in London, the Natu­ral History Museum [formerly the British Mu­seum (Natural History)], through Peter Embrey and Robert Symes; and in Paris, at the School of Mines, Claude Guillemin and Jean-Francois Poullen; at the Sorbonne, Pierre Bariand; and at the Natural History Museum, Henri-Jean Schubnel.

Type specimen locations were augmented from the International Mineralogical Associa­tion Reference Sample Catalog, through the courtesy of its keepers, Anthony Stalder and Anthony Kampf.

We have been able to examine original lit­erature in nearly all cases, through the Science Library of the University of Arizona, the Orton Memorial Library of Geology at the Ohio State University, the Branner Geological Library at Stanford University, and the USGS libraries at Reston, Menlo Park, and Denver. The substan­tial assistance of Linda Winograd in obtaining copies of this literature is gratefully acknowl­edged. Use of a specialized library on gemology was provided by Eric Van Valkenburg.

Access to obscure references was facilitated by use of the abstracts provided by the Ameri­can Mineralogist, Mineralogical Abstracts, and Chemical Abstracts. These were especially use­ful for their coverage and translation of the Russian and Chinese literature. Accuracy in transliteration of Russian locality names was assisted by Hans-Jürgen Wilke and Bill Smith. Numerous less-accessible references were called to our attention through use of the USGS Ford-Fleischer File, the latest edition of which encompasses the mineralogical literature through 1987.

For every species, the GEOREF database of the American Geological Institute, the GEOBASE database of Elsevier Science, Ltd., and the GeoScienceWorld online resource for research materials in the geological and Earth sciences were utilized to broaden our search of the more recent literature. Still, we recognize that our coverage of the literature is perforce less than perfect, and we solicit pertinent information for inclusion of corrections and additions in the future.

John W. Anthony
Richard A. Bideaux
Kenneth W. Bladh
Monte C. Nichols
January 2003

Credits for Book Cover Art

Each book cover has a line drawing of an epitaxial overgrowth involving two minerals described in that volume.

  • Volume I: Elements, Sulfides, Sulfosalts – tennantite on octahedral pyrite from Quiruvilca, Peru. Anthony and McClean (1973) Mineral. Record, 4 159-163.
  • Volume II: Silica, Silicates – amphibole enclosing pyroxene from Russell, New York, USA. Williams (1889) Amer. J. Sci., 39, 352-358.
  • Volume III: Halides, Hydroxides, Oxides – cumengeite on boleite from Boleo, Baja California, Mexico. Mallard and Cumenge (1891) Bull. Soc. fr. Minéral, 14, 286.
  • Volume IV: Arsenates, Phosphates, Vanadates – bassetite on torbernite from Redruth, Cornwall, England. Hallimond (1915) Mineral. Mag., 8, 232.
  • Volume V: Borates, Carbonates, Sulfates – röntgenite-(Ce) on synchysite-(Ce) from Narssârssuk, Greenland. Flink (1901) Medd. Grønland, 24, 9-213.

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