It is very important that you prepare well before you move to Iceland, e.g. by studying the main websites and media for job listings and websites of the enterprises that operate in the sector where the relevant job seeker intends to search for a job, to have your CV ready and have all the necessary documents at hand. Job seekers should also be prepared for, and be aware of that most Icelandic employers advertise job vacancies in the Icelandic language, unless the relevant job has been listed by EURES, where an English language edition of the posting is a prerequisite.
The EURES portal posts job ads from the Directorate of Labour (vinnumá and specifically marked EURES jobs where employers want to hire employees within Europe. The EURES portal also provides information about living and working conditions in Iceland and the conditions on the Icelandic labour market.
You can also contact a EURES Adviser by sending us an email at: euresvmst [dot] is (eures[at]vmst[dot]is)
Employment agencies [ráðningarþjónustur]:
You may register free of charge with various employment agencies in Iceland. A list of the principal employment agencies and websites where you can find advertised vacancies can be found on the Directorate of Labour website: Other recruitment agencies | Directorate of Labour (
Job ads in newspapers:
You will find job advertisements both in Morgunblaðið ( and in Fréttablaðið (, the two largest newspapers in Iceland. You can also find job ads in smaller published rural newspapers.
Social media:
You can find a variety of groups/communities on social media, e.g. on Facebook and LinkedIn. You can use various search terms in order to find internet groups, e.g. job, jobs, work, employment, vacancies.
Job applications:
When you have studied the labour market and enterprises in the sector that you are interested to work in, then you can contact directly the relevant enterprises and send in an application and your CV. Most companies in Iceland advertise vacancies on their own websites and on social media.
Contact networks:
Inform everyone that you know that you are searching for a job and make them aware of that. This can give good results.
You will find information on the Directorate of Labour website about the major job hiring websites and websites related to job search where you can check job ads and search for a job: Work | Directorate of Labour ( The Directorate of Labour website offers you practical advice about job search: Practical advice for your job search | Directorate of Labour (
Vinnumálastofnun: Frontpage | Directorate of Labour (
Alfreð: Laus störf | Alfreð (
Starfatorg (employment website): Stjórnarráðið | Starfatorg – laus störf hjá ríkinu (
Stö Stö – Öll atvinna og störf auglýst á einum stað (
Fréttablaðið: Home - Job (
Morgunblaðið: Atvinna (
Fast ráðningar: Fastráðningar (
Geko, recruitment agency: Geko | STEAM
HH ráðgjöf: Laus störf |
Intellecta: Intellecta – Consulting – Recruitment – Research
Ráð Ráðum ráðningarstofa | ráðningar og ráðgjöf – RáðumRáðum – Atvinnustofa (
Teqhire: TeqHire
Tvinna: Tvinna – Skapandi störf á Íslandi
Vinnvinn: vinnvinn – ráðningar og ráðgjöf
Restaurant sector: Allar auglýsingar – Atvinnu-, og sölusíða veitingabransans
It is important to set realistic goals when performing a job search. A concise and informative CV including a cover letter is of the greatest importance and we recommend that you take your time to prepare your documentation diligently before you start applying for jobs. In Iceland the usual practice is to enclose a resume/CV with your job application.
You can find useful instructions about job search on the internet, including practical guidelines on the Directorate of Labour website. Practical advice for your job search | Directorate of Labour (
Europass offers a variety of free tools and information about job search. With the Europass you can prepare a CV and a cover letter, and use the possibilities this provides in order to present information about your skills in a more efficient manner, e.g. by standardised descriptions of qualifications.
Businesses provide at an increasing rate electronic application forms on their websites which facilitate the task of applying for jobs for job seekers. Usually applicants will be able to include a CV and cover letter in their application.
Be sure to comply with the instructions given about how to apply for a job and which documentation must be included in the application.
Title/Name | URL |
Europass | |
Traineeships in Iceland are primarily linked to courses of study where the traineeships are part of the studies and courses taken by the relevant individual. There is no tradition of other types of traineeships, e.g. traineeships following the completion of the relevant studies.
Companies that offer internships for job seekers do so on their own initiative.
There is no framework concerning this. If a private sector company pays an individual at least minimum wage according to collective bargaining agreements, they are not breaking any rules.
Living and Working Conditions
no information available
Where to find opportunities
A person in a traineeship must be paid a salary at least in accordance with the provisions of the collective agreement regarding the minimum salary. Unions in Iceland provide information on different collective agreements.
Funding and support
no information available
Where to advertise opportunities
Employers advertise vacancies in the way that suits them best. Trainees must be employed according to the provisions of the current collective bargaining agreement with a salary that is at least equal to the minimum wage. Unions provide more information about collective agreements: English – Alþýðusamband Íslands (
Funding and support
no information available
Legal framework
The framework for apprenticeship positions in vocational training in secondary schools in Iceland is good. It is based on Act No 92/2008 of 12 June on Secondary Schools (see Article 28)
Regulations No 840 of 28 August 2011 stipulates rules that are based on Article 28.
The minimum age of applicants is 16 years.
Special regulations apply to the education of healthcare professionals, e.g. regarding clinical training, see
There is no general legal framework for apprenticeships at university level.
Description of schemes
A traditional apprenticeship that ends with a journeyman's degree usually takes 4 years. The combination of learning at school and at the workplace (apprenticeship) is quite different between job sectors. A company that wants to take on apprentices must apply for a special permit. The Ministry of Education has appointed a committee within each business sector to review the applications and grants licenses to those companies that meet all the prescribed conditions. The schools that offer apprenticeships can provide some information about the availability of apprenticeships, but it depends a lot on the profession and the economic situation. Each school administers their students' apprenticeship contracts. The Technical School in Reykjavík ( offers the largest selection of vocational courses in Iceland.
Apprentices can receive wages in accordance with the special rate for apprentices according to general collective agreements, see (Federation of Trade Unions).
Apprenticeships at university level are usually based on bilateral agreements between a university or department within a university and a company, organisation or any kind of organisation. There are no general rules for it, and as a result, their organisation and length can vary.
Citizens of EEA countries can apply for an apprenticeship in Iceland, provided they meet the required conditions, e.g. regarding language skills. Teaching in most vocational schools is conducted in Icelandic.
Citizens within the EEA who are doing an apprenticeship in another EEA country can get an apprentice position within an Icelandic company if the company in question meets the school's requirements. There are several examples of such bilateral agreements between Icelandic employers and vocational schools in other countries within the EEA.
Living and Working Conditions
Information for candidates
Where to find opportunities
IÐAN educational centre,, provides information about companies within different professions that have offered apprenticeships, assessment and recognition of foreign education.
Apprenticeships are sometimes advertised in newspaper job adverts and/or on recruitment websites, see
Erasmus + in the applicant's country of residence.
Menntasjóður (Icelandic student loan fund), citizens within the EEA could meet the conditions for a loan.
Funding and support
no information available
Where to advertise opportunities
Employers can access information on the main recruitment websites and find out where they would like to advertise vacant positions on the website of the Directorate of Labour.
We point out the importance of contacting a trade union and getting instructions on drawing up an employment contract.
Workplace learning fund: Vinnustaða-náms-sjóður | Vinnustaðanámssjóður | Rannsóknamiðstöð Íslands (, offers grants to companies and organisations for apprenticeships and traineeships that are defined as part of individuals' studies in secondary school.
Funding and support
The workplace learning fund,, allocates grants to companies and institutions for vocational training and apprenticeships that are defined as part of vocational education in the secondary school's main curriculum. See
The free movement of goods is one of the cornerstones of the European Single Market.
The removal of national barriers to the free movement of goods within the EU is one of the principles enshrined in the EU Treaties. From a traditionally protectionist starting point, the countries of the EU have continuously been lifting restrictions to form a ‘common’ or single market. This commitment to create a European trading area without frontiers has led to the creation of more wealth and new jobs, and has globally established the EU as a world trading player alongside the United States and Japan.
Despite Europe’s commitment to breaking down all internal trade barriers, not all sectors of the economy have been harmonised. The European Union decided to regulate at a European level sectors which might impose a higher risk for Europe’s citizens – such as pharmaceuticals or construction products. The majority of products (considered a ‘lower risk’) are subject to the application of the so-called principle of mutual recognition, which means that essentially every product legally manufactured or marketed in one of the Member States can be freely moved and traded within the EU internal market.
Limits to the free movement of goods
The EU Treaty gives Member States the right to set limits to the free movement of goods when there is a specific common interest such as protection of the environment, citizens’ health, or public policy, to name a few. This means for example that if the import of a product is seen by a Member State’s national authorities as a potential threat to public health, public morality or public policy, it can deny or restrict access to its market. Examples of such products are genetically modified food or certain energy drinks.
Even though there are generally no limitations for the purchase of goods in another Member State, as long as they are for personal use, there is a series of European restrictions for specific categories of products, such as alcohol and tobacco.
Free movement of capital
Another essential condition for the functioning of the internal market is the free movement of capital. It is one of the four basic freedoms guaranteed by EU legislation and represents the basis of the integration of European financial markets. Europeans can now manage and invest their money in any EU Member State.
The liberalisation of capital markets has marked a crucial point in the process of economic and monetary integration in the EU. It was the first step towards the establishment of our European Economic and Monetary Union (EMU) and the common currency, the Euro.
The principle of the free movement of capital not only increases the efficiency of financial markets within the Union, it also brings a series of advantages to EU citizens. Individuals can carry out a broad number of financial operations within the EU without major restrictions. For instance, individuals with few restrictions can
- easily open a bank account,
- buy shares
- invest, or
- purchase real estate
in another Member State. EU Companies can invest in, own and manage other European enterprises.
Certain exceptions to this principle apply both within the Member States and with third countries. They are mainly related to taxation, prudential supervision, public policy considerations, money laundering and financial sanctions agreed under the EU Common Foreign and Security Policy.
The European Commission is continuing to work on the completion of the free market for financial services, by implementing new strategies for financial integration in order to make it even easier for citizens and companies to manage their money within the EU.
It is recommended to secure housing before moving to Iceland, although the reality is that it is not always possible. During the first days in a new country, you can book accommodation in a guest house, hostel, or on Airbnb while looking for accommodation.
The rental market is difficult in Iceland, demand is much higher than supply and rental prices are high because of this. Rental prices are highest in the centre of Reykjavík and the surrounding area. As always, rental prices are lower outside of the capital area.
Housing can be rented from individuals, companies, rental companies and municipalities.
Rental housing is usually advertised on dedicated websites and on the websites of major newspapers, e.g. at Fréttablaðið and Morgunblaðið.
On the website you can also find advertisements for available rental properties.
It is becoming more and more common to advertise rental properties on social media, for example in groups. If you use keywords such as: rent or housing, you can find groups and request to become a member.
The rental agencies' services are also available to individuals looking for housing.
Lease agreement form:
Morgunblaðið: Leigueignir –
Fréttablaðið: (
Bland: – Nýjar og notaðar vörur, kauptu og seldu á Bland
Hostels in Iceland Hostelling International Iceland | Reservation for HI Hostels in Iceland.
Félagsstofnun stúdenta: Student Housing Reykjavik Iceland | Félagsstofnun stúdenta (
Félagsstofnun stúdenta, Akureyri: English | Félagsstofnun Stúdenta Akureyri (
Háskólinn í Reykjavík: Student housing | Reykjavik University (
Búseti: Main information (
The first level of education for children from 1, 2 to 6 years old begins in kindergartens, which are either run by municipalities or private parties. You can apply for a kindergarten place for a child immediately at birth or as soon as the child has been given a social security number. The cost of a kindergarten place is shared between the parents and the municipality, and a discount is usually given if parents have more than one child at the same kindergarten. Information about kindergartens and application forms can be found on the website of the relevant municipality.
Compulsory schools
There is 10 years of compulsory schooling in Iceland from the age of 6 to 16. Local authorities operate most compulsory schools, but there are also private schools. Information on compulsory schools and application forms can be found on the website of the local municipality office.
The Ministry of Education publishes the main curriculum of primary schools in accordance with the rules of the Cabinet: Stjórnarráðið | Námskrár (
Upper secondary schools
Upper secondary schools are operated by the government. Information about schools, application forms and other information can be found on the website of the Directorate of Education: Directorate of Education | Menntamálastofnun (
Title/Name | URL |
Information on junior colleges | |
Information on universities | |
List of local authorities in Iceland | |
Information on upper secondary schools: Directorate of Education | Menntamálastofnun (
National Curriculum Guide for Compulsory Schools: Stjórnarráðið | Námskrár (
The implementation of the principle of free movement of people, is one of the cornerstones of our European construction, has meant the introduction a series of practical rules to ensure that citizens can travel freely and easily to any Member State of the European Union. Travelling across the EU with one’s car has become a lot less problematic. The European Commission has set a series of common regulations governing the mutual recognition of driving licences, the validity of car insurance, and the possibility of registering your car in a host country.
Your driving licence in the EU
The EU has introduced a harmonised licence model and further minimum requirements for obtaining a licence. This should help to keep unsafe drivers off Europe's roads - wherever they take their driving test.
Since 19 January 2013, all driving licences issued by EU countries have the same look and feel. The licences are printed on a piece of plastic that has the size and shape of a credit card.
Harmonised administrative validity periods for the driving licence document have been introduced which are between 10 and 15 years for motorcycles and passenger cars. This enables the authorities to regularly update the driving licence document with new security features that will make it harder to forge or tamper - so unqualified or banned drivers will find it harder to fool the authorities, in their own country or elsewhere in the EU.
The new European driving licence is also protecting vulnerable road users by introducing progressive access for motorbikes and other powered two-wheelers. The "progressive access" system means that riders will need experience with a less powerful bike before they go on to bigger machines. Mopeds will also constitute a separate category called AM.
You must apply for a licence in the country where you usually or regularly live. As a general rule, it is the country where you live for at least 185 days each calendar year because of personal or work-related ties.
If you have personal/work-related ties in 2 or more EU countries, your place of usual residence is the place where you have personal ties, as long as you go back regularly. You don't need to meet this last condition if you are living in an EU country to carry out a task for a fixed period of time.
If you move to another EU country to go to college or university, your place of usual residence doesn't change. However, you can apply for a driving licence in your host country if you can prove you have been studying there for at least 6 months.
Registering your car in the host country
If you move permanently to another EU country and take your car with you, you should register your car and pay car-related taxes in your new country.
There are no common EU rules on vehicle registration and related taxes. Some countries have tax-exemption rules for vehicle registration when moving with the car from one country to another permanently.
To benefit from a tax exemption, you must check the applicable deadlines and conditions in the country you wish to move to.
Check the exact rules and deadlines with the national authorities:
Car Insurance
EU citizens can insure their car in any EU country, as long as the chosen insurance company is licensed by the host national authority to issue the relevant insurance policies. A company based in another Member State is entitled sell a policy for compulsory civil liability only if certain conditions are met. Insurance will be valid throughout the Union, no matter where the accident takes place.
Value Added Tax or VAT on motor vehicles is ordinarily paid in the country where the car is purchased, although under certain conditions, VAT is paid in the country of destination.
More information on the rules which apply when a vehicle is acquired in one EU Member State and is intended to be registered in another EU Member State is available on this link
At registers Iceland: Heim | Þjóðskrá ( you can find information on the registration of persons moving to Iceland. Individuals are advised to carefully follow the instructions we have at any given time.
A residence permit is required for persons coming to the country from countries outside the EEA region. Directorate of Immigration UTL Útlendingastofnun – The Directorate of Immigration you can get information and forms.
Staying longer than 3-6 months without registering in the National Register is illegal and affects people's rights. The right to public services and assistance is usually subject to the person having a registered domicile and it is advisable to register the domicile first if people intend to reside in Iceland.
Title/Name | URL |
Þjóðskrá – Registers Iceland | Moving to Iceland and/or need an Icelandic ID number (kennitala) | Þjóðskrá ( |
Fjölmenningarsetur (Multicultural and Information Centre) | |
Útlendingastofnun – Directorate of Immigration | Home ( |
What should you bring with you?
A valid passport or other valid personal identification from your home country, which is valid for at least 3 months beyond the period of your planned stay.
Diplomas and certificates to verify your formal education and/or vocational training. It is a good idea to translate your documents into English and/or Icelandic before coming to Iceland.
Contact the local social security service and tax office to find out how working in Iceland will affect your status regarding taxes and benefits. Be sure to familiarise yourself with the appropriate forms and confirmations.
It is good to find out about the certificate E-104 from the last country of residence which confirms the insurance period in the general health insurance system in the home country. You are automatically covered by health insurance in Iceland 6 months after registration of legal residence, but immediately if you return the E-104 certificate together with registration of legal residence.
The European Health Insurance Card.
Sufficient funds for subsistence until the first salary payment, e.g. for rent, security deposit due to rent, food, payment for handling documents and for flight home, if you change your mind.
The U1 certificate issued in your home country if you become unemployed after working in Iceland for some time.
What should I do first after arriving in Iceland?
You can contact EURES in Iceland to get information about job searching in Iceland. You can send an email to the email address: euresvmst [dot] is (eures[at]vmst[dot]is).
If you have a job and/or accommodation when you arrive in Iceland, it is important to immediately go to the National Registry and apply for a social security number and legal residence registration, or just a social security number.
Title/Name | URL |
Vinnumálastofnun (The National Employment Agency) | |
Tax office | |
Fjölmenningarsetur (Multicultural and Information Centre) | |
Sjúkratryggingar Íslands (Icelandic Health Insurance) | |
Registers Iceland | |
European Health Insurance Cards | European Health Insurance Card – Employment, Social Affairs & Inclusion – European Commission ( |
Quality of work and employment - a vital issue, with a strong economic and humanitarian impact
Good working conditions are important for the well-being of European workers. They
- contribute to the physical and psychological welfare of Europeans, and
- contribute to the economic performance of the EU.
From a humanitarian point of view, the quality of working environment has a strong influence on the overall work and life satisfaction of European workers.
From an economic point of view, high-quality job conditions are a driving force of economic growth and a foundation for the competitive position of the European Union. A high level of work satisfaction is an important factor for achieving high productivity of the EU economy.
It is therefore a core issue for the European Union to promote the creation and maintenance of a sustainable and pleasant working environment – one that promotes health and well-being of European employees and creates a good balance between work and non-work time.
Improving working conditions in Europe: an important objective for the European Union.
Ensuring favourable working conditions for European citizens is a priority for the EU. The European Union is therefore working together with national governments to ensure a pleasant and secure workplace environment. Support to Member States is provided through:
- the exchange of experience between different countries and common actions
- the establishment of the minimum requirements on working conditions and health and safety at work, to be applied all over the European Union
Criteria for quality of work and employment
In order to achieve sustainable working conditions, it is important to determine the main characteristics of a favourable working environment and thus the criteria for the quality of working conditions.
The European Foundation for the Improvement of Living and Working Conditions (Eurofound) in Dublin, is an EU agency that provides information, advice and expertise on, as the name implies, living and working conditions. This agency has established several criteria for job and employment quality, which include:
- health and well-being at the workplace – this is a vital criteria, since good working conditions suppose the prevention of health problems at the work place, decreasing the exposure to risk and improving work organisation
- reconciliation of working and non-working life – citizens should be given the chance to find a balance between the time spent at work and at leisure
- skills development – a quality job is one that gives possibilities for training, improvement and career opportunities
The work of Eurofound contributes to the planning and design of better living and working conditions in Europe.
Health and safety at work
The European Commission has undertaken a wide scope of activities to promote a healthy working environment in the EU Member States. Amongst others, it developed a Community Strategy for Health and Safety at Work for the period 2021-2027. This strategy was set up with the help of national authorities, social partners and NGOs. It addresses the changing needs in worker’s protection brought by the digital and green transitions, new forms of work and the COVID-19 pandemic. At the same time, the framework will continue to address traditional occupational safety and health risks, such as risks of accidents at work or exposure to hazardous chemicals.
The Community policy on health and safety at work aims at a long-lasting improvement of well-being of EU workers. It takes into account the physical, moral and social dimensions of working conditions, as well as the new challenges brought up by the enlargement of the European Union towards countries from Central and Eastern Europe. The introduction of EU standards for health and safety at the workplace, has contributed a lot to the improvement of the situation of workers in these countries.
Improving working conditions by setting minimum requirements common to all EU countries
Improving living and working conditions in the EU Member States depends largely on the establishment of common labour standards. EU labour laws and regulations have set the minimum requirements for a sustainable working environment and are now applied in all Member States. The improvement of these standards has strengthened workers’ rights and is one of the main achievements of the EU’s social policy.
The importance of transparency and mutual recognition of diplomas as a crucial complement to the free movement of workers
The possibility of obtaining recognition of one’s qualifications and competences can play a vital role in the decision to take up work in another EU country. It is therefore necessary to develop a European system that will guarantee the mutual acceptance of professional competences in different Member States. Only such a system will ensure that a lack of recognition of professional qualifications will not become an obstacle to workers’ mobility within the EU.
Main principles for the recognition of professional qualifications in the EU
As a basic principle, any EU citizen should be able to freely practice their profession in any Member State. Unfortunately the practical implementation of this principle is often hindered by national requirements for access to certain professions in the host country.
For the purpose of overcoming these differences, the EU has set up a system for the recognition of professional qualifications. Within the terms of this system, a distinction is made between regulated professions (professions for which certain qualifications are legally required) and professions that are not legally regulated in the host Member State.
Steps towards a transparency of qualifications in Europe
The European Union has taken important steps towards the objective of achieving transparency of qualifications in Europe:
- An increased co-operation in vocational education and training, with the intention to combine all instruments for transparency of certificates and diplomas, in one single, user-friendly tool. This includes, for example, the European CV or Europass Trainings.
- The development of concrete actions in the field of recognition and quality in vocational education and training.
Going beyond the differences in education and training systems throughout the EU
Education and training systems in the EU Member States still show substantial differences. The last enlargements of the EU, with different educational traditions, have further increased this diversity. This calls for a need to set up common rules to guarantee recognition of competences.
In order to overcome this diversity of national qualification standards, educational methods and training structures, the European Commission has put forward a series of instruments, aimed at ensuring better transparency and recognition of qualifications both for academic and professional purposes.
The European Qualifications Framework is a key priority for the European Commission in the process of recognition of professional competences. The main objective of the framework is to create links between the different national qualification systems and guarantee a smooth transfer and recognition of diplomas.
A network of National Academic Recognition Information Centres was established in 1984 at the initiative of the European Commission. The NARICs provide advice on the academic recognition of periods of study abroad. Located in all EU Member States as well as in the countries of the European Economic Area, NARICs play a vital role the process of recognition of qualifications in the EU.
The European Credit Transfer System aims at facilitating the recognition of periods of study abroad. Introduced in 1989, it functions by describing an education programme and attaching credits to its components. It is a key complement to the highly acclaimed student mobility programme Erasmus.
Europass is an instrument for ensuring the transparency of professional skills. It is composed of five standardised documents
- a CV (Curriculum Vitae),
- a cover letter editor,
- certificate supplements,
- diploma supplements, and
- a Europass-Mobility document.
The Europass system makes skills and qualifications clearly and easily understood in the different parts of Europe. In every country of the European Union and the European Economic Area, national Europass centres have been established as the primary contact points for people seeking for information about the Europass system.
There are special provisions in the Icelandic labour protection legislation regarding of children and adolescents working under the age of 18 years. According to those provisions, a special permit from the Labour Inspectorate is required to hire children under the age of 13 to work and children under the age of 15 may only be employed for lighter work. Working hours of adolescents aged 15-18 are limited to 40 hours per week and generally it is prohibited to have adolescents working during the period from 22.00 to 06.00.
The Icelandic labour market is flexible. It is, for example, easy for employers to recruit employees and to let them go. Likewise, it is easy for people to start new jobs and resign from their jobs.
Employment contracts can either be verbal or written at the start of the employment relationship. However, according to the provisions of the collective labour agreements, a written employment contract must be made within 2 months of the employee's employment if they are employed for more than 1 month and if they work for more than 8 hours a week. Employment contracts can either be indefinite or for a certain period of time, and it is common for people to be in full-time employment, but there is also a number of people working part-time jobs.
Self-employed individuals bear the responsibility for paying taxes and expenses on their income to the Treasury. See
There is no specific legal definition of ‘seasonal employee" in Icelandic law. Wages and other terms of employment, which are stipulated in the collective agreements of the parties to the labour market, are minimum requirements by law and apply to all employees. Collective agreements are automatically binding for all employees and employers who work in the relevant sector and in the relevant territory according to Act No 55/1980.
Title/Name | URL |
Alþýðusamband Íslands (Icelandic Confederation of Labour) | |
Fjölmenningarsetur (Multicultural and Information Centre) | |
Í | |
Tax office | Iceland Revenue and Customs ( |
A signed employment contract confirms the employment relationship between the employee and the employer, and the provisions of the employment contract. If a person is hired for more than 1 month and normally works more than 8 hours a week, a written employment contract must be drawn up and confirmed by signing no later than 2 months after the person started working. The content of the employment contract must be in accordance with the provisions of the applicable collective agreements when it comes to wages, wage rates, working hours, holidays and paid leave, sick pay and so on.
The employment contract must include:
- Names and social security numbers of the employee and company.
- Address of the workplace
- Title, position, nature or type of work in which the employee is employed or a brief outline or description of the work
- First day of work.
- The duration of the employment if it is temporary.
- Right to parental leave.
- Termination period by employer and employee.
- Monthly or weekly salary, e.g. with reference to wage rates, monthly wages from which overtime is calculated, other payments or allowances as well as payment periods.
- Length of normal working day or week.
- Pension Fund.
- A reference to the applicable collective agreement and the union concerned.
Employment contracts that do not meet the provisions of collective agreements are invalid.
Title/Name | URL |
Alþýðusamband Íslands (Icelandic Confederation of Labour) | |
Fjölmenningarsetur (Multicultural and Information Centre) | |
The Directorate of Labour offers services for disabled people and other job seekers with reduced working capacity. The service is made up of two elements and depends on the service needs of each individual. On one hand, the agency offers specialised advice and support for job searching and on the other hand there is AMS (Atvinna með stuðningi), 'Supported work', which includes assistance with job searching, support and follow-up at work.
The agency also manages work contracts for disabled people. The agreement ensures that an employer who employs a person for work receives a fixed rate of salary and wage related expenses for the person concerned.
The Organisation of Disabled People in Iceland (Öryrkjabandalag Íslands) is the organisation representing the human rights interests of disabled people. The organisation offers advice from social workers and lawyers.
Employers are required by law to take special measures for the safety and the health of pregnant women, and women who have recently given birth to a child or are breastfeeding. It is also forbidden to force a worker to work at night during pregnancy and for 6 months after the birth of a child.
Title/Name | URL |
Vinnumálastofnun (The National Employment Agency) | |
Alþýðusamband Íslands (Icelandic Confederation of Labour) | |
Fjölmenningarsetur (Multicultural and Information Centre) | |
Öryrkjabandalag Íslands (The Organisation of Disabled People in Iceland) | |
There are four different types of private company in Iceland:
- Individual companies: are operated through the founders own name.
- Private limited companies may be owned by one or more persons and must have capital of at least ISK 500 000.
- Limited company is more suitable for bigger companies and therefore has stricter formalities than other types of companies.
- Partnership companies are companies owned by two or more individuals or companies.
A self-employed person who has residency in an EU/EEA Member State and who wants to provide services in Iceland may come to the country without a special permit and stay for up to 3 months. If the service lasts longer than 3 months, the self-employed individual must register at the National Registry. If a self-employed person has employees working for them they can move their staff here to provide the service concerned. If the employees are nationals of the EU/EEA states, they can stay here for up to 3 months without a residence permit. If they intend to stay longer than 3 months, they must also register with the National Register.
Any EU/EEA national may set up their own business in Iceland. There are numerous agencies you should contact in order to build up your business. First is the tax office, where you register your business and receive guidance on tax matters.
A company or individual who intends to send an employee(s) to Iceland for a short period of time must report this to the Directorate of Labour. See more information about listing of seconded employees here
Title/Name | URL |
Ríkisskattstjóri (Directorate of Internal Revenue) | |
National Registry | |
Í | |
Vinnumálastofnun (The National Employment Agency) | |
The rights and duties of foreign service industries | |
The social partners negotiate wages and other issues that affect employment in collective agreements. Salaries and terms of employment must never be less than those stipulated in collective agreements. The minimum wage is therefore negotiated in each sector of the labour market by the social partners and can differ between occupational sectors. Employers must observe the minimum rates fixed in the applicable collective agreement when they negotiate contracts of employment with individual workers.
Collective agreements usually set minimum wages to those 14 years of age and older. For information on wage rates and working hours, please contact the trade union or the federation to which it belongs.
Collective agreements require that payment of wages must be accompanied by a written salary statement (pay slip). Workers are entitled to ask their union representatives to check whether their wages and deductions made by their employer have been calculated correctly.
A written pay statement must include, as a minimum, the following information:
- Name and address of the employer and name of the worker.
- The period of time or the work for which the worker is being paid.
- The gross amount of the wages, broken into daytime work, overtime, etc.
- The rate of wages to which the worker is entitled and the number of hours worked.
- Deductions and the purposes for which they are made, e.g. personal income tax, pension fund contributions and trade union contributions.
- Holiday pay.
- Any bonus, allowance, or other payment to which the worker is entitled.
- The net amount of money being paid to the worker.
Wages on the Icelandic labour market are usually paid directly into the worker’s bank account. Collective agreements usually state that wages are to be paid monthly on the first weekday after the end of the month for which the wages are being paid. Wages in some sectors are paid on a weekly or bi-weekly basis.
Title/Name | URL |
Alþýðusamband Íslands (Icelandic Confederation of Labour) | |
Fjölmenningarsetur (Multicultural and Information Centre) | |
In line with collective labour agreements the average maximum weekly working time over a four month reference period shall not exceed 48 hours per 7-day period, including overtime. Working time is in this context defined as active working time. Working hours must be arranged so that every 24-hour day the employee gets at least 11 hours of continuous rest. If possible, the daily rest period must be between 23.00 and 06.00. Moreover, workers are entitled to a rest break of at least 15 minutes during each working day of more than 6 hours. Coffee and meal breaks are considered to be breaks. For each 7-day period a worker is to have at least 1 day off from work, which is directly connected to the daily rest.
Night workers are those who work more than 3 hours between 23.00 and 06.00 as a regular part of their job. Employers are required to take all reasonable steps to ensure that the 'normal' hours of their night workers do not exceed 8 hours in every 24 hours.
The duration of a lunch break varies between sectors of the labour market, from 30 minutes to 1 hour, taken between 11.30 and 13.30 and is not counted as paid working time. Workers are usually entitled to two coffee breaks during daytime work and these should be taken before and after noon. The length of each coffee break ranges from 15 to 35 minutes, depending on the applicable collective agreement.
Hours of daytime work are usually defined as 40 hours per week depending on the collective agreement, divided into five 8 hour working days from Monday to Friday. Collective agreements thus define full-time work as 173.33 working hours per month (40 hours per week). Work exceeding these limits is paid as a percentage of the daytime rate and is paid as overtime. Overtime pay is due if the daily hours exceed 8 hours or if the work is done outside the limits of daytime working hours defined in collective agreements.
Wages for overtime are defined as hourly pay equalling 1.0385% of the monthly wages for daytime work. Overtime calculated in this manner on top of daytime pay is the minimum wage for work done during overtime periods.
People who do shift work receive a special supplement for work done outside of normal working hours. In general, the supplement is at least 33% for the period from 17.00 to 24.00 Monday to Friday and 45% for the period from 24.00 to 08.00 every day, including weekends.
Title/Name | URL |
Alþýðusamband Íslands (Icelandic Confederation of Labour) | |
Fjölmenningarsetur (Multicultural and Information Centre) | |
All employees are entitled to vacation and vacation pay, a minimum of 2 working days for each month worked in the preceding vacation year (1 May to 30 April, inclusive).
The minimum holiday for each year is therefore 24 working days.
The Act stipulates that holiday allowance is to be whenever salary is paid, at a minimum of 10.17% of total wages. That guarantees a minimum annual paid holiday of 24 working days. Holiday is to be granted during the period 2 May to 15 September each year and workers shall at all times be given the right to take at least 14 days’ holiday during the summer holiday period. The employer decides in consultation with his employees when they go on vacation during the summer vacation.
Public holidays are: New Year's Day (1 January) (major holiday), Maundy Thursday, Good Friday (major holiday), Easter Monday, First Day of Summer (First Thursday after 18 April), International Workers' Day (1 May), Ascension Day, Whitsun (major holiday), Whit Monday, Icelandic National Day (17 June) (major holiday), Tradesmen's Day (1st Monday in August), Christmas Eve from 12 noon (24 December) (major holiday), Christmas Day (25 December) (major holiday), the day after Christmas (26 December), New Year's Eve from 12 noon (31 December) (major holiday).
Overtime is paid for work on public holidays, but on major holidays a special supplement is added.
The right to sick leave and its duration varies, depending on collective agreements. For example, public employees generally have more sick leave than employees in the general market. In general, however, the employee's sickness entitlement increases the longer they work with the same employer. The minimum right is 2 days for each 1 month worked.
A parent is also entitled to 12 days in each 12-month period for the illness of children under the age of 13.
By law, all parents are entitled to maternity/paternity leave. Both parents have independent rights to maternity/paternity leave of up to 3 months after birth, and in addition they have 3 months which they can split between themselves. The total right to maternity/paternity leave after birth or adoption of a child is therefore 9 months. The right to payments for maternity/paternity benefits depends on the position of the parent in the labour market, i.e. whether they are in the labour market, are home makers or are studying.
Parents also have the right to parental leave for up to 4 months to take care of their child. The right expires when the child reaches 8 years of age. Employees on parental leave are not entitled to payment from the maternity/paternity leave fund or other public funds.
Paid study leave is not common in the private sector. However, public employees with university education are entitled to paid study leave after 4 years at the same institution, under collective agreements. The length of the leave and how it is acquired varies, according to the occupation in question.
Title/Name | URL |
Alþýðusamband Íslands (Icelandic Confederation of Labour) | |
Fjölmenningarsetur (Multicultural and Information Centre) | |
Parental leave | |
The general principle on the private labour market is that any employment contract concluded for an indefinite period of time may be terminated for any reason, by both employer and employee, subject to notice periods, based on the applicable collective agreement. However, there are some restrictions under this rule that protect, for example, pregnant women, employees on maternity/paternity leave and union representatives at their workplace.
Notice of termination must be in writing and the notice period starting from the end of the month (or week if applicable). If the worker does not receive his formal notice of dismissal at least on the last working day of the month, his notice period is automatically pushed back to the end of the next month. The length of notice periods ranges from 1 week to 6 months (3 months is common), depending on length of service and service time at the affected organisations.
The employment contract remains intact until the end of the notice period, which means that rights and obligations of both parties remain unchanged during the period. The parties can however come to an agreement to end their employment relationship immediately.
Where the worker leaves without giving the required notice, the employer may have, in certain circumstances, a right to claim damages. There are exceptions, where no notice is required – such as in the event of gross misconduct by either party, or dangerous or unsuitable working conditions.
There is no reference in the law or in collective agreements in the private sector to any special retirement age, but public servants have to retire at the age of 70. Retirement age can be said to be governed by rules relating to entitlement to old age pension. For the majority of workers, entitlement to old age pension is set at 67 years old. They can choose to start drawing a pension from a pension fund already at the age of 65 or delay it until the age of 70. Seamen are entitled to an old-age pension when they turn sixty.
All employees are obliged to pay an amount from their salary into a pension fund. Payments from a pension fund reflect the employee's contribution over the years, i.e. how long and how much the person has paid into the fund, and can therefore vary greatly. The same applies to disability pensions, but you are entitled to such pension benefits if your working capacity is reduced due to an accident or illness, where the resulting impairment is assessed to represent at least 50% permanent disability.
According to social security legislation, those who have reached the age of 67 and have lived in Iceland for at least 3 years between the ages of 16 and 67, are entitled to a pension. The entitlement is calculated in proportion to the number of years the person has lived in Iceland between the ages of 16 and 67. In order to receive full entitlement, the person must have lived in Iceland for 40 years. Payments of old-age pension from the social security are reduced due to income, e.g. wages or pension benefits from a pension fund. Those who are entitled to payments from a pension fund receive low or no payments from the social security system.
Title/Name | URL |
Alþýðusamband Íslands (Icelandic Confederation of Labour) | |
Tryggingastofnun (The Social Insurance Administration) | |
Landssamtök lífeyrissjóða (The Icelandic Pension Funds Association) | |
Trade union membership is open to all those working in the relevant trade within the area of each union in line with further fixed rules contained in their resolutions. Applicants may not be denied membership based on gender, nationality or other such grounds. Union membership is very high in Iceland compared to most countries, at around 85%. The purpose of trade unions on the Icelandic labour market is to improve wages and other employment conditions of their members, primarily by representing them in collective bargaining with employers and their federations and promoting their rights through employment legislation. Trade unions also support their members in a number of other ways, for example financially when illness or other crises arise. Members can also receive various grants. It is, for example, common for foreign workers to receive grants to attend courses in Icelandic.
Collective labour agreements cover all workers and provide them with protection, whether or not they are members of the unions. Collective labour agreements are made by unions and employers' organisations in each branch and region. Any parts of agreements between individual workers and employers that conflict with minimum rights as laid down in respective collective agreements are considered invalid.
Trade unions are authorised to select their union representatives at each workplace. The role of trade union representatives is to receive and to assess complaints relating to unsatisfactory terms of employment, facilities, etc. If they come to the conclusion that complaints are valid, they must forward the complaint or claim to the employer or to their representative, e.g. a foreman.
Title/Name | URL |
Alþýðusamband Íslands (Icelandic Confederation of Labour) | |
Fjölmenningarsetur (Multicultural and Information Centre) | |
Efling stéttarfélag (Efling Workers' Union) | |
VR (The Commercial Workers' Union) | |
Strikes and lockouts have not been a common tool for collective bargaining in Iceland, but in recent times strikes have been unusually frequent. Actions of this type are more common in the public sector than in the private labour market. Trade unions and employers' associations are authorised to declare strikes and lockouts (work stoppage) for the purpose of advancing their demands in industrial disputes and for the protection of their rights. The term 'work stoppage' refers to lockouts by employers and strikes where workers discontinue their work to some extent or in its entirety in order to achieve some common goals.
When a collective agreement has been signed, the negotiating trade union or unions waive their right to strike inasmuch as the conditions established in the collective agreement are fully respected. Under normal conditions strikes are therefore used only as a bargaining tool by the trade union when negotiating a new collective agreement. Strikes in those circumstances are permitted by law, but only if the decision to call a strike has been made by secret ballot with the participation of at least 20% of all those entitled to vote, and if the proposal receives the support of the majority of votes cast.
A proposal to strike must clearly state the aim and when it should start. A negotiating committee or the competent representatives of the contracting parties may at all times cancel a work stoppage. An ongoing or proposed work stoppage may also be suspended at any time if both parties agree.
Title/Name | URL |
Alþýðusamband Íslands (Icelandic Confederation of Labour) | |
Confederation of Icelandic Enterprise | |
The Icelandic Education and Training Service Centre is a forum for cooperation between the social partners, municipalities and the Ministry of Finance on adult and vocational education in the Icelandic labour market, in collaboration with other educational institutions organised by the members of the organisation.
In Iceland, there are a number of lifelong learning centres that offer a variety of education opportunities for adults. They differ in structure. They are represented by municipalities, colleges, unions and companies in various ways.
Some upper secondary schools offer two types of adult education. On the one hand, there are adult classes for those who want to complete a matriculation degree to attend a university either by attending an evening school or through distance learning. The adult classes differ from regular day schools in that there are fewer lessons per credit-unit than in a regular day school, the teaching is based on the needs of adults, and students need to pay a lot more for the education than in a regular day school, or an amount equivalent to one third of the operational cost. However, some colleges offer continuing education courses in cooperation with professional organisations, unions, employers or other parties.
Trade unions offer their members a variety of continuing education options. They offer a wide range of courses in collaboration with educational institutions. Most professions in Iceland currently have access to a vocational fund. It has been agreed that employers contribute an amount to this fund that corresponds to a proportion of the employee's salary. Employees can apply for grants to attend courses, and employers or trade unions can also apply for grants to provide courses.
Title/Name | URL |
Fræðslumiðstöð atvinnulífsins (The Education and Training Service Centre) | |
Mímir símenntun (Centre for Lifelong Learning) | |
Símenntunarstöð Eyjafjarðar (Lifelong Learning Centre in Eyjafjörður) | |
Quality of life – on top of the EU social policy agenda
Favourable living conditions depend on a wide range of factors, such as quality healthcare services, education and training opportunities or good transport facilities, just to name a few aspects affecting citizens’ everyday life and work. The European Union has set for itself the aim to constantly improve the quality of life in all its Member States, and to take into account the new challenges of contemporary Europe, such as socially exclude people or an aging population.
Employment in Europe
Improving employment opportunities in Europe is a key priority for the European Commission. With the prospect of tackling the problem of unemployment and increasing the mobility between jobs and regions, a wide variety of initiatives at EU level are being developed and implemented to support the European Employment strategy. These include the European Employment Services network (EURES) and the EU Skills Panorama.
Health and healthcare in the European Union
Health is a cherished value, influencing people’s daily lives and therefore an important priority for all Europeans. A healthy environment is crucial for our individual and professional development, and EU citizens are ever more demanding about health and safety at work and the provision of high quality healthcare services. They require quick and easy access to medical treatment when travelling across the European Union. EU health policies are aimed at responding to these needs.
The European Commission has developed a coordinated approach to health policy, putting into practice a series of initiatives that complement the actions of national public authorities. The Union’s common actions and objectives are included in EU health programmes and strategies.
The current EU4Health Programme (2021-2027) is the EU’s ambitious response to COVID-19. The pandemic has a major impact on patients, medical and healthcare staff, and health systems in Europe. The new EU4Health programme will go beyond crisis response to address healthcare systems’ resilience.
EU4Health, established by Regulation (EU) 2021/522, will provide funding to eligible entities, health organisations and NGOs from EU countries, or non-EU countries associated to the programme.
With EU4Health, the EU will invest €5.3 billion in current prices in actions with an EU added value, complementing EU countries’ policies and pursuing one or several of EU4Health´s objectives:
- To improve and foster health in the Union
- disease prevention & health promotion
- international health initiatives & cooperation
- To tackle cross-border health threats
- prevention, preparedness & response to cross-border health threats
- complementing national stockpiling of essential crisis-relevant products
- establishing a reserve of medical, healthcare & support staff
- To improve medicinal products, medical devices and crisis-relevant products
- making medicinal products, medical devices and crisis-relevant products available and affordable
- To strengthen health systems, their resilience and resource efficiency
- strengthening health data, digital tools & services, digital transformation of healthcare
- improving access to healthcare
- developing and implementing EU health legislation and evidence-based decision making
- integrated work among national health systems
Education in the EU
Education in Europe has both deep roots and great diversity. Already in 1976, education ministers decided to set up an information network to better understand educational policies and systems in the then nine-nation European Community. This reflected the principle that the particular character of an educational system in any one Member State ought to be fully respected, while coordinated interaction between education, training and employment systems should be improved. Eurydice, the information network on education in Europe, was formally launched in 1980.
In 1986, attention turned from information exchanges to student exchanges with the launch of the Erasmus programme, now grown into the Erasmus+programme, often cited as one of the most successful initiatives of the EU.
Transport in the EU
Transport was one of the first common policies of the then European Community. Since 1958, when the Treaty of Rome entered into force, the EU’s transport policy has focused on removing border obstacles between Member States, thereby enabling people and goods to move quickly, efficiently and cheaply.
This principle is closely connected to the EU’s central goal of a dynamic economy and cohesive society. The transport sector generates 10% of EU wealth measured by gross domestic product (GDP), equivalent to about one trillion Euros a year. It also provides more than ten million jobs.
The Schengen area
The Schengen Convention, in effect since March 1995, abolished border controls within the area of the signatory States and created a single external frontier, where checks have to be carried out in accordance with a common set of rules.
Today, the Schengen Area encompasses most EU countries, except for Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Ireland and Romania. However, Bulgaria, Croatia and Romania are currently in the process of joining the Schengen Area and already applying the Schengen acquis to a large extent. Additionally, also the non-EU States Iceland, Norway, Switzerland and Liechtenstein have joined the Schengen Area.
Air transport
The creation of a single European market in air transport has meant lower fares and a wider choice of carriers and services for passengers. The EU has also created a set of rights to ensure air passengers are treated fairly.
As an air passenger, you have certain rights when it comes to information about flights and reservations, damage to baggage, delays and cancellations, denied boarding, compensation in the case of accident or difficulties with package holidays. These rights apply to scheduled and chartered flights, both domestic and international, from an EU airport or to an EU airport from one outside the EU, when operated by an EU airline.
Over the last 25 years the Commission has been very active in proposing restructuring the European rail transport market and in order to strengthen the position of railways vis-à-vis other transport modes. The Commission's efforts have concentrated on three major areas which are all crucial for developing a strong and competitive rail transport industry:
- opening the rail transport market to competition,
- improving the interoperability and safety of national networks and
- developing rail transport infrastructure.
Iceland became an independent republic on 17 June 1944 and has a written constitution and a parliamentary form of government.
The president is elected by direct popular vote for a term of 4 years at a time. His role is mainly formal but he may apply a veto to a law passed by Parliament.
The Parliament (Althingi), where laws are made and amended, is the legislative body. and comprises 63 members from six districts, elected for a term of 4 years by popular vote. Eight political parties have representatives in the parliament. The largest party is the Independence Party (Sjálfstæðisflokkur), followed by the Left-Green Movement (Vinstri hreyfingin grænt framboð), the Social Democratic Alliance (Samfylking), the Centre Party (Miðflokkur), the Progressive Party (Framsóknarflokkur), the Pirate Party (Pírataflokkurinn), the People’s Party (Flokkur Fólksins) and the Reform Party (Viðreisn). After the elections that took place in September 2021, a coalition government of the Left movement of green supply, the Independence Party and the Progressive Party was formed under the chairmanship of Bjarni Benediktsson.
The executive power is in the hands of the government, the prime minister and his ministers.
Offices of the executive branch, such as the ministries, directorates and various other government agencies, are responsible for implementing laws. District Commissioners (Sýslumenn) are in charge of administrative functions in the province, each in their district, as provided by laws, regulations or other government orders. The country is divided up into nine administrative districts.
The Court of Appeal was introduced on 1 January 2018, creating a three tier court system. Legal proceedings first go before one of eight district courts and then before the Court of Appeal if one of the parties appeals. After having received approval, cases may then be appealed to Hæstiréttur (Supreme Court) but, in most instances, the judgement of the Court of Appeal will provide the final conclusion.
Central administration of the police force is in the hands of the National Commissioner of the Icelandic Police. The country is divided up into nine police districts.
The Ombudsman of the Althingi supervises the administrative organisation of the government and of local authorities and allows civilians to seek assistance if they believe that they are in violation.
The Icelandic Human Rights Centre employs a lawyer to provide legal counsel for immigrants, free of charge.
The Directorate of Labour operates under the Minister of Social Affairs and Equal Opportunities and is, among other things, in charge of the Unemployment Insurance Fund, the Maternity/Paternity Leave Fund, the Wage Guarantee Fund and as well as numerous other labour market-related projects. The agency operates service offices in nine locations in the country.
Title/Name | URL |
Forseti Íslands (President of Iceland) | |
Icelandic Parliament | |
Stjórnarráð Íslands (Government Offices of Iceland) | |
Sýslumenn (District Commissioners) | |
Héraðsdómstólar (District Courts of Iceland) | |
Landsréttur (Court of Appeal of Iceland) | |
Hæstiréttur Íslands (The Supreme Court of Iceland) | |
Police | |
Umboðsmaður Alþingis (The Althing Ombudsman) | |
Mannréttindaskrifstofa Íslands (The Icelandic Human Rights Centre) | |
Vinnumálastofnun (The National Employment Agency) | |
You can find detailed information on the Tax website, see more details: Tax liability | Skatturinn – skattar og gjöld
Title/Name | URL |
Ríkisskattstjóri (Directorate of Internal Revenue) | |
Hagstofan (Statistics Iceland) | |
The cost of living is high in Iceland. According to information from Eurostat, Iceland is ranked the 5th highest of 38 countries in Europe, when the living costs of households were compared in 2015. The price of food is high and the price of clothing, electrical appliances and transportation is the highest in the world. However, the price of telecommunications services is just slightly above average and the price of electricity is well below average.
In 2011, the Ministry of Welfare issued the Consumer Criteria for households in Iceland, which has been updated regularly. The criteria show the typical benchmarks that reflect household spending and, on the other hand, basic criteria that give an indication of possible minimum expenditures. The website of the ministry has a calculator for consumption criteria based on family size, residence and other factors, see
Title/Name | URL |
Eurostat | |
Velferðarráðuneytið (Ministry of Welfare) | |
It is normal in Iceland for people to live in their own homes, and hence the rental market has never grown significantly. In recent years, however, the number of people on the rental market has increased proportionally.
The rental market in Iceland is difficult, there is more demand than supply for rental accommodation and prices are high, especially in the capital. Short-term rental is also common and it can be difficult to find safe rental housing for a longer period of time. Rental apartments are mostly owned by individuals, but also by special rental companies. Apartments are advertised for rent in newspapers, online and on social media. You can apply for housing benefits, whether rent benefits will be paid and their amount depends on the amount of rent, income and family size of the person concerned.
Foreign citizens who are domiciled in Iceland can purchase residential property. Banks, pension funds and the State Housing Financing Fund (Íbúðalánasjóður) lend money for the purchase of housing. Only licensed real estate agencies and lawyers may act as intermediaries for real estate transactions. Housing prices in Iceland have risen somewhat in recent years, especially in the capital area. The average price per square metre for a 3-room apartment in Reykjavík in the first 9 months of 2016 was around ISK 350 000, for example.
Title/Name | URL |
Fjölmenningarsetur (Multicultural and Information Centre) | |
Hagstofa Íslands (Statistics Iceland) | |
Housing for rent | |
Housing benefits | |
Leasing agreement | |
Real estate agencies association | |
Health care centres can be found throughout the country. In the capital area, those centres are located in the neighbourhoods and residents must register at their neighbourhood centre. Health care centres provide all the general medical services, and people usually go there first because of illness or health problems. The centres also provide maternity protection, child welfare, school health care and home care. A fee is charged, specifically for research, but charges are low for those who are insured. Elderly and disabled citizens pay lower fees and the service is generally free of charge for children under 18 years of age.
Outside normal health care centre opening hours, doctors are on duty at health care centres in the villages outside the capital area while, in the capital area, the Emergency Watch (Læknavaktin), located in the shopping mall Smáratorg, in Kópavogur, operates this service. Medical services outside normal opening hours, at night and at weekends, are more expensive.
Emergency rooms and accident centres or emergency departments are located in most health centres and hospitals. The service is provided throughout the year. The emergency telephone number 112 (one, one, two) carries out all emergency services and responds to all emergency calls and assistance requests.
People can go directly to medical specialists who operate their own offices. This service is much more costly than at the health care centres, although health insurance will contribute to the cost. There is, however, a yearly limit on these payments. The elderly, disabled people and children pay lower fees.
In general, the health insurance does not cover dental services. However, dental care services are being implemented for children under 18 years of age. As of 1 January 2018, only one fixed fee of ISK 2 500 applies to children. Specific rules apply to the participation of health insurance in dental costs for the elderly and the disabled and the cost of orthodontics for children.
Medicines, both prescriptions and retail drugs, can be purchased only in pharmacies and drug stores. Health insurance subsidises prescription drugs through a special, step-by-step payment system, each person paying proportionally less as their medical expenses increase within a 12-month period. In the first step, the person pays for the medicine in full and, in the second step, they pay 15% of the price of the medicine. In the third step, they pay 7.5%. Once the cost of the drug has reached a certain maximum, the patient will receive full coverage for the remainder of the period.
Title/Name | URL |
Fjölmenningarsetur (Multicultural and Information Centre) | |
Sjúkratryggingar Íslands (Icelandic Health Insurance) | |
Heilsugæslan (The Health Care Clinics) | |
Embætti landlæknis (The Directorate of Health) | |
Læknavaktin (Emergency Watch) | |
Heilbrigðistofnun Vesturlands (The Health Care Institution of West Iceland) | |
Heilbrigðisstofnun Vestfjarða (The Health Care Institution of the Westfjords) | |
Heilbrigðistofnun Norðurlands (The Health Care Institution of North Iceland) | |
Heilbrigðisstofnun Austurlands (The Health Care Institution of East Iceland) | |
Heilbrigðisstofnun Suðurlands (The Health Care Institution of South Iceland) | |
Heilbrigðisstofnun Suðurnesja (The Health Care Institution of Sudurnes) | |
Landspítalinn Háskólasjúkrahús (The National University Hospital of Iceland) | |
Tannnlæknavaktin (The dental emergency care) | |
Lyfjastofnun (Icelandic Medicines Agency) | |
The education system is divided into four parts, pre-school, compulsory school, upper secondary school and university.
Attending pre-school is not mandatory. Most pre-schools are run by local authorities, but there are also privately operated pre-schools. Parents apply for a pre-school stay for their child in their municipality or the relevant pre-school. It varies from municipality to municipality when children can enter pre-school, but it is usually between the ages of one and two.
All children aged 6-16 years are required to attend compulsory school in Iceland. Parents or guardians are responsible for registering children at school, and most primary schools are run by local authorities.
Upper secondary education follows compulsory school, but attendance is not mandatory. The duration of the secondary education varies, depending on whether it is an academic programme or vocational education, and a matriculation degree usually takes 3 years. Upper secondary schools are referred to as comprehensive high schools (fjölbrautarskólar), colleges (menntaskólar), trade schools (iðnskólar) or vocational colleges (verkmenntaskólar). Students complete studies either with a matriculation degree in academic subjects, a vocational degree from a trade school or a special degree programme. Some upper secondary schools offer evening classes and distance learning for an older group of students.
Those who have completed a matriculation or equivalent degree can attend university. Some subjects require a special entrance exam. Some universities offer a special graduate programme for those who have not completed a matriculation degree and distance education in certain subjects. University education is completed with an appropriate degree according to level and length of study, i.e. a diploma, a bachelor, masters or doctorate degree. In Iceland, there are seven universities, five of which are operated by the government and two are private universities.
Title/Name | URL |
Fjölmenningarsetur (Multicultural and Information Centre) | |
Mennta- og menningarmála ráðuneytið (The Ministry of Education, Science and Culture) | |
Menntamálastofnun (The Directorate of Education) | |
Reykjavíkurborg (City of Reykjavik) | |
Samtök sjálfstæðra skóla (Independent School's Organisation) | |
Registration at upper secondary school | |
University studies in Iceland | |
Lánasjóður íslenskra námsmanna (The Icelandic Student Loan Fund) | |
One of the main characteristics of culture in Iceland is the language, Icelandic, with a very small speech community. A large number of Icelandic books are published every year, and fiction writing is based on an old tradition that can be traced back to the writing of the Icelandic Sagas of the 13th and 14th centuries. Iceland has long been considered a literary nation..
Icelandic music has in recent years attracted worldwide attention and it is safe to say that the music scene in the country is flourishing. Concerts are well-attended and every year there are popular music festivals that attract visitors from around the world.
About 90% of all buildings in Iceland are heated with hot water, and central heating costs are much lower here than in neighbouring countries. This adds to a great swimming culture in Iceland, and many people begin or end their day with a swim. In Reykjavik alone, there are eight public swimming pools that are open all year round, from early morning until evening. Most swimming pools are outdoors and usually have hot tubs. Swimming is compulsory in elementary schools in Iceland.
Title/Name | URL |
The Reykjavík Grapewine | |
The Árni Magnússon Institute for Icelandic Studies | |
Iceland Review | |
Swimming pools | |
Infant mortality in Iceland is among the lowest in the world, at 0.7 per 1 000 children born in 2016. This is partly explained by effective maternal and infant protection and general participation in vaccination programmes. Maternity and infant protection is free of charge under the healthcare system. Most children are born at the National Hospital.
Two individuals, regardless of sex, may marry when both have reached the age of 18 years. Marriages can be performed by civil or church authorities. The district commissioners and their lawful representatives perform civic marriages in their district. The ministers of the Icelandic National Church are responsible for ecclesiastical marriages, as well as priests and heads of other registered religious associations in Iceland who have been granted legal approval by the Ministry of Justice.
Two individuals who have the same legal domicile and who are not married or who are in an uncertified marital relationship can register in cohabitation. Foreign nationals in an uncertified marital relationship cannot be registered in cohabitation. Registration in cohabitation has to be done at the National Register of Iceland.
Individuals in registered cohabitation receive in part the same rights as married people. This applies in particular to social rights such as social security, tax matters and social services of the municipalities. However, registered cohabitation does not warrant mutual statutory inheritance, only legal marriage does that.
Title/Name | URL |
Fjölmenningarsetur (Multicultural and Information Centre) | |
Dómsmálaráðuneytið (Ministry of Justice) | |
Landspítali (The National Hospital of Iceland) | |
Information about public service | |
Þjóðskrá Íslands (National Registry Iceland) | |
Numerous airlines fly to and from Iceland; the number of flights has increased in recent years due to increased tourist numbers. Two Icelandic airlines fly to and from the country, Icelandair and Play. The main international airport, Keflavík Airport, is in the countryside, about a 40-minute drive from Reykjavík. Diversion airports are located in Akureyri and Egilsstaðir. With increased competition, flights have become cheaper and well-priced flights to Iceland can be found.
Domestically, people mostly use either an aeroplane or a car to get around. There are no railway lines in the country. The road network in Iceland is more underdeveloped than in most other European countries, with one-lane bridges on Route 1, and unpaved roads are common. Toll roads generally do not occur in the country, with the exception of the Vaðlaheiðargöng tunnel near Akureyri.
Scheduled air services are available from Reykjavík to some locations in the country, but domestic flights are expensive. In addition, scheduled buses operate around the country. In the capital area and in Akureyri there is a local bus system.
Title/Name | URL |
Icelandic Transport (Samgöngustofa) | |
Keflavík International Airport | |
Domestic airport | |
Road and Coastal Administration | |
Bus | |