The present study aims to investigate the morphological characteristics of the Blanche de Montagne sheep breed, mainly known by its long white fleece. The morphological characterization was performed on a total of 70 unrelated individuals of both sexes, having between 2 and 8 teeth and belonging to 13 farms located in the Ouarzazate region. The body measurements studied were body weight, body length, chest circumference, height at withers, rump height, chest depth, chest width, hip width, head length, head width, ear length, ear width, horn length, cannon circumference, wool length, and tail length. These measurements averaged 28.2±8.10 kg, 65.8±6.25 cm, 73.5±6.71 cm, 59.5±4.39 cm, 59.5±4.72 cm, 27.4±2.90 cm, 19.8±2.70 cm, 21.0±2.14 cm, 19.2±1.57 cm, 11.0±1.01 cm, 9.71±1.02 cm, 5.47±0.53 cm, 43.2±13.8 cm, 7.44±0.77 cm, 10.9±3.56 cm, and 31.8±4.36 cm, respectively. Descriptive statistics presented an overall coefficient of variation less than 15%, showing a homogeneous morphostructure of the breed. Most characters were small in relation with the low productivity of pastures. Moreover, 77.5% of correlation coefficients among the different body measurements were positive and significant, reflecting the strong morphological harmony of the breed, suggesting a long period of adaptation to its environment. The variance analysis showed that sex influenced the measurements, with males having the highest values. Similarly, individuals with 6 or 8 teeth showed higher values than those with 2 or 4 teeth. Through the comparison with other Moroccan breeds, the variation of some morphological traits was found in relation to some climatic parameters (mainly winter temperatures) and feeding supplementation.
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We thank the ANOC (Association Nationale Ovine et Caprine) team and farmers for their precious help for the sampling.
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Kandoussi, A., Petit, D. & Boujenane, I. Morphologic characterization of the Blanche de Montagne, an endemic sheep of the Atlas Mountains. Trop Anim Health Prod 53, 154 (2021). https://doi.org/10.1007/s11250-021-02577-7
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s11250-021-02577-7