This work used an approach based on LSTM neural networks and artificial intelligence techniques to develop a model for predicting driver positions in Formula (1) races. The neural network’s architecture was defined with LSTM layers and dense layers, and the mean square error (MSE) loss function was used to measure model accuracy [
14]. In addition, explainability techniques such as attention and feature importance were applied to understand which parts of the input data were most relevant to the model’s predictions [
15]. This approach is accompanied by several concepts and reviews of similar works that are the basis for developing this proposal.
2.1. Review of Similar Works
There is a growing interest in applying explainability techniques to AI models to understand and trust their predictions. In the context of motorsports, especially in Formula (1), several studies have been carried out that address the prediction of driver performance using machine learning models and the exploration of the explainability of these models.
A relevant study was carried out by [
16], in which a set of historical data from Formula (1) races was used to predict drivers’ performance in future races. A linear regression model considered various factors, such as the drivers’ background, track characteristics, and weather conditions. While this study successfully obtained accurate predictions, its focus on model explainability was limited, making it difficult to understand the underlying decisions.
On the other hand, in the study by [
17], a convolutional neural network was used to predict drivers’ performance in Formula (1) qualifying sessions. In addition to obtaining promising results in prediction accuracy, the authors applied a salience map attribution technique to visualize the impact of features on the predictions. This allowed a greater understanding of the critical factors influencing drivers’ performance during qualifying sessions. Despite these advances, most previous studies have paid little attention to the explainability of the models used in predicting the performance of Formula (1) drivers. This lack of explainability can make it challenging to have confidence in the predictions and limit the adoption of models in critical environments such as motorsports.
In this article, we address this gap by exploring explainability techniques for predicting and understanding driver performance in Formula (1) racing. By applying these techniques, we seek greater transparency and understanding of how the artificial intelligence models in this context make decisions. In addition to the studies mentioned, we also found other relevant works. For example, ref. [
18] developed a linear regression model using Formula (1) driver performance data and evaluated the importance of features using feature selection techniques. Ref. [
19] proposed a recurrent neural network model to predict drivers’ performance in Formula (1) racing and applied explainability techniques to identify the most influential features in the predictions. On the other hand, ref. [
20] used a deep-learning approach based on convolutional neural networks to predict the performance of Formula (1) drivers, evaluating the importance of features through sensitivity analysis and salience map attribution.
Compared to these previous studies, our proposal distinguishes itself by comprehensively addressing the explainability of the models used in predicting the performance of Formula (1) drivers. Our approach incorporates explainability techniques, such as attention and feature importance, to understand which variables and aspects significantly impact the predictions. This will allow us to provide greater clarity and confidence in the decisions made by AI models, thus driving their adoption in critical environments such as motorsports.
In addition to the studies mentioned above, additional research has been conducted focusing on the prediction and explainability of driver performance in Formula (1) using neural network models. One of the relevant studies is the one carried out by [
21], where the use of machine learning models to predict the performance of pilots in changing weather conditions was explored. This study used explainability techniques such as attention and feature importance to understand which variables significantly affect model predictions under different climate scenarios. This allowed for a better understanding of how weather conditions influence pilot performance and provided valuable information for strategic decision making.
Another relevant study is the one carried out by [
22], where a model based on recurrent neural networks was developed to predict the results of Formula (1) races. In addition to evaluating the accuracy of the predictions, the authors used explainability techniques, such as the importance of characteristics and attention maps, to identify the most influential factors in the results of the races. This research allowed us to understand better which specific variables and characteristics significantly impact drivers’ performance in Formula (1) racing.
In addition, the study in [
23] investigated the use of machine learning algorithms to predict drivers’ performance at different Formula (1) circuits. Using explainability techniques, such as feature importance and visualization of weights, the researchers could understand which characteristics were most relevant in different professional contexts. This more profound understanding of the critical variables allowed for improved accuracy of the predictions and provided valuable information to optimize the teams’ strategy at each circuit.
Compared with these preliminary works, our proposal focuses on applying explainability techniques in neural network models to predict and understand drivers’ performance in Formula (1) races. Using techniques such as attention and the importance of features, we seek to identify the critical factors that influence model predictions and provide greater transparency and understanding of the decisions made by artificial intelligence models in this context. By doing so, we hope to contribute to advancing research in the field of performance prediction in racing sports and promote the adoption of more explainable and reliable models in critical environments such as Formula (1).
2.2. Explainability to Predict and Understand the Performance of an AI Model
The explainability of AI models refers to the ability to understand and justify the decisions made by the model. As AI models become more complex, such as predicting a Formula (1) driver’s performance, understanding how and why specific predictions are made becomes increasingly crucial. Explainability has two main goals in this context; predicting and understanding the version of the AI model. Prediction involves using techniques and tools to obtain accurate and reliable results about a driver’s performance in a race [
4]. However, this is not enough on its own. It is also critical to understand the reasons behind those predictions so that you can trust the model and make informed decisions.
By applying explainability techniques in predicting the performance of a Formula (1) driver, it seeks to identify the most influential characteristics or attributes in the prediction. This involves determining which aspects, such as results history, track characteristics, weather conditions, or previous lap times, significantly impact driver performance. Understanding these influences allows one to gain deeper insights into a pilot’s performance and make more informed decisions [
24]. In addition, explainability also makes it possible to detect possible biases or anomalies in the predictions, which provides an opportunity to correct them and improve the model’s reliability.
Various techniques are used to achieve explainability in predicting the performance of a Formula (1) driver. These can include methods such as saliency map attribution, which identifies the most prominent regions or features in the forecast, or sensitivity analysis, which assesses how predictions change when certain features change [
25]. The applicability of these techniques may vary depending on the type of model used, such as convolutional or recurrent neural networks, and the availability of data relevant to the Formula (1) context. It is essential to adapt and select the appropriate techniques for the specific case study to obtain clear and understandable explanations about the decisions made by the AI model [
2.3. Problem and Relevance of the Study
In the field of AI, the development of high-precision models is essential to achieve effective results in various applications. However, the lack of explainability of AI models has been a significant challenge limiting their adoption and trust in critical environments. Explainability refers to understanding and explaining how an AI model makes decisions and arrives at its predictions. In many cases, AI models such as recurrent neural networks (RNNs) are considered “black boxes” due to their complexity and lack of transparency in their decision-making process [
27]. This opacity can be problematic in applications where you need to understand and trust the decisions made by the model.
In the context of predicting the performance of a Formula (1) driver, explainability takes on even greater importance. Formula (1) teams invest considerable resources in data analysis to optimize the performance of their drivers. However, the inability to understand and explain the reasons behind the model’s predictions can make it difficult to make informed decisions about race strategies, vehicle tuning, and other critical aspects [
28]. The lack of explainability also affects Formula (1) fans and spectators. The ability to understand the decisions made by the AI model when predicting driver performance can enrich the experience for fans, giving them a deeper understanding of the performances on the track and generating a more significant commitment to the sport.
Therefore, this study addresses this problem by developing an approach based on recurrent neural networks and interactive visualization to improve explainability in AI systems. The goal is not only to achieve accurate forecast models but also to provide a clear understanding of how those forecasts are arrived at [
29]. The relevance of this study lies in its ability to improve the trust and adoption of AI models in the context of Formula (1) and other critical fields. By developing an approach that allows the decisions made by the AI model to be visualized and understood, Formula (1) teams will be able to make more informed decisions and optimize the performance of their drivers.
2.4. Method
This paper proposes using recurrent neural networks, specifically LSTMs (long short-term memory), to capture the sequence of decisions and internal processes of AI models [
30]. These networks are trained using annotated data with explanations, which allows learning patterns and relationships between the input features and the decisions made by the system. In addition, we use interactive visualization techniques, such as attention maps and saliency maps, to highlight essential regions and features that influence model decisions.
The methodological approach seeks to use explainability techniques to improve the understanding of the decisions made by the AI model in predicting the performance of a Formula (1) driver, as shown in
Figure 1.
2.4.1. Data Collection
Data collection is fundamental in building the model and applying explainability techniques. For this study, a dataset containing statistical information from past Formula (1) races was obtained. The data collected includes various variables relevant to analyzing a driver’s performance.
Table 1 describes some of the main characteristics of the data used.
An example of the data collected is presented in the table; these are related to the drivers’ racing history, achievements, teams in which they have competed, and scores in classifications, among others [
31]. These data allow us to have a broad context of the experience and performance of the pilots in different conditions and circuits. The data also includes detailed information about the other courses where Formula (1) races have been held. This covers characteristics such as the length of the circuit, the number and type of corners, altitude, geographical location, and other factors that may impact the pilots’ performance.
In addition, data were collected on weather conditions for past races, such as ambient temperature, humidity, wind speed and direction, and the presence of rain. These data are crucial to understanding how weather conditions can affect pilot performance and how it can be factored into the prediction model [
32]. The results of the qualifying sessions leading up to the races were recorded, including each driver’s starting grid position. These results are important indicators of the performance of the pilots and can be used as a relevant predictor variable in our model.
In the same way, the lap times of the pilots at different moments of the races were compiled. These data allow us to have a quantitative measure of each pilot’s performance during the competition. It is essential to highlight that the data collected was obtained from reliable and authorized sources, such as specialized databases and official Formula (1) records. In addition, cleaning and validation tasks were carried out to guarantee the quality and consistency of the data used in our studio.
In general, the tables used in this work are disclosed; these are from Ergast API, which provides access to historical and real-time data of Formula (1), including race results, driver classifications, circuit information, lap times, and more; these data are open source and can be downloaded from, accessed on 5 April 2023.
List of Tables:
Constructor results;
Constructor standings;
Driver standings;
Lap times;
Pit stops;
2.4.2. Data Preprocessing
Preprocessing is a critical stage in the machine learning workflow, as it ensures the quality of the data and adequately prepares it for input into the model. For processing, the data are loaded from the CSV files corresponding to the drivers, the results of the classification, and the lap times in the races, where a series of tasks are carried out to clean and transform the data. Data cleaning is a crucial stage to ensure data quality and consistency. In this case, the dropna() method has been used to remove the rows that contain missing or null values. This helps to avoid potential problems during model training and analysis.
After cleanup, the selection of the relevant columns from each table is performed. This involves choosing the features that are important for analysis and prediction. In this project, cues such as the driver identifier, the position in the classification, and the lap number have been selected. These characteristics are considered relevant for the analysis of the Formula (1) data. Once the appropriate columns have been selected, the variables are normalized, and the categorical attributes are coded if necessary [
33]. Normalization is essential to ensure that the variables are in a similar range and avoid bias in the model. This work uses the MinMaxScaler from the sci-kit learn library to normalize the numerical variables. In addition, the data are split into training and test sets using the train_test_split() function. This division is essential to evaluate the model’s performance on data not seen during training. In this project, 80% of the data has been assigned to the training set and 20% to the test set.
By performing these data preprocessing steps, the data quality is ensured, and the information is adequately prepared for input to the prediction model. This contributes to improving the accuracy and performance of the model while ensuring the validity of the conclusions and predictions obtained from the Formula (1) data.
2.4.3. Construction of the Prediction Model
The network architecture used in the prediction model is based on a recurrent neural network (RNN), specifically an LSTM (long short-term memory) neural network. This choice is due to the ability of LSTM networks to capture sequential patterns in the data, which is critical for analyzing time series such as lap times in Formula (1) races. The model implementation was completed using the TensorFlow library of Python.
The Sequential() class was used to create a sequential model in building the model. Then, an LSTM layer was added to the model using the add() function. The LSTM layer was configured with 128 units, and the ReLU activation function was used. The model input was defined by the input_shape parameter, which was set based on the shape of the training data (X_train.shape). This ensured that the model could correctly process the sequential features of the data.
The LSTM neural network is a recurrent network widely used to analyze data streams, such as time series. Unlike traditional recurrent neural networks, LSTMs are designed to overcome the problem of gradient fading and bursting, enabling the learning of long-term dependencies on the data.
The basic structure of an LSTM is made up of memory units called “memory cells”. Each memory cell has three main components: an entry gate, a forget gate, and an exit gate. These gates control the flow of information within the cell and regulate the information stored and passed to the next memory cell.
Our prediction model used an LSTM layer to capture sequential patterns in Formula (1) racing data. The LSTM layer was implemented using the Python TensorFlow library. Next, we will describe how the LSTM layer parameters were fitted in our model:
LSTM Units: We set the LSTM layer to 128 units. LSTM units represent the network’s memory capacity and determine the model’s complexity and learnability. By choosing an appropriate number of LSTM units, we seek to balance the ability to capture complex patterns in the data without overfitting the model.
Activation function: We use the activation function ReLU (Rectified Linear Unit) in the LSTM layer. The ReLU function is a nonlinear function that introduces nonlinearities into the network and helps capture nonlinear relationships in the data.
input_shape parameter: We define the model input using the input_shape parameter, which is set to the shape of the training data (X_train.shape). This ensures that the model can correctly process the sequential features of the data.
Dense layer: We add a dense (fully connected) layer to the model after the LSTM layer. This layer has only one unit since the goal is to make a single position prediction. The dense layer uses the default activation function, which in this case is linear.
Once the model was defined, it was compiled using the TensorFlow compile() method. The loss function we chose was ‘mean_squared_error’, a commonly used measure to assess the performance of regression models. The optimizer we used was ‘Adam’, which is a stochastic gradient-based optimizer that automatically adapts to different learning rates.
Next, the model was trained using the fit() method. The training data and the corresponding labels were passed to the fit() method. To make the data conform to the shape required by the LSTM model, the values.reshape() transformation was applied to the training and test data. During model training, ten epochs were run with a batch size 32. Upon completion of training, the trained model was saved to a file using the save() method. This allows us to use the model later to predict new data.
In addition to the network architecture and the parameters adopted, it is also essential to mention the model training process. A cross-validation approach was used during training to assess model performance on unseen data. The data set was divided into training and test sets of 80% and 20%, respectively. This split allowed us to train the model on one data set and evaluate its performance on a separate set.
During training, a regularization technique called dropout was applied to avoid overfitting the model. A dropout rate of 0.2 was used, which means that 20% of the units in the LSTM layer were randomly deactivated during each time step. The training process used the ‘mean_squared_error’ loss function to minimize the mean squared error between the model predictions and the actual labels. The ‘Adam’ optimizer was configured with a learning rate of 0.001 to tune the network weights efficiently. Ten epochs were performed during training, meaning the model went through the entire training data set 10 times. A batch size of 32 was used, which implies that the model weights were updated after each batch of 32 training examples.
After completing the ten training epochs, the model’s performance was evaluated using the test data set. Various metrics, such as root mean square error (MSE), mean absolute error (MAE), and coefficient of determination (R2), were calculated to assess the quality of the model’s predictions. This additional description provides a complete view of the model training process, including data splitting, dropout as a regularization technique, and the metrics used to assess model performance. This clarifies how our prediction model was trained and evaluated in the context of Formula (1).
2.4.4. Model Training
In this stage, the training of the prediction model is carried out using the preprocessed training data. The goal is to tune the weights and parameters of the model to learn to make accurate predictions about the position of drivers in Formula (1) races. The X_train training data and the corresponding y_train tags are used to train the model. These data are passed to the model’s fit() method, which performs the learning process by fitting the internal weights of the model’s layers. During training, the model performs multiple iterations called “epochs”. The model gradually adjusts weights at each epoch based on the selected loss function and optimizer [
34]. In this case, the ‘mean_squared_error’ loss function and the ‘Adam’ optimizer are used.
It is essential to monitor performance metrics during training to assess the progress and quality of the model. A commonly used metric in regression problems is the mean square error (MSE), which can be calculated at each epoch and visualize its evolution [
34]. In addition, the model’s accuracy in predicting the pilots’ position can be monitored. After training is complete, the model’s performance can be evaluated using the test data. This allows us to estimate the model’s performance on previously unseen data.
2.4.5. Application of Explainability Techniques
After the prediction model has been trained, it is essential to understand the reasons behind the decisions made by the model. To achieve this, explainability techniques are applied to obtain information on which characteristics or attributes are most relevant for predicting a driver’s performance in Formula (1). One of the techniques used is attention, which allows visualizing which parts of the input are more critical for the model output. In the case of an LSTM neural network, concentration can be calculated using the attention weights obtained during the training process. These weights represent the relative importance of each time step (t) in the input sequence.
Another commonly applied technique is the calculation of output gradients or saliency maps. These gradients provide information about how input value changes affect the model’s output. By calculating the angles concerning the input values, a measure of the importance of each feature or attribute in the prediction made by the model is obtained [
35]. These explainability techniques provide understandable explanations for the decisions made by the model in predicting pilot performance. By visualizing focus areas or saliency maps, you can identify which specific features impact the prediction most. This helps to understand which aspects of a pilot’s performance are considered by the model to be most relevant.
The explainability techniques are complemented by the analysis of the equations used in the model. For example, in an LSTM neural network, the forward and backward propagation equations presented in Equation (1) provide information about how the input stream is processed and how the internal weights of the model are updated. It is important to note that explainability techniques are often grounded in mathematical concepts and use equations to compute metrics, gradients, or weights [
36]. Using these equations allows us to obtain a more precise and quantitative understanding of the decisions made by the prediction model.
The chain rule is a fundamental equation that allows us to calculate the derivatives of composite functions. In the context of back-propagation in neural networks, the chain rule is used to compute gradients by successive application of partial products.
The chain rule equation can be expressed as follows:
F is the output function we want to derive concerning a variable x.
y is an intermediate variable related to x through a function f.
dF/dx is the derivative of F concerning x.
dF/dy is the derivative of F concerning y.
dy/dx is the derivative of y concerning x.
The chain rule allows us to decompose the total derivative dF/dx calculation into the product of the partial derivatives dF/dy and dy/dx. This is especially useful in the case of neural networks, where we have multiple layers and non-linear activation functions. Backpropagation uses the chain rule to compute the gradients at each layer of the network and adjust the weights to minimize the loss function during model training.
2.4.6. Model Evaluation and Explanations
The evaluation of the model and the explanations are two fundamental aspects of understanding and validating the prediction model’s performance, as well as the usefulness of the applied explainability techniques. For the evaluation of the performance of the prediction model, a set of tests is used to evaluate the performance of the model. For this, relevant metrics are calculated, such as precision, which allows for measuring how well the model is performing in predicting the performance of the pilots. In addition, the evaluation function provided by the machine learning library is used according to the needs of the problem.
Explainability techniques, such as attention, output gradients, or saliency maps, provide a deeper understanding of the decisions made by the model [
37]. In this stage, the explanations generated are analyzed, and their coherence and usefulness are evaluated. It is important to emphasize that the evaluation of the model and the answers must go hand in hand. Good model performance does not guarantee that explanations are robust and understandable, and vice versa. Conducting a critical and exhaustive analysis of both aspects is essential to obtain a complete and reliable vision of our prediction model.
2.4.7. Improvements and Refinements
Hyperparameter tuning is a crucial step in improving the performance and generalizability of the model. We can experiment with different settings, such as the number of LSTM units, the learning rate, the batch size, and training epochs [
38]. Through the systematic exploration of these hyperparameters, it is possible to find the optimal combination that maximizes the accuracy of the predictions. Furthermore, it is essential to consider including additional relevant features in our model. This involves carefully analyzing the available data and determining if other variables could improve the predictions’ accuracy. For example, in predicting the performance of Formula (1) drivers, one might consider including historical data from previous races, team performance, or track conditions. These additional features can provide valuable information and enrich the model’s predictive ability.
In addition to fitting the model itself, it is possible to explore different explainability techniques to better understand the model’s decisions. In addition to the explainability techniques used, such as attention and output gradients, it is possible to consider methods such as integrated gradients or the generation of explanations based on logical rules. These techniques can provide a deeper and more detailed understanding of how the model makes decisions and which features are most influential in its predictions [
39]. It is essential to assess the consistency and usefulness of the explanations provided by these techniques. We can examine whether features highlighted by explainability techniques match prior domain knowledge and whether answers are consistent across different prediction instances. Furthermore, it is possible to use specific test cases to check if the descriptions provide helpful and understandable information about why the model makes certain decisions.
During this stage of improvements and refinements, it is essential to perform an iterative cycle of experimentation, evaluation, and adjustment. In addition, we can test different hyperparameter configurations, including new features, and explore various explainability techniques. By comparing the results and continuous feedback, we can identify the most effective improvements and refinements needed to obtain a more accurate and explanatory prediction model.