The method of brackets, developed in the context of evaluation of integrals coming from Feynman diagrams, is a procedure to evaluate definite integrals over the half-line. This method consists of a small number of operational rules devoted to convert the integral into a bracket series. A second small set of rules evaluates this bracket series and produces the result as a regular series. The work presented here combines this method with the classical Mellin transform to extend the class of integrands where the method of brackets can be applied. A selected number of examples are used to illustrate this procedure.
1 Introduction
The method of brackets is a collection of rules for the evaluation of a definite integral over the half-line
The fundamental object is a bracket series, a formal expression of the form
The operational rules for bracket series are described in Section 3. One of these rules associates a value with the sum S.
The goal of the work presented here is to connect the method of brackets with the Mellin transform. Section 4 shows how to produce a series for a function starting with an analytic expression for its Mellin transform. Section 5 then uses this procedure to evaluate a variety of definite integrals. Section 6 presents a two-dimensional integral to show that the method applies directly. Finally, Section 7 shows that the method yields an incorrect power series representation of the function
2 The method of brackets
This is a method that evaluates definite integrals over the half line
is the bracket associated with the (divergent) integral on the right. The symbol
is called the indicator associated with the index n. The notation
2.1 Rules for the production of bracket series
The first part of the method is to associate with the integral
a bracket series according to the following.
It is important to observe that the index is attached to a specific representation of the integral and not just to integral itself. The experience obtained by the authors using this method suggests that, among all representations of an integral as a bracket series, the one with minimal index should be chosen.
Example 3.1
The evaluation of the elementary integral
leads to the bracket series
can be obtained from
2.2 Rules for the evaluation of a bracket series
The next rule provides a value for multi-dimensional bracket series of index 0, that is, the number of sums is equal to the number of brackets.
3 The generation of series
This section describes how to obtain a series for a function
Theorem 4.1
be the Mellin transform of a function
where the coefficient
Rule E1 now
The result in Theorem 4.1 gives no information about the convergence of the series (5). In particular, examples of functions for which such series do not exist are discussed below. These include series where all the coefficients vanish (the so-called null series) and also those for which all the coefficients blow up (the divergent series). The use of these formal series in the process of integration has been presented in [10].
Example 4.2
Then (5) reproduces the Taylor series for
Example 4.3
Example 4.2 shows that one can recover the Taylor series of elementary functions from Theorem 4.1. This example shows how to recover the series for the Bessel function
The Mellin transform
appears as entry
In order to cancel the term
and this establishes (7).
Example 4.4
The Mellin transform of the Bessel function
The usual process now gives, choosing
and this yields the series
gives the expansion
which shows that
Example 4.5
The function
This is obtained from the Mellin transform
appearing as entry 6.223 in [8] and the choice
4 The evaluation of integrals with an integrand formed by the product of two terms
The goal of this section is to present a procedure to evaluate integrals of the form
under the assumption that the function
and that the Mellin transform the second factor
is a known function.
The procedure is described in a sequence of steps. The final expression for I is given in Theorem 5.1.
Step 1. Use the method developed in Section 4 to produce a series for
This is precisely the result given in Theorem 4.1.
Step 2. Replacing (12) in (11) gives
The bracket series on the right is now evaluated to obtain
This can be expressed as
Step 3. Replace the expansions
in the integral (10) and write the x-integral as a bracket to obtain
This two-dimensional bracket series now yields solutions, depending on which index, n or k, is kept as the free one. The solutions are as follows. n free. This gives
k free. This gives
The results are now summarized as follows.
Theorem 5.1
is known. Then the integral I in (10) is given in terms of the series
The remainder of the section contains examples that illustrate Theorem 5.1.
Example 5.2
The elementary integral
is now evaluated using Theorem 5.1. The condition
so that
The series expansion for
where the parameters
Observe that the term
The integral (13) has
and this series sums to
Example 5.3
This example evaluates the integral
which appears as entry
so that
Now choose
The expression for
This confirms entry
The same procedure used in the previous example gives entry
The special case
which for
Example 5.4
The next integral evaluated is entry
An interesting point appears in this example. It will be shown that the method of brackets succeeds in the case
On the other hand, (16) shows that
The coefficient in the expansion of
The parameters
The series
This is a null series, in the sense of [10], where every coefficient vanishes.
The series
The presence of the factor
It is curious that none of the techniques developed for the method of brackets is able to produce the value of this integral for the case
Example 5.5
Example 4.4 shows that it is possible to use the method of brackets to evaluate integrals involving functions that do not have power series representations. Another example of such a function is the exponential integral function, which is defined by
This appears as entry
The evaluation of the integral
is now performed by the method of brackets.
The Mellin transform of
The integral is now obtained from
The usual procedure now shows that the series
5 A two-dimensional problem
The method described here also applies to multidimensional integrals. An example illustrating this is presented next. Consider the integral
The function
This is obtained from the methods of Section 4 using the Mellin transform
appearing as entry 6.223 in [8]. The series representation for
as given in (9). The usual procedure now yields a two-dimensional bracket series
The vanishing of the brackets gives a linear system with solutions
The method of brackets now yields
6 A curious series expansion
The process described in Section 4 produces a series for a function
in terms of the Mellin transform of f, denoted by
In this case,
and the choice
Now write
to produce
This is clearly incorrect, since the last series is
On the other hand, consider the evaluation of the integral
To compute it, use the representation obtained above
and the classical Taylor series for
to produce
The usual procedure gives two series for
a null series, so it is discarded. The second series is
The expression for
The question is why does this algorithm produces the value for the integral
Ivan Gonzalez wishes to thank the hospitality of the Mathematics Department of Tulane University while this work was being conducted.
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