MapReduce has demonstrated itself to be as a highly efficient programming model for processing massive dataset on the distributed system. One of the most important obstacles hindering the performance of MapReduce is data skewness. The presence of data skewness leads to considerable load imbalance on the reducers and performance degradation. In this paper, the problem of how to efficiently accommodate intermediate data to even up the load of all reducers is studied when encountering skewed data. A scalable sampling algorithm is used which it can observe a more precise approximate distribution of the keys by sampling only a small fraction of the intermediate data. Afterwards, it is applied to evaluate the overall distribution of the keys. In addition, we propose a sorted-balance algorithm based on sampling results: sorted-balance algorithm using scalable simple random sampling (SBaSC). This work not only puts forward a load-balanced partitioning strategy, but also proves a significant approximation ratio of SBaSC. The experiments confirm that our solution attains a better execution time and load balancing results.
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Gavagsaz, E., Rezaee, A. & Haj Seyyed Javadi, H. Load balancing in reducers for skewed data in MapReduce systems by using scalable simple random sampling. J Supercomput 74, 3415–3440 (2018). https://doi.org/10.1007/s11227-018-2391-9
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s11227-018-2391-9