Defect prediction is a well-established research area in software engineering . Prediction models in the literature do not predict defect-prone modules in different test phases. We investigate the relationships between defects and test phases in order to build defect prediction models for different test phases. We mined the version history of a large-scale enterprise software product to extract churn and static code metrics. We used three testing phases that have been employed by our industry partner, namely function, system and field, to build a learning-based model for each testing phase. We examined the relation of different defect symptoms with the testing phases. We compared the performance of our proposed model with a benchmark model that has been constructed for the entire test phase (benchmark model). Our results show that building a model to predict defect-prone modules for each test phase significantly improves defect prediction performance and shortens defect detection time. The benefit analysis shows that using the proposed model, the defects are detected on the average 7 months earlier than the actual. The outcome of prediction models should lead to an action in a software development organization. Our proposed model gives a more granular outcome in terms of predicting defect-prone modules in each testing phase so that managers may better organize the testing teams and effort.
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This research is supported in part by Turkish State Planning Organization (DPT) under the Project Number 2007K120610 and by NSERC Project number 402003-2012. We would like to thank IBM Canada Lab – Toronto site for making their development data available for research and strategic help during all phases of this research. The opinions expressed in this paper are those of the authors and not necessarily of IBM Corporation.
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Appendix: list of software metrics used in this study
Appendix: list of software metrics used in this study
Attribute | Description | Attribute | Description |
Code metrics | |||
Cyclomatic density, vd(G) | The ratio of module’s cyclomatic complexity to its length | Essential complexity, ev(G) | The degree to which a module contains unstructured constructs |
Design density,dd(G) | Condition/ decision | Cyclomatic complexity, v(G) | Number linearly independent paths |
Essential density,ed(G) | (ev(G)-1)/(v(G)-1) | Maintenance severity | ev(G)/v(G) |
Decision count | Number of decision points | Condition count | Number of conditionals |
Branch count | Number of branches | Call pairs | Number of calls to other functions |
Multiple condition count | Number of multiple conditions | Normalized cyclomatic complexity, norm v(G) | v(G) / nl. |
Unique operands | n1 | Total operators | N1 |
Total operands | N2 | Unique operators | n2 |
Difficulty (D) | 1/L | Length (N) | N1 + N2 |
Level (L) | (2/n1)*(n2/N2) | Programming effort (E) | D*V |
Volume (V) | N*log(n) | Programming time (T) | E/18 |
Vocabulary | n1+n2 | Executable LOC | Nonempty lines of code |
Churn metrics | |||
Number of edits | Number of edits done on a method | Lines Added | Total number of lines added |
Number of unique committers | Number of unique committers edited a method | Lines Removed | Total number of lines removed |
Total churn | Total number of lines edited |
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Caglayan, B., Tosun Misirli, A., Bener, A.B. et al. Predicting defective modules in different test phases. Software Qual J 23, 205–227 (2015). https://doi.org/10.1007/s11219-014-9230-x
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s11219-014-9230-x