In cloud/fog-based environments, resource management is an important and challenging process. The deadline-based workflow scheduling mechanism is a common practice in such systems to overcome the complexities of resource management. However, many proposed approaches suffer from resource overloading/underloading, ignoring volunteer and volatile resources, and acting reactively. This paper presents a load-balancing method for IoT/Fog/Cloud environments integrated with local schedulers based on predicting workload and the presence of volatile mobile nodes (as dynamic resources). The proposed approach, firstly, turns the environment into a grid of equal-sized cells to reduce the system’s complexity. Then, the overall status of intra-cell resources (overloaded, underloaded, or normal) is estimated. This estimation is done according to the workload prediction and available dynamic resources. Finally, an exhaustive search is applied to dispatch extra workflows from an overloaded cell to an underloaded one in such a way as to avoid missing workflow deadlines and improve system performance. The proposed method is intended to be scalable and decentralized by nature, allowing it to be used in large-scale settings such as smart cities. Extensive software simulation is used to evaluate and compare the proposed method to with two recently published works. The simulation results show that the proposed method outperforms others regarding job completion rate, workload variances, and time-related parameters.
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Data availability
As mentioned in reference [52], the datasets generated during and/or analysed during the current study are available online with open-source access.
- LSC:
Local scheduling component
- RAC:
Region analysis component
- WDC:
Workflow dispatching component
- SMC:
System management component
- DPC:
Data preparation component
- CCM:
Cellular coordinates map
- MTC:
Model training component
- LBP:
Load balancing plan
- RMC:
Region management component
- CMC:
Cell management component
- DFC:
Data filtering component
- BoW:
Bag of workflows
- PPC:
Pre-processing component
- TM:
Trained model
Cellular locations determination component
- OA:
Observations agent
- EDC:
Environment division component
- FD:
Filtered data
Local load balancing component
- PD:
Processed data
- ESC:
Exhaustive search component
- RD:
Raw data
- RCM:
Region cost matrix
- CSM:
Cell status message
Region status analysis component
- OB:
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Zari Shamsa: Conceptualization, Data curation, Formal analysis, Investigation, Methodology, Resources, Software, Visualization, Writing—original draft, Writing—review & editing. Ali Rezaee: Conceptualization, Investigation, Methodology, Project administration. Sahar Adabi: Supervision, Writing—original draft, Writing—review & editing, Validation, Data Curation. Amir Msoud Rahmani: Validation, Data Curation.
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Shamsa, Z., Rezaee, A., Adabi, S. et al. A distributed load balancing method for IoT/Fog/Cloud environments with volatile resource support. Cluster Comput 27, 4281–4320 (2024). https://doi.org/10.1007/s10586-024-04403-9
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s10586-024-04403-9