Write-optimized data structures (WODS), offer the potential to keep up with cyberstream event rates and give sub-second query response for key items like IP addresses. These data structures organize logs as the events are observed. To work in a real-world environment and not fill up the disk, WODS must efficiently expire older events. As the basis for our research into organizing security monitoring data, we implemented a tool, called Diventi, to index IP addresses in connection logs using RocksDB (a write-optimized LSM tree). We extended Diventi to automatically expire data as part of the data structures’ normal operations. We guarantee that Diventi always tracks the N most recent events and tracks no more than \(N+k\) events for a parameter \(k < N\), while ensuring the index is opportunistically pruned. To test Diventi at scale in a controlled environment, we used anonymized traces of IP communications collected at SuperComputing 2019. We synthetically extended the 2.4 billion connection events to 100 billion events. We tested Diventi vs. Elasticsearch, a common log indexing tool. In our test environment, Elasticsearch saw an ingestion rate of at best 37,000 events/s while Diventi sustained ingestion rates greater than 171,000 events/s. Our query response times were as much as 100 times faster, typically answering queries in under 80 ms. Furthermore, we saw no noticeable degradation in Diventi from expiration. We have deployed Diventi for many months where it has performed well and supported new security analysis capabilities.
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The anonymized traces from SuperComputing and source code for our IP address indexing tool and our test result data will be made publicly available with this publication.
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Our code and associated tools will be made publicly available with this publication.
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In the analysis section, we show in detail how the value of k derives from the values of several other parameters, but in practice k should be \( < N/3\).
\(e_{\text {hist}}\) This is slightly oversimplifying: actually \(I_{\text {compact}}\) and \(I_{\text {update}}\) both depend on ingestion rate, whereas \(e_{\text {hist}}\) actually depends on the rate of event creations, as determined by their timestamps. In a practical system, these two rates will be the same, as events should be ingested at the same rate as they are created. However, in the case of our test setup, we are ingesting a pre-generated backlog of data as fast as possible, so the ingestion rate is significantly higher than the event-creation rate.
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Sandia National Laboratories is a multimission laboratory managed and operated by National Technology and Engineering Solutions of Sandia, LLC, a wholly owned subsidiary of Honeywell International, Inc., for the U.S. Department of Energy’s National Nuclear Security Administration under Contract DE-NA0003525. This paper describes objective technical results and analysis. Any subjective views or opinions that might be expressed in the paper do not necessarily represent the views of the U.S. Department of Energy or the United States Government.
This research was funded by Sandia National Labs LDRD 218336 and 222383. We also gratefully acknowledge support from NSF Grants CCF-2118832, CCF-2106827, CCF-1725543, CSR-1763680, CCF-1716252, CNS-1938709.
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All authors contributed to the concepts, design, analysis and experimentation planning. JV and DRD lead the implementation and testing and were supervised by EDT and TMK. The initial conception and inspiration for this work was a team effort as was the writing and revisions.
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Vorobyeva, J., Delayo, D.R., Bender, M.A. et al. Using advanced data structures to enable responsive security monitoring. Cluster Comput 25, 2893–2914 (2022). https://doi.org/10.1007/s10586-021-03463-5
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s10586-021-03463-5