Document analysis tasks for which representative labeled training samples are available have been largely solved. The next frontier is coping with hitherto unseen formats, unusual typefaces, idiosyncratic handwriting and imperfect image acquisition. Adaptive and style-constrained classification methods can overcome some expected variability, but human intervention will remain necessary in many tasks. Interactive pattern recognition includes data exploration and active learning as well as access to stored documents. The principle of “green interaction” is to make use of every intervention to reduce the likelihood that the automated system will make the same mistake again and again. Some of these techniques may pop up in forthcoming personal camera-based memex-like applications that will have a far broader range of input documents and scene text than the current, successful but highly specialized, systems for patents, postal addresses, bank checks and books.
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H. Fujisawa, P. Sarkar, A. Dengel, and three savvy IJDAR referees provided excellent suggestions. I am also grateful to the EICs of IJDAR, K. Kise, D. Lopresti and S. Marinai, who are (disclosure) old friends, for inviting me to ramble.
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Nagy, G. Document analysis systems that improve with use. IJDAR 23, 13–29 (2020). https://doi.org/10.1007/s10032-019-00344-x
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s10032-019-00344-x