In this article, we show how scheduling problems can be modelled in untimed process algebra, by using special tick actions. A minimal-cost trace leading to a particular action, is one that minimises the number of tick steps. As a result, we can use any (timed or untimed) model checking tool to find shortest schedules. Instantiating this scheme to μCRL, we profit from a richer specification language than timed model checkers usually offer. Also, we can profit from efficient distributed state space generators. We propose a variant of breadth-first search that visits all states between consecutive tick steps, before moving to the next time slice. We experimented with a sequential and a distributed implementation of this algorithm. In addition, we experimented with beam search, which visits only parts of the search space, to find near-optimal solutions. Our approach is applied to find optimal schedules for test batches of a realistic clinical chemical analyser, which performs several kinds of tests on patient samples.
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Wijs, A.J., van de Pol, J.C. & Bortnik, E.M. Solving scheduling problems by untimed model checking. Int J Softw Tools Technol Transfer 11, 375–392 (2009). https://doi.org/10.1007/s10009-009-0110-9
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s10009-009-0110-9