Methods for the computation of classical Gaussian quadrature rules are described which are effective both for small and large degree. These methods are reliable because the iterative computation of the nodes has guaranteed convergence, and they are fast due to their fourth-order convergence and its asymptotic exactness for an appropriate selection of the variables. For Gauss–Hermite and Gauss–Laguerre quadratures, local Taylor series can be used for computing efficiently the orthogonal polynomials involved, with exact initial values for the Hermite case and first values computed with a continued fraction for the Laguerre case. The resulting algorithms have almost unrestricted validity with respect to the parameters. Full relative precision is reached for the Hermite nodes, without any accuracy loss and for any degree, and a mild accuracy loss occurs for the Hermite and Laguerre weights as well as for the Laguerre nodes. These fast methods are exclusively based on convergent processes, which, together with the high order of convergence of the underlying iterative method, makes them particularly useful for high accuracy computations. We show examples of very high accuracy computations (of up to 1000 digits of accuracy).
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Notice that we have changed the notation for the nodes with respect to the previous section and the index runs differently since we are considering the positive nodes.
Of course, we could use other moments, as for instance \(\displaystyle \int _{-\infty }^{\infty } e^{-x^2}dx=\sqrt{\pi }= \delta _{1,k}w_0 f(0)+2\displaystyle \sum _{j=1}^{\lfloor n/2 \rfloor } w_j f(\alpha _j)\), \(k=n-2\lfloor n/2\rfloor \).
This is a consequence of the absolute error relation (see [24, Eq. (2.13)]) \(x^{(k+1)}-\alpha \approx \frac{\displaystyle {1}}{\displaystyle {12}}A'(\alpha )(x^{(k)}-\alpha )^4\), with \(\alpha \) the root that is computed, together with the fact that for the Hermite equation \(A(x)=2n+1-x^2\), which implies that \(1-\frac{\displaystyle {x^{(k+1)}}}{\displaystyle {\alpha }} \approx \frac{\displaystyle {1}}{\displaystyle {6}}(x^{(k)}-\alpha )^4\approx \frac{\displaystyle {1}}{\displaystyle {6}}(x^{(k)}-x^{(k+1)})^4\)
A fair comparison of efficiency between different methods should be always made by using implementations in a same platform and programming language (as is the case of the codes in this paper and [14]). This means that the different codes (if available) should be translated to a same language and carefully optimized. It would be certainly interesting to coherently benchmark the different available approaches, but this is outside the scope of the present paper.
Note that all the z-values generated by \(T_{-1}\) are an increasing sequence and therefore the stopping rule is safe.
We have \(z_e-z_{l}=(\alpha ^2-1/4)^{1/4}(1+\mathcal{O}(n^{-1/2}))\) and the maximum value of A(z) is reached at \(z=z_e\), where \(A(z_e)=2(L-\sqrt{\alpha ^2-1/4})\). Therefore, the distance between consecutive nodes in the z variable can be bounded by \(\varDelta z=z_{i+1}-z_{i}>\pi /\sqrt{A(z_e)}\); with this we estimated that the number of zeros smaller than \(z_e\) is \((z_e-z_l)\sqrt{A(z_e)}/\pi \sim \frac{\displaystyle {2(\alpha ^2-1/4)^{1/4}}}{\displaystyle {\pi }}\sqrt{n}\), which is an upper bound.
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The authors thank the anonymous referees for their constructive comments and suggestions. NMT thanks CWI for scientific support.
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Gil, A., Segura, J. & Temme, N.M. Fast, reliable and unrestricted iterative computation of Gauss–Hermite and Gauss–Laguerre quadratures. Numer. Math. 143, 649–682 (2019). https://doi.org/10.1007/s00211-019-01066-2
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s00211-019-01066-2