Warner Bros Animation is creating a new series of short-form cartoons based on the studio’s iconic Looney Tunes Cartoons franchise featuring the likes of Bugs Bunny, Daffy Duck and the gang that will harken to the original Looney Tunes theatrical shorts. The studio said today multiple artists will produce 1-6 minute shorts “written” and drawn by the cartoonists allowing their own personality and style to come through.
The plan is to produce 1,000 minutes each season, with the content to be distributed across multiple platforms including digital, mobile and broadcast.
“The Looney Tunes are one of the most beloved group of animated characters in the world,” said Sam Register, president of Warner Bros Animation and Warner Digital Series. “Looney Tunes Cartoons places these characters into the hands of some of the best artists in the business and into an animated shorts format that will remind many of the time when they first fell in love with Bugs, Daffy, Porky and the rest of the gang.”
The series will be produced by Warner Bros Animation and features veteran Looney Tunes voice cast members including Eric Bauza, Jeff Bergman and Bob Bergen. Register and Peter Browngardt are executive producers.