Jiawen Li et al.: 3-D Voxel-Based Reconstruction of Multiple Objects Buried in Layered Media by VBIM Hybridized With Unsupervised Machine Learning. (2022)journals/tgrs/LiCZH2210.1109/TGRS.2021.30896313-D Voxel-Based Reconstruction of Multiple Objects Buried in Layered Media by VBIM Hybridized With Unsupervised Machine Learning.4Jiawen Li1Yanjin Chen2Jianliang Zhuo3Feng Han 000541-12IEEE Trans. Geosci. Remote. Sens.IEEE Trans. Geosci. Remote. Sens.602022provenance information for RDF data of dblp record 'journals/tgrs/LiCZH22'2022-01-21T21:58:40+0100