Jill B. De Vis et al.: Non-invasive MRI measurements of venous oxygenation, oxygen extraction fraction and oxygen consumption in neonates. (2014)journals/neuroimage/VisPAGVBBH1410.1016/J.NEUROIMAGE.2014.03.060Q57983998Non-invasive MRI measurements of venous oxygenation, oxygen extraction fraction and oxygen consumption in neonates.8Jill B. De Vis1E. T. Petersen2Tanja Alderliesten3Floris Groenendaal4Linda S. de Vries5Frank van Bel6Manon J. N. L. Benders7Jeroen Hendrikse8185-192NeuroImageNeuroImage952014provenance information for RDF data of dblp record 'journals/neuroimage/VisPAGVBBH14'2018-11-14T10:24:53+0100