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Link to original content: https://dblp.uni-trier.de/rec/conf/vlsid/AketiMS18.rdf
Sai Aparna Aketi et al.: Single-Error Hardened and Multiple-Error Tolerant Guarded Dual Modular Redundancy Technique. (2018) conf/vlsid/AketiMS18 10.1109/VLSID.2018.71 Single-Error Hardened and Multiple-Error Tolerant Guarded Dual Modular Redundancy Technique. 3 Sai Aparna Aketi 1 Joycee Mekie 2 Hemal Shah 3 250-255 VLSID VLSID 2018 2018 provenance information for RDF data of dblp record 'conf/vlsid/AketiMS18' 2023-03-24T00:03:59+0100