Alexandre Braga Gomes et al.: Evaluating the Relationship of Personality and Teamwork Quality in the Context of Agile Software Development. (2020)conf/seke/SilvaVPAAPG2010.18293/SEKE2020-158Evaluating the Relationship of Personality and Teamwork Quality in the Context of Agile Software Development.7Alexandre Braga Gomes1Manuel Silva2Dalton Cézane Gomes Valadares3Mirko Barbosa Perkusich4Danyllo Albuquerque5Hyggo O. Almeida6Angelo Perkusich7311-316SEKESEKE20202020provenance information for RDF data of dblp record 'conf/seke/SilvaVPAAPG20'2021-06-11T15:03:43+0200