Héloïse de Vareilles et al.: A Longitudinal Study of the Evolution of the Central Sulcus' Shape in Preterm Infants Using Manifold Learning. (2019)conf/miccai/VareillesSBFLVG1910.1007/978-3-030-32875-7_16A Longitudinal Study of the Evolution of the Central Sulcus' Shape in Preterm Infants Using Manifold Learning.10Héloïse de Vareilles1Zhongyi Sun 00032Manon J. N. L. Benders3Clara Fischer4François Leroy5Linda S. de Vries6Floris Groenendaal7Denis Rivière8Jessica Dubois9Jean-François Mangin10143-152SUSI/PIPPI@MICCAISUSI/PIPPI@MICCAI20192019provenance information for RDF data of dblp record 'conf/miccai/VareillesSBFLVG19'2024-02-15T16:58:30+0100