Jianfeng Wu et al.: Investigating the Effect of Tau Deposition and Apoe on Hippocampal Morphometry in Alzheimer's Disease: A Federated Chow Test Model. (2022)conf/isbi/WuSRCCTWW2210.1109/ISBI52829.2022.9761576Investigating the Effect of Tau Deposition and Apoe on Hippocampal Morphometry in Alzheimer's Disease: A Federated Chow Test Model.8Jianfeng Wu1Yi Su2Eric M. Reiman3Richard J. Caselli4Kewei Chen 00015Paul M. Thompson6Junwen Wang7Yalin Wang 000181-5ISBIISBI20222022provenance information for RDF data of dblp record 'conf/isbi/WuSRCCTWW22'2024-05-07T20:01:37+0200