Axel Wismüller et al.: A flexible machine learning image analysis system for high-precision computer-assisted segmentation of multispectral MRI data sets in patients with multiple sclerosis. (2006)conf/isbi/WismullerMBLJRA0610.1109/ISBI.2006.1625171Q60540288A flexible machine learning image analysis system for high-precision computer-assisted segmentation of multispectral MRI data sets in patients with multiple sclerosis.7Axel Wismüller1Anke Meyer-Bäse2Johannes Behrends3Oliver Lange4Miriana Jukic5Maximilian F. Reiser6Dorothee Auer71328-1331ISBIISBI20062006provenance information for RDF data of dblp record 'conf/isbi/WismullerMBLJRA06'2019-06-02T21:23:15+0200