Provider: Schloss Dagstuhl - Leibniz Center for Informatics
Database: dblp computer science bibliography
Content:text/plain; charset="utf-8"
ID - DBLP:conf/imr/ItohSIYF98
AU - Itoh, Takayuki
AU - Shimada, Kenji
AU - Inoue, Keisuke
AU - Yamada, Atsushi
AU - Furuhata, Tomotake
TI - Automated Conversion of 2D Triangular Mesh into Quadrilateral Mesh with Directionality Control.
BT - Proceedings of the 7th International Meshing Roundtable, IMR 1998, Dearborn, Michigan, USA, October 26-28, 1998
SP - 77
EP - 86
PY - 1998//
UR -
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