Nathan Schneider 0001 University, Washington, DC, USANathan SchneiderNathan Schneider 0002University of Colorado, Boulder, CO, USA KranzleinNathan Schneider 0001Kevin TobiaCuRIAM: Corpus Re Interpretation and Metalanguage in U.S. Supreme Court Opinions.4247-42582024LREC/COLING AoyamaChihiro TaguchiNathan Schneider 0001J-SNACS: Adposition and Case Supersenses for Japanese Joshi.9604-96142024LREC/COLING WeissweilerNina BöbelKirian GuillerSantiago HerreraWesley Samuel ScivettiArthur LorenziNurit MelnikArchna BhatiaHinrich SchützeLori S. LevinAmir ZeldesJoakim NivreWilliam Croft 0001Nathan Schneider 0001UCxn: Typologically-Informed Annotation of Constructions Atop Universal Dependencies.16919-169322024LREC/COLING WeinNathan Schneider 0001Lost in Translationese? Reducing Translation Effect Using Abstract Meaning Representation.753-7652024EACL (1) AoyamaNathan Schneider 0001Modeling Nonnative Sentence Processing with L2 Language Models.4927-49402024EMNLP BehzadAmir ZeldesNathan Schneider 0001To Ask LLMs about English Grammaticality, Prompt Them in a Different Language.15622-156342024EMNLP (Findings) WeissweilerNina BöbelKirian GuillerSantiago HerreraWesley ScivettiArthur LorenziNurit MelnikArchna BhatiaHinrich SchützeLori S. LevinAmir ZeldesJoakim NivreWilliam Croft 0001Nathan Schneider 0001UCxn: Typologically Informed Annotation of Constructions Atop Universal Dependencies.2024abs/2403.17748CoRR OpitzShira WeinNathan Schneider 0001Natural Language Processing RELIES on Linguistics.2024abs/2405.05966CoRR BehzadKeisuke SakaguchiNathan Schneider 0001Amir ZeldesELQA: A Corpus of Metalinguistic Questions and Answers about English.2031-20472023ACL (1) GesslerNathan Schneider 0001Syntactic Inductive Bias in Transformer Language Models: Especially Helpful for Low-Resource Languages?238-2532023CoNLL BehzadAmir ZeldesNathan Schneider 0001Sentence-level Feedback Generation for English Language Learners: Does Data Augmentation Help?53-592023INLG (Generation Challenges) ZeldesNathan Schneider 0001Are UD Treebanks Getting More Consistent? A Report Card for English UD.2023abs/2302.00636CoRR WeinNathan Schneider 0001Translationese Reduction using Abstract Meaning Representation.2023abs/2304.11501CoRR KranzleinNathan Schneider 0001Kevin TobiaCuRIAM: Corpus re Interpretation and Metalanguage in U.S. Supreme Court Opinions.2023abs/2305.14719CoRR ReynoldsNathan Schneider 0001Aryaman AroraCGELBank Annotation Manual v1.0.2023abs/2305.17347CoRR OpitzShira WeinJulius SteenAnette FrankNathan Schneider 0001AMR4NLI: Interpretable and robust NLI measures from semantic graphs.2023abs/2306.00936CoRR GesslerNathan Schneider 0001Syntactic Inductive Bias in Transformer Language Models: Especially Helpful for Low-Resource Languages?2023abs/2311.00268CoRR WeinNathan Schneider 0001Accounting for Language Effect in the Evaluation of Cross-lingual AMR Parsers.3824-38342022COLING GesslerNathan Schneider 0001Joseph C. LedfordAustin BlodgettXposition: An Online Multilingual Database of Adpositional Semantics.1824-18302022LREC AroraNitin VenkateswaranNathan Schneider 0001MASALA: Modelling and Analysing the Semantics of Adpositions in Linguistic Annotation of Hindi.5696-57042022LREC AoyamaNathan Schneider 0001Probe-Less Probing of BERT's Layer-Wise Linguistic Knowledge with Masked Word Prediction.195-2012022NAACL-HLT (Student Research Workshop) NaseemAustin BlodgettSadhana KumaravelTim O'GormanYoung-Suk Lee 0001Jeffrey FlaniganRamón Fernandez AstudilloRadu FlorianSalim RoukosNathan Schneider 0001DocAMR: Multi-Sentence AMR Representation and Evaluation.3496-35052022NAACL-HLT PrangeNathan Schneider 0001Lingpeng KongLinguistic Frameworks Go Toe-to-Toe at Neuro-Symbolic Language Modeling.4375-43912022NAACL-HLT EmersonNatalie SchluterGabriel StanovskyRitesh KumarAlexis PalmerNathan Schneider 0001Siddharth SinghShyam RatanProceedings of the 16th International Workshop on Semantic Evaluation (SemEval-2022).2022SemEval@NAACL EmersonNatalie SchluterGabriel StanovskyRitesh KumarAlexis PalmerNathan Schneider 0001Siddharth SinghShyam RatanProceedings of the 16th International Workshop on Semantic Evaluation, SemEval@NAACL 2022, Seattle, Washington, United States, July 14-15, 2022SemEval@NAACLAssociation for Computational Linguistics2022978-1-955917-80-3 WeinLucia DonatelliEthan RickerCalvin EngstromAlex NelsonNathan Schneider 0001Spanish Abstract Meaning Representation: Annotation of a General Corpus.2022abs/2204.07663CoRR BehzadKeisuke SakaguchiNathan Schneider 0001Amir ZeldesELQA: A Corpus of Questions and Answers about the English Language.2022abs/2205.00395CoRR AroraNitin VenkateswaranNathan Schneider 0001MASALA: Modelling and Analysing the Semantics of Adpositions in Linguistic Annotation of Hindi.2022abs/2205.03955CoRR ReynoldsAryaman AroraNathan Schneider 0001CGELBank: CGEL as a Framework for English Syntax Annotation.2022abs/2210.00394CoRR WeinZhuxin WangNathan Schneider 0001Measuring Fine-Grained Semantic Equivalence with Abstract Meaning Representation.2022abs/2210.03018CoRR BehzadAmir ZeldesNathan Schneider 0001Sentence-level Feedback Generation for English Language Learners: Does Data Augmentation Help?2022abs/2212.08999CoRR PrangeNathan Schneider 0001Draw mir a Sheep: A Supersense-based Analysis of German Case and Adposition Semantics.291-306202135Künstliche Intell.3 PrangeNathan Schneider 0001Vivek SrikumarSupertagging the Long Tail with Tree-Structured Decoding of Complex Categories.243-26020219Trans. Assoc. Comput. Linguistics BlodgettNathan Schneider 0001Probabilistic, Structure-Aware Algorithms for Improved Variety, Accuracy, and Coverage of AMR Alignments.3310-33212021ACL/IJCNLP (1) GesslerNathan Schneider 0001BERT Has Uncommon Sense: Similarity Ranking for Word Sense BERTology.539-5472021BlackboxNLP@EMNLP KranzleinNelson F. LiuNathan Schneider 0001Making Heads and Tails of Models with Marginal Calibration for Sparse Tagsets.4919-49282021EMNLP (Findings) KaridiYichu ZhouNathan Schneider 0001Omri AbendVivek SrikumarPutting Words in BERT's Mouth: Navigating Contextualized Vector Spaces with Pseudowords.10300-103132021EMNLP (1) ManningNathan Schneider 0001Referenceless Parsing-Based Evaluation of AMR-to-English Generation.114-1222021Eval4NLP F. LiuDaniel HershcovichMichael KranzleinNathan Schneider 0001Lexical Semantic Recognition.49-562021MWE@ACL-IJCNLP PalmerNathan Schneider 0001Natalie SchluterGuy EmersonAurélie HerbelotXiaodan Zhu 0001Proceedings of the 15th International Workshop on Semantic Evaluation, SemEval@ACL/IJCNLP 2021, Virtual Event / Bangkok, Thailand, August 5-6, 2021.SemEval@ACL/IJCNLPAssociation for Computational Linguistics2021978-1-954085-70-1 AroraNitin VenkateswaranNathan Schneider 0001Hindi-Urdu Adposition and Case Supersenses v1.0.2021abs/2103.01399CoRR GesslerShira WeinNathan Schneider 0001Supersense and Sensibility: Proxy Tasks for Semantic Annotation of Prepositions.2021abs/2103.14961CoRR BlodgettNathan Schneider 0001Probabilistic, Structure-Aware Algorithms for Improved Variety, Accuracy, and Coverage of AMR Alignments.2021abs/2106.06002CoRR Schneider 0001Amir ZeldesMischievous Nominal Constructions in Universal Dependencies.2021abs/2108.12928CoRR KranzleinNelson F. LiuNathan Schneider 0001Making Heads and Tails of Models with Marginal Calibration for Sparse Tagsets.2021abs/2109.07494CoRR GesslerNathan Schneider 0001BERT Has Uncommon Sense: Similarity Ranking for Word Sense BERTology.2021abs/2109.09780CoRR SzubertOmri AbendNathan Schneider 0001Samuel GibbonSharon GoldwaterMark SteedmanCross-linguistically Consistent Semantic and Syntactic Annotation of Child-directed Speech.2021abs/2109.10952CoRR KaridiYichu ZhouNathan Schneider 0001Omri AbendVivek SrikumarPutting Words in BERT's Mouth: Navigating Contextualized Vector Spaces with Pseudowords.2021abs/2109.11491CoRR KranzleinEmma ManningSiyao PengShira WeinAryaman AroraBradford SalenNathan Schneider 0001PASTRIE: A Corpus of Prepositions Annotated with Supersense Tags in Reddit International English.2021abs/2110.12243CoRR PrangeNathan Schneider 0001Lingpeng KongOracle Linguistic Graphs Complement a Pretrained Transformer Language Model: A Cross-formalism Comparison.2021abs/2112.07874CoRR NaseemAustin BlodgettSadhana KumaravelTim O'GormanYoung-Suk Lee 0001Jeffrey FlaniganRamón Fernandez AstudilloRadu FlorianSalim RoukosNathan Schneider 0001DocAMR: Multi-Sentence AMR Representation and Evaluation.2021abs/2112.08513CoRR TrottTiago Timponi TorrentNancy ChangNathan Schneider 0001(Re)construing Meaning in NLP.5170-51842020ACL AroraLuke GesslerNathan Schneider 0001Supervised Grapheme-to-Phoneme Conversion of Orthographic Schwas in Hindi and Punjabi.7791-77952020ACL AbendDotan DvirDaniel HershcovichJakob PrangeNathan Schneider 0001Cross-lingual Semantic Representation for NLP with UCCA.1-92020COLING (Tutorial) HershcovichNathan Schneider 0001Dotan DvirJakob PrangeMiryam de LhoneuxOmri AbendComparison by Conversion: Reverse-Engineering UCCA from Syntax and Lexical Semantics.2947-29662020COLING ManningShira WeinNathan Schneider 0001A Human Evaluation of AMR-to-English Generation Systems.4773-47862020COLING PengYang Liu 0213Yilun ZhuAustin BlodgettYushi ZhaoNathan Schneider 0001A Corpus of Adpositional Supersenses for Mandarin Chinese.5986-59942020LRECélie HerbelotXiaodan Zhu 0001Alexis PalmerNathan Schneider 0001Jonathan MayEkaterina ShutovaProceedings of the Fourteenth Workshop on Semantic Evaluation, SemEval@COLING 2020, Barcelona (online), December 12-13, 2020SemEval@COLINGInternational Committee for Computational Linguistics2020978-1-952148-31-6 PengYang Liu 0213Yilun ZhuAustin BlodgettYushi ZhaoNathan Schneider 0001A Corpus of Adpositional Supersenses for Mandarin Chinese.2020abs/2003.08437CoRR ManningShira WeinNathan Schneider 0001A Human Evaluation of AMR-to-English Generation Systems.2020abs/2004.06814CoRR AroraLuke GesslerNathan Schneider 0001Supervised Grapheme-to-Phoneme Conversion of Orthographic Schwas in Hindi and Punjabi.2020abs/2004.10353CoRR F. LiuDaniel HershcovichMichael KranzleinNathan Schneider 0001Lexical Semantic Recognition.2020abs/2004.15008CoRR TrottTiago Timponi TorrentNancy ChangNathan Schneider 0001(Re)construing Meaning in NLP.2020abs/2005.09099CoRR HershcovichNathan Schneider 0001Dotan DvirJakob PrangeMiryam de LhoneuxOmri AbendComparison by Conversion: Reverse-Engineering UCCA from Syntax and Lexical Semantics.2020abs/2011.00834CoRR PrangeNathan Schneider 0001Vivek SrikumarSupertagging the Long Tail with Tree-Structured Decoding of Complex Categories.2020abs/2012.01285CoRR AbendNathan Schneider 0001Dotan DvirJakob PrangeAri RappoportUCCA's Foundational Layer: Annotation Guidelines v2.1.2020abs/2012.15810CoRR PrangeNathan Schneider 0001Omri AbendMade for Each Other: Broad-Coverage Semantic Structures Meet Preposition Supersenses.174-1852019CoNLL BlodgettNathan Schneider 0001An Improved Approach for Semantic Graph Composition with CCG.55-702019IWCS (1) BlodgettNathan Schneider 0001An Improved Approach for Semantic Graph Composition with CCG.2019abs/1903.11770CoRR PrangeNathan Schneider 0001Omri AbendSemantically Constrained Multilayer Annotation: The Case of Coreference.2019abs/1906.00663CoRR PrangeNathan Schneider 0001Omri AbendMade for Each Other: Broad-coverage Semantic Structures Meet Preposition Supersenses.2019abs/1909.08796CoRR Schneider 0001Jena D. HwangVivek SrikumarJakob PrangeAustin BlodgettSarah R. MoellerAviram SternAdi BitanOmri AbendComprehensive Supersense Disambiguation of English Prepositions and Possessives.185-1962018ACL (1) RohdeAlexander JohnsonNathan Schneider 0001Bonnie L. WebberDiscourse Coherence: Concurrent Explicit and Implicit Relations.2257-22672018ACL (1) Schneider 0001Leaving no token behind: comprehensive (and delicious) annotation of MWEs and supersenses.52018LAW-MWE-CxG@COLING DonatelliMichael ReganWilliam Croft 0001Nathan Schneider 0001Annotation of Tense and Aspect Semantics for Sentential AMR.96-1082018LAW-MWE-CxG@COLING WalshClaire BonialKristina GeeraertJohn P. McCraeNathan Schneider 0001Clarissa SomersConstructing an Annotated Corpus of Verbal MWEs for English.193-2002018LAW-MWE-CxG@COLING RamischSilvio Ricardo CordeiroAgata SavaryVeronika VinczeVerginica Barbu MititeluArchna BhatiaMaja BuljanMarie CanditoPolona GantarVoula GiouliTunga GüngörAbdelati HawwariUxoa Iñurrieta UrmenetaJolanta KovalevskaiteSimon KrekTimm LichteChaya LiebeskindJohanna MontiCarla Parra EscartínBehrang QasemiZadehNathan Schneider 0001Ivelina StoyanovaAshwini VaidyaAbigail WalshEdition 1.1 of the PARSEME Shared Task on Automatic Identification of Verbal Multiword Expressions.222-2402018LAW-MWE-CxG@COLING HocketYaguang LiuYifang WeiLisa SinghNathan Schneider 0001Detecting and Using Buzz from Newspapers to Understand Patterns of Movement.5336-53382018IEEE BigData BlodgettNathan Schneider 0001Semantic Supersenses for English Possessives.2018LRECconf/lrec/2018db/conf/lrec/lrec2018.html#BlodgettS18 BonialBianca BadarauKira GriffittUlf HermjakobKevin KnightTim O'GormanMartha PalmerNathan Schneider 0001Abstract Meaning Representation of Constructions: The More We Include, the Better the Representation.2018LRECconf/lrec/2018db/conf/lrec/lrec2018.html#BonialBGHKOPS18 LiuYi ZhuWanxiang CheBing Qin 0001Nathan Schneider 0001Noah A. SmithParsing Tweets into Universal Dependencies.965-9752018NAACL-HLT SzubertAdam LopezNathan Schneider 0001A Structured Syntax-Semantics Interface for English-AMR Alignment.1169-11802018NAACL-HLT SavaryCarlos RamischJena D. HwangNathan Schneider 0001Melanie AndresenSameer PradhanMiriam R. L. PetruckProceedings of the Joint Workshop on Linguistic Annotation, Multiword Expressions and Constructions, LAW-MWE-CxG@COLING 2018, Santa Fe, New Mexico, USA, August 25-26, 2018LAW-MWE-CxG@COLINGAssociation for Computational Linguistics2018978-1-948087-51-3 LiuYi ZhuWanxiang CheBing Qin 0001Nathan Schneider 0001Noah A. SmithParsing Tweets into Universal Dependencies.2018abs/1804.08228CoRR Schneider 0001Jena D. HwangVivek SrikumarJakob PrangeAustin BlodgettSarah R. MoellerAviram SternAdi BitanOmri AbendComprehensive Supersense Disambiguation of English Prepositions and Possessives.2018abs/1805.04905CoRR ZhuYang Liu 0213Siyao PengAustin BlodgettYushi ZhaoNathan Schneider 0001Adpositional Supersenses for Mandarin Chinese.2018abs/1812.02317CoRR Schneider 0001Chuck WootersThe NLTK FrameNet API: Designing for Discoverability with a Rich Linguistic Resource.1-62017EMNLP (System Demonstrations) RohdeAnna DickinsonNathan Schneider 0001Annie LouisBonnie L. WebberExploring Substitutability through Discourse Adverbials and Multiple Judgments.2017IWCS(1) D. HwangArchna BhatiaNa-Rae HanTim O'GormanVivek SrikumarNathan Schneider 0001Double Trouble: The Problem of Construal in Semantic Annotation of Adpositions.178-1882017*SEM Schneider 0001Nianwen XueProceedings of the 11th Linguistic Annotation Workshop, LAW@EACL 2017, Valencia, Spain, April 3, 2017LAW@ACLAssociation for Computational Linguistics2017978-1-945626-39-5 D. HwangArchna BhatiaNa-Rae HanTim O'GormanVivek SrikumarNathan Schneider 0001Coping with Construals in Broad-Coverage Semantic Annotation of Adpositions.2017abs/1703.03771CoRR Schneider 0001Chuck WootersThe NLTK FrameNet API: Designing for Discoverability with a Rich Linguistic Resource.2017abs/1703.07438CoRR Schneider 0001Jena D. HwangArchna BhatiaNa-Rae HanVivek SrikumarTim O'GormanOmri AbendAdposition Supersenses v2.2017abs/1704.02134CoRR RohdeAnna DickinsonNathan Schneider 0001Christopher N. L. ClarkAnnie LouisBonnie L. WebberFilling in the Blanks in Understanding Discourse Adverbials: Consistency, Conflict, and Context-Dependence in a Crowdsourced Elicitation Task.2016LAW@ACL Schneider 0001Jena D. HwangVivek SrikumarMeredith GreenAbhijit SureshKathryn CongerTim O'GormanMartha PalmerA Corpus of Preposition Supersenses.2016LAW@ACL HollensteinNathan Schneider 0001Bonnie L. WebberInconsistency Detection in Semantic Annotation.2016LREC Schneider 0001Dirk HovyAnders JohannsenMarine CarpuatSemEval-2016 Task 10: Detecting Minimal Semantic Units and their Meanings (DiMSUM).546-5592016SemEval@NAACL-HLT Schneider 0001Jena D. HwangVivek SrikumarMeredith GreenKathryn CongerTim O'GormanMartha PalmerA corpus of preposition supersenses in English web reviews.2016abs/1605.02257CoRR Kshirsagar 0001Sam ThomsonNathan Schneider 0001Jaime G. CarbonellNoah A. SmithChris DyerFrame-Semantic Role Labeling with Heterogeneous Annotations.218-2242015ACL (2) Schneider 0001Vivek SrikumarJena D. HwangMartha PalmerA Hierarchy with, of, and for Preposition Supersenses.112-1232015LAW@NAACL-HLT Schneider 0001What I've learned about annotating informal text (and why you shouldn't take my word for it).152-1572015LAW@NAACL-HLT QuGabriela FerraroLiyuan ZhouWeiwei HouNathan Schneider 0001Timothy BaldwinBig Data Small Data, In Domain Out-of Domain, Known Word Unknown Word: The Impact of Word Representations on Sequence Labelling Tasks.83-932015CoNLL Schneider 0001Jeffrey FlaniganTim O'GormanThe Logic of AMR: Practical, Unified, Graph-Based Sentence Semantics for NLP.4-52015HLT-NAACL F. BakerNathan Schneider 0001Miriam R. L. PetruckMichael EllsworthGetting the Roles Right: Using FrameNet in NLP.10-122015HLT-NAACL Schneider 0001Noah A. SmithA Corpus and Model Integrating Multiword Expressions and Supersenses.1537-15472015HLT-NAACL QuGabriela FerraroLiyuan ZhouWeiwei HouNathan Schneider 0001Timothy BaldwinBig Data Small Data, In Domain Out-of Domain, Known Word Unknown Word: The Impact of Word Representation on Sequence Labelling Tasks.2015abs/1504.05319CoRR Das 0001Desai ChenAndré F. T. MartinsNathan Schneider 0001Noah A. SmithFrame-Semantic Parsing.9-56201440Comput. Linguistics1 Schneider 0001Emily DanchikChris DyerNoah A. SmithDiscriminative Lexical Semantic Segmentation with Gaps: Running the MWE Gamut.193-20620142Trans. Assoc. Comput. Linguistics T. MordowanecNathan Schneider 0001Chris DyerNoah A. SmithSimplified Dependency Annotations with GFL-Web.121-1262014ACL (System Demonstrations) BhatiaChu-Cheng LinNathan Schneider 0001Yulia TsvetkovFatima Talib Al-RaisiLaleh RoostapourJordan BenderAbhimanu KumarLori S. LevinMandy SimonsChris DyerAutomatic Classification of Communicative Functions of Definiteness.1059-10702014COLING KongNathan Schneider 0001Swabha SwayamdiptaArchna BhatiaChris DyerNoah A. SmithA Dependency Parser for Tweets.1001-10122014EMNLP Schneider 0001Spencer OnufferNora KazourEmily DanchikMichael T. MordowanecHenrietta ConradNoah A. SmithComprehensive Annotation of Multiword Expressions in a Social Web Corpus.455-4612014LREC TsvetkovNathan Schneider 0001Dirk HovyArchna BhatiaManaal FaruquiChris DyerAugmenting English Adjective Senses with Supersenses.4359-43652014LREC ThomsonBrendan O'Connor 0001Jeffrey FlaniganDavid BammanJesse DodgeSwabha SwayamdiptaNathan Schneider 0001Chris DyerNoah A. SmithCMU: Arc-Factored, Discriminative Semantic Dependency Parsing.176-1802014SemEval@COLING Schneider 0001Reut TsarfatyDesign Patterns in Fluid Construction Grammar Luc Steels (editor) Universitat Pompeu Fabra and Sony Computer Science Laboratory, Paris Amsterdam: John Benjamins Publishing Company (Constructional Approaches to Language series, edited by Mirjam Fried and Jan-Ola Östman, volume 11), 2012, xi+332 pp; hardbound, ISBN 978-90-272-0433-2, €99.00, $149.00.447-453201339Comput. Linguistics2 Schneider 0001Brendan O'Connor 0001Naomi SaphraDavid BammanManaal FaruquiNoah A. SmithChris DyerJason BaldridgeA Framework for (Under)specifying Dependency Syntax without Overloading Annotators.51-602013LAW@ACL BanarescuClaire BonialShu CaiMadalina GeorgescuKira GriffittUlf HermjakobKevin KnightPhilipp KoehnMartha PalmerNathan Schneider 0001Abstract Meaning Representation for Sembanking.178-1862013LAW@ACL TsvetkovNaama TwittoNathan Schneider 0001Noam OrdanManaal FaruquiVictor ChahuneauShuly WintnerChris DyerIdentifying the L1 of non-native writers: the CMU-Haifa system.279-2872013BEA@NAACL-HLT OwoputiBrendan O'Connor 0001Chris DyerKevin GimpelNathan Schneider 0001Noah A. SmithImproved Part-of-Speech Tagging for Online Conversational Text with Word Clusters.380-3902013HLT-NAACL Schneider 0001Behrang MohitChris DyerKemal OflazerNoah A. SmithSupersense Tagging for Arabic: the MT-in-the-Middle Attack.661-6672013HLT-NAACL Schneider 0001Brendan O'Connor 0001Naomi SaphraDavid BammanManaal FaruquiNoah A. SmithChris DyerJason BaldridgeA framework for (under)specifying dependency syntax without overloading annotators.2013CoRR Schneider 0001Behrang MohitKemal OflazerNoah A. SmithCoarse Lexical Semantic Annotation with Supersenses: An Arabic Case Study.253-2582012ACL (2) MohitNathan Schneider 0001Rishav BhowmickKemal OflazerNoah A. SmithRecall-Oriented Learning of Named Entities in Arabic Wikipedia.162-1732012EACL GimpelNathan Schneider 0001Brendan O'Connor 0001Dipanjan Das 0001Daniel MillsJacob EisensteinMichael HeilmanDani YogatamaJeffrey FlaniganNoah A. SmithPart-of-Speech Tagging for Twitter: Annotation, Features, and Experiments.42-472011ACL (2) Das 0001Nathan Schneider 0001Desai ChenNoah A. SmithProbabilistic Frame-Semantic Parsing.948-9562010HLT-NAACL ChenNathan Schneider 0001Dipanjan Das 0001Noah A. SmithSEMAFOR: Frame Argument Resolution with Log-Linear Models.264-2672010SemEval@ACL AbendFatima Talib Al-RaisiMelanie AndresenTatsuya AoyamaAryaman AroraRamón Fernandez AstudilloBianca BadarauCollin F. BakerJason BaldridgeTimothy BaldwinDavid BammanLaura BanarescuShabnam BehzadJordan BenderArchna BhatiaRishav BhowmickAdi BitanAustin BlodgettNina BöbelClaire BonialMaja BuljanShu CaiMarie CanditoJaime G. CarbonellMarine CarpuatVictor ChahuneauNancy ChangWanxiang CheDesai ChenChristopher N. L. ClarkKathryn CongerHenrietta ConradSilvio CordeiroSilvio Ricardo CordeiroWilliam Croft 0001Emily DanchikDipanjan Das 0001Anna DickinsonJesse DodgeLucia DonatelliDotan DvirChris DyerJacob EisensteinMichael EllsworthGuy EmersonCalvin EngstromCarla Parra EscartínManaal FaruquiGabriela FerraroJeffrey FlaniganRadu FlorianAnette FrankPolona GantarKristina GeeraertMadalina GeorgescuLuke GesslerSamuel GibbonKevin GimpelVoula GiouliSharon GoldwaterMeredith GreenKira GriffittKirian GuillerTunga GüngörNa-Rae HanAbdelati HawwariMichael HeilmanAurélie HerbelotUlf HermjakobSantiago HerreraDaniel HershcovichJulia HocketNora HollensteinWeiwei HouDirk HovyJena D. HwangAnders JohannsenAlexander JohnsonTaelin KaridiNora KazourKevin KnightPhilipp KoehnLingpeng KongJolanta KovalevskaiteMichael KranzleinSimon KrekMeghana Kshirsagar 0001Abhimanu KumarRitesh KumarSadhana KumaravelJoseph C. LedfordYoung-Suk Lee 0001Lori S. LevinMiryam de LhoneuxTimm LichteChaya LiebeskindChu-Cheng LinNelson F. LiuYaguang LiuYang Liu 0213Yijia LiuAdam LopezArthur LorenziAnnie LouisEmma ManningAndré F. T. MartinsJonathan MayJohn P. McCraeNurit MelnikDaniel MillsVerginica Barbu MititeluSarah R. MoellerBehrang MohitJohanna MontiMichael T. MordowanecTahira NaseemAlex NelsonJoakim NivreBrendan T. O'Connor 0001Brendan O'Connor 0001Kemal OflazerTim O'GormanSpencer OnufferJuri OpitzNoam OrdanOlutobi OwoputiAlexis PalmerMartha PalmerSiyao PengMiriam R. L. PetruckSameer PradhanJakob PrangeBing Qin 0001Lizhen QuCarlos RamischAri RappoportShyam RatanMichael ReganBrett ReynoldsEthan RickerHannah RohdeLaleh RoostapourSalim RoukosKeisuke SakaguchiBradford SalenNaomi SaphraAgata SavaryNatalie SchluterHinrich SchützeWesley ScivettiWesley Samuel ScivettiEkaterina ShutovaMandy SimonsLisa SinghSiddharth SinghNoah A. SmithClarissa SomersVivek SrikumarGabriel StanovskyMark SteedmanJulius SteenAviram SternIvelina StoyanovaAbhijit SureshSwabha SwayamdiptaIda SzubertChihiro TaguchiSam ThomsonKevin TobiaTiago Timponi TorrentSean TrottReut TsarfatyYulia TsvetkovNaama TwittoUxoa Iñurrieta UrmenetaAshwini VaidyaNitin VenkateswaranVeronika VinczeAbigail WalshZhuxin WangBonnie L. WebberYifang WeiShira WeinLeonie WeissweilerShuly WintnerChuck WootersNianwen XueDani YogatamaBehrang Q. ZadehBehrang QasemiZadehAmir ZeldesYushi ZhaoLiyuan ZhouYichu ZhouXiaodan Zhu 0001Yi ZhuYilun Zhu