Seokjoong Hwang et al.: Resource Efficient Implementation of Low Power MB-OFDM PHY Baseband Modem With Highly Parallel Architecture. (2012)journals/tvlsi/HwangHKPM1210.1109/TVLSI.2011.2148132Resource Efficient Implementation of Low Power MB-OFDM PHY Baseband Modem With Highly Parallel Architecture.5Seokjoong Hwang1Youngsun Han2Seon Wook Kim3Jongsun Park 00014Byung Gueon Min51248-1261IEEE Trans. Very Large Scale Integr. Syst.IEEE Trans. Very Large Scale Integr. Syst.2072012provenance information for RDF data of dblp record 'journals/tvlsi/HwangHKPM12'2020-06-15T16:55:17+0200