Shah Zeb et al.: Analysis of Beyond 5G Integrated Communication and Ranging Services Under Indoor 3-D mmWave Stochastic Channels. (2022)journals/tii/ZebM0GG2210.1109/TII.2022.3146166Analysis of Beyond 5G Integrated Communication and Ranging Services Under Indoor 3-D mmWave Stochastic Channels.5Shah Zeb1Aamir Mahmood2Syed Ali Hassan 00013Mikael Gidlund4Mohsen Guizani57128-7138IEEE Trans. Ind. InformaticsIEEE Trans. Ind. Informatics18102022provenance information for RDF data of dblp record 'journals/tii/ZebM0GG22'2022-07-25T08:39:56+0200