Tao Peng et al.: H-ProMed: Ultrasound image segmentation based on the evolutionary neural network and an improved principal curve. (2022)journals/pr/PengZGWWCC2210.1016/J.PATCOG.2022.108890H-ProMed: Ultrasound image segmentation based on the evolutionary neural network and an improved principal curve.7Tao Peng 00131Jing Zhao2Yidong Gu3Caishan Wang4Yiyun Wu5Xiuxiu Cheng6Jing Cai7108890Pattern Recognit.Pattern Recognit.1312022provenance information for RDF data of dblp record 'journals/pr/PengZGWWCC22'2024-02-05T20:15:59+0100