David Unbehaun et al.: Facilitating Collaboration and Social Experiences with Videogames in Dementia: Results and Implications from a Participatory Design Study. (2018)journals/pacmhci/UnbehaunAVWTW1810.1145/3274444Q114298285Facilitating Collaboration and Social Experiences with Videogames in Dementia: Results and Implications from a Participatory Design Study.6David Unbehaun1Konstantin Aal2Daryoush Daniel Vaziri3Rainer Wieching4Peter Tolmie5Volker Wulf6175:1-175:23Proc. ACM Hum. Comput. Interact.Proc. ACM Hum. Comput. Interact.2CSCW2018provenance information for RDF data of dblp record 'journals/pacmhci/UnbehaunAVWTW18'2023-09-30T10:23:22+0200