Provider: Schloss Dagstuhl - Leibniz Center for Informatics
Database: dblp computer science bibliography
Content:text/plain; charset="utf-8"
ID - DBLP:journals/neuroimage/LiCLTCZ24
AU - Li, Sijin
AU - Cao, Xueying
AU - Li, Yiwei
AU - Tang, Yuyao
AU - Cheng, Si
AU - Zhang, Dandan
TI - Enhancing ventrolateral prefrontal cortex activation mitigates social pain and modifies subsequent social attitudes: Insights from TMS and fMRI.
JO - NeuroImage
VL - 292
SP - 120620
PY - 2024//
DO - 10.1016/J.NEUROIMAGE.2024.120620
UR -
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