Suvarna Nadendla et al.: ECO: the Evidence and Conclusion Ontology, an update for 2022. (2022)journals/nar/NadendlaJMQMOHG2210.1093/NAR/GKAB1025ECO: the Evidence and Conclusion Ontology, an update for 2022.13Suvarna Nadendla1Rebecca C. Jackson2James B. Munro3Federica Quaglia4Bálint Mészáros5Dustin Olley6Elizabeth T. Hobbs7Stephen M. Goralski8Marcus C. Chibucos9Christopher J. Mungall10Silvio C. E. Tosatto11Ivan Erill12Michelle G. Giglio131515-1521Nucleic Acids Res.Nucleic Acids Res.50D12022provenance information for RDF data of dblp record 'journals/nar/NadendlaJMQMOHG22'2024-10-06T21:35:33+0200