Ha Manh Luu et al.: Automatic scan range for dose-reduced multiphase CT imaging of the liver utilizing CNNs and Gaussian models. (2022)journals/mia/LuuWMFNLMLVLLDT22a10.1016/J.MEDIA.2022.102422Automatic scan range for dose-reduced multiphase CT imaging of the liver utilizing CNNs and Gaussian models.13Ha Manh Luu1Theo van Walsum2Hong Son Mai3Daniel Robert Franklin4Thi Thu Thao Nguyen5Thi My Le6Adriaan Moelker7Van Khang Le8Dang Luu Vu9Ngoc Ha Le10Tran Quoc Long11Trinh Chu Duc12Nguyen Linh Trung13102422Medical Image Anal.Medical Image Anal.782022provenance information for RDF data of dblp record 'journals/mia/LuuWMFNLMLVLLDT22a'2022-10-02T15:43:34+0200