Muthu Rama Krishnan Mookiah et al.: Application of higher-order spectra for automated grading of diabetic maculopathy. (2015)journals/mbec/MookiahACMTKCTL1510.1007/S11517-015-1278-7Q56775677Application of higher-order spectra for automated grading of diabetic maculopathy.9Muthu Rama Krishnan Mookiah1U. Rajendra Acharya2Vinod Chandran3Roshan Joy Martis4Jen Hong Tan5Joel E. W. Koh6Chua Kuang Chua7Louis Tong8Augustinus Laude91319-1331Medical Biol. Eng. Comput.Medical Biol. Eng. Comput.53122015provenance information for RDF data of dblp record 'journals/mbec/MookiahACMTKCTL15'2024-08-04T19:49:10+0200