Dirk Horstmann: Generalizing the Keller-Segel Model: Lyapunov Functionals, Steady State Analysis, and Blow-Up Results for Multi-species Chemotaxis Models in the Presence of Attraction and Repulsion Between Competitive Interacting Species. (2011)journals/jns/Horstmann1110.1007/S00332-010-9082-XGeneralizing the Keller-Segel Model: Lyapunov Functionals, Steady State Analysis, and Blow-Up Results for Multi-species Chemotaxis Models in the Presence of Attraction and Repulsion Between Competitive Interacting Species.1Dirk Horstmann1231-270J. Nonlinear Sci.J. Nonlinear Sci.2122011provenance information for RDF data of dblp record 'journals/jns/Horstmann11'2022-10-02T15:41:59+0200