Aryan Kaushik et al.: Towards 6G: Spectrally efficient joint radar and communication with radio frequency selection, interference and hardware impairments (invited paper). (2022)journals/iet-spr/KaushikVTNC2210.1049/SIL2.12131Q113854894Towards 6G: Spectrally efficient joint radar and communication with radio frequency selection, interference and hardware impairments (invited paper).5Aryan Kaushik1Evangelos Vlachos2John S. Thompson3Maziar M. Nekovee4Fraser K. Coutts5851-863IET Signal Process.IET Signal Process.1672022provenance information for RDF data of dblp record 'journals/iet-spr/KaushikVTNC22'2023-08-28T21:43:41+0200